

Level up! Level up!

You reached level 5!

You learned the skill, Gambit.

You learned the skill, Dagger Mastery.

You learned the skill, Blade Flurry.

You have 6 free stat points to allocate.


Bjorn laid back against the mossy forest floor, letting out a sigh of relief. His heart was still racing from the exhilaration of the battle, and the faint pain in his torn arms slowly started to grow.

'Haah… that was almost as fun as taking on other players. I'd do that again!'

Now that he finally had a moment to rest, Bjorn opened up his stat page with a thought.


Player: Eric The Red


Level 5


Health: 25/234

Mana: 100/100


Title: Overmatched


Class: None



STR- 12 (+3 ATK, +2 HP)

STM- 11 (+10 HP)

AGL- 16 (+5 SPD)

INT- 10 (5 MATK)

WIS- 10 (+5 MANA, +2 MATK)


Free Stat Points Available: 6



Gambit Lvl 1(Passive): When below 10% Hp, deal an extra 5% damage.

Dagger Mastery Lvl 1(Passive): Deal an extra 1% damage with short-bladed weapons.

Blade Flurry Lvl 1(Active): Launch three quick attacks, each dealing (ATK)*0.6 physical damage to the target. This damage can crit.


Compared to what he had in his previous life, it was pretty unimpressive. That said, this was something he'd gained on his own, with no help from any assistants.

Even his weapons were acquired from his own hard work, though not in the typical way.


Green Tooth (Common):

Attack: 12

A dagger forged by a novice blacksmith. It is green for some unknown reason.


Rusty Dagger (Common):

Attack: 2

Looks to be trash.


Bjorn didn't bother checking the stats on the buckler, as he didn't intend to use it at any point. Once he arrived in town, he could sell it off for some extra money.

After taking a few moments to rest and examine his stats, Bjorn slowly pulled himself back to his feet. It would take a while for his health to regenerate, so he didn't want to get into another fight quite yet.

If another field boss showed up, he would be doomed.

Once he was back up, Bjorn walked over to a small pile of loot laying where the massive chicken had been before. There were a few feathers cradling a chunk of meat, a hard beak, and a small swirling orb.

Bjorn snatched up the spherical object, a bit of surprise on his face.

'A magical orb, from the first creature I've hunted?! My friends always complained about how impossible these were to get, am I just super lucky?'

When he tried to check the stats, though, the item was just listed as material.

It would be useful if he wanted to make his own wand or staff, but for now, there wasn't any use for it.

He wouldn't really be able to use it until he unlocked his first class anyway, and even then it would be limited until he gained the mage class.

'It's fine if I have to wait a while, it'll all be worth it eventually.'

Tucking the valuable material and the other drops into his inventory, Bjorn withdrew a different item. The continental travel scroll.

Over the past week, he'd had plenty of time to think about where the best starting places would be, not that it was of that much use since he hadn't ever put much attention into the open-world part of the game.

In the end, he decided on Northun. As the name suggested, it was in the center of the north. It was only a few weeks' travel west from his current location by horse- even faster if he forked out money to use travel portals in major cities- but he wasn't going to waste that kind of time.

'One of the game's greatest mages rose from the north, one of LNP Gaming- a powerful org's- star players. Endmage.

He was always decked out with the best stuff… if I run into him there, I can get myself some nice drops. Also…'

Bjorn's fingers curled as he remembered his death.

He knew that he had been healthy up until the tournament. He wouldn't randomly collapse and start spitting up blood.

Someone had to have put something in that energy bar he bit into.

'I'll climb back up to the top, with my own team this time. I'll crush every team back to back, until I can figure out who it was who poisoned me!'

Darknessfour's team weren't the only possible culprits. They were the first obvious people that came to mind, but he couldn't be certain it was them.

Refocusing on the present and imagining the location in his mind, Bjorn crushed the travel slip, and the world around him turned white.

Everything faded away, and the world was blank for a few moments.

What looked a bit like line art started to appear, depicting a run-down city street. It got continuously more detailed as Bjorn stood there, and after a few seconds, the line art started becoming a regular landscape.

'A special animation that only comes with teleportation skills… It's a bit disorientating, but I'll have to get used to it eventually.'

Bjorn had some devious tricks up his sleeve for the future, utilizing similar abilities.

After glancing around and seeing that the surroundings seemed to be in a considerably worse state than where he started out, Bjorn stepped out of the alleyway and started walking down the street.

There were countless players running about, excited to finish their first missions and leave the city to hunt monsters.

Most of them would return a short while later to find better equipment or level up a few more times, as the monsters outside most places were enough to take down the majority of players.

'Hm, and it's a perfect opportunity for me. As soon as I have enough health, I'll head back out to… *farm* some more equipment.'

After walking to a slightly better section of the Eastern-European themed medieval town, Bjorn stopped in front of a very official-looking shop.

A golden-engraved sign hung over the entrance, declaring the building as a trade center.

A light doorbell rang as the young man pushed in through the door, and he was mildly surprised to see exclusively NPCs inside. Most places had already been overrun by players, and he would think that a fancy-looking place like this one would've been included.

"Are you here to apply for a job?"

Before he could approach the counter, an employee stepped in front of him, blocking his path.

"Nope. Selling items."

"Hm? Okay then, let me see what you have."

Bjorn withdrew the trashy buckler from his inventory, then passed it over to the NPC.

The worker almost looked disgusted to have to hold such a lowly product, but he still took it from Bjorn.

"Utter trash. How did you even find something in such a poor state?"

The worker tossed it down onto the countertop, unwilling to hold it any longer.

"I'll only give you 7 coppers for trash like that."