A Npc?! (Part 2nd)


What a choice you request- it had always laid beside you, only you were the one who was held the blindfold,


The blood running through the pale fragile palm dripping from his arm to elbow, cleaning the holy ground in red with such a warm thick red liquid...

*huff huff....*

That lad with a weak physique clasps the sharp shinning rapier's blade on the edge of his palm, which was aiming to cut the thin line into multiple slices of two identical halves, leaving the lady with those brown hairs spreading to her hip and her face sweety and reden with those eyes as red as ruby shining in an enigma, and certain rage, who was the one holding the swords rare end swinging to wipe his existence out,


"Please...I just... Wanna agh... Go home...please..." he begged hissing through his lips which were half-cut and were now bleeding, raising his gaze as dark as space shinning with millions of stars of hopes that had yet to be fulfilled, asking for a life from the goddess in armour, "Please..."

And he falls onto the gravel ground of that small shrine which was built on the top of the cliff, his system has led him to Mt. Sacres between the beauty that can't be stowed without any pollution or much population of the human or human-like figure, just endless rifts of greenery and a scent of freshness that only laid in this place which had sucked him into, a place within that video game, that he found on limited edition (only one out of none), and was barging for a whole day in front of his gang but at last,

Karma hits harder! But fate is not so cruel...

'At least, I will die in such a beautiful place by such a sharp sword held by such a ravishing lady' he thought with a calming heart, finding the silver lining in his fate, before losing all grip on his reality,

[System shutting down- due to extreme loss of vital blood]

But who said he was at peace?

'But...Still why my heart is not satisfied? '

[System demolishing starting in 1... 2...]

Is this how it ends? An 18-year-old whose dreams are going to demolish within a game?!

[Mission abort! Mission abort! System restoring in progress...]

Wait what?! How is it possible?!

[50%... 60%... ]

I'm not dying?!


But... How---

[80%... 90%... ]

I don't have any more lifelines! And still--

[100% System restored!

Name- Sebuku

Strength - mirror fighting

Weakness- sword fighting, Martial arts

Lifeline- only one

Mission- final( break the jewel to return to the home menu )

Clue- 'Jewel is not an artifact, it's Arcadium that blooms with the blood but don't give too much, or else you may forfeit what has been yours to perish for.'

Note- beware of the weakness, it may turn your head or let you live one more life ]





Wind flows twirling in the green valley of Mt. Sacres, within serenity,

The limp body of the boy called Sebuku, which was now half naked to his abdomen, trembles as if life had returned to the dead, but intense distress pesters inside his whole body originating from his left arm to his chest,

'What-- what is the pain?' he thought, curling a fist to the left, it was the same hand that held that blade, but, still try...



"It will pain even more if you try right now, the medicine I have applied will take certainly some time to show its effect" a very familiar female voice, but unexpectedly soft but still husky interrupted his sluggish progression, and he opened his eyes at once, it was the same an ancient shrine and the voice...he looked to the origins of the voice, that left him in awe-

'It's her'

"Shocked to be alive?" she grinned, sitting on the stairs of the shrine, her long thread-like hair shifting with the wind filled with the fragrance of the same freshness as before,

"Agh...Why?...Why? Why didn't you kill--"

"Candidly, You are going to be the first one who would have survived my rapier in these ten million years" She chuckled and turned merrily as if it wasn't a big deal but on the other hand--

"But why me? " it was!

Such a complicated question in such innocence, that even the grinning goddess slumbers her head down away from those dark eyes, her cheeks blushing with pink shades that glitter in the sunlight illuminate that Mt. Sacres, in its glory,

"Don't think I spare your life, I don't do any favor, at least that's not in my blood but The riddle was finally solved, so you were not to be killed by me anymore"

she declared at that moment almost as the wind echoed throughout the valley but it was true her lips moved leaving the boy baffled,

"Agh...What riddle?! "

In awe, she jolted her head looking with wide round eyes of shining red searching into his eyes which were so lamb-

"Jewel is not an artifact, it's Arcadium that blooms with the blood but don't give too much, or else you may forfeit what has been yours to perish for, the answer is 'Home', The home is what blooms with bloodline and hard work but if you try to hard work too much..."

"Home will be wreaked by the ambitions" Pushing to his hand, finally he stood his back from the cold floor looking towards the dazzling lady who grin with the widest of the most beautiful smile, he ever witnessed,

"So, that means I can return home now?! "

"Aye," She nods heartily but there was a steering emotion in those eyes of hers as she rotated her head away from that boy,

'Is she trying to say something? ' he thought syncretizing,

However, he was so lost to cry it any loud, that he just sit there looking at the maiden, whose thin fingers were continuously twisting into her hair threads that appear so unrealistic as those Barbie dolls have,

'Where is such living killer beauty present in my world? ' He only move his right hand momentarily which was injured but now was coated with a green leafy-like paste, to grab his T-Shirt- which was torn from it's both sleeves and was dirty as if it was soaked in a mud puddle from a year or so, who could even claim it was someday as white as snow!

Abruptly, breaking the bubbles of his running thoughts, she turned her face back again, stopping his breath for once, she opened her thin stomatal shaped full lips, as she commence in her depth serious voice-


"But?! "

Only a bunch of birds chirping flew over the shrine of which in the center that orb with luminous mystical light was laminating to afar, and wind that was touching his bare chest delicately, and something was thumping inside his skin- his heart, his veins, his brain, everything was close to busting,

'What is it? Why is there so suffocating tension suddenly?! '

"You have to kill me," she let out lifting her eyes in impassivity, taking all the heartbeat away from that boy,

And now he could hear his heart beating even though his ears- harder, faster, harder, making his breath up and down, and vision blurring and blurring as if slipping through reality,

"Why couldn't you just listen to me once?! "

"Martha! We have to do it for the sake of family! "

"Mommy! Please don't go! "

'What why?! I know these voices...'

almost as if...it was A heart attack... Almost as if all those voices were strangling him to death, that he couldn't fight even if he desire to, it was a paralysis!

Until, once,

He is engulfed in a void of swoon,

Now it was exceptionally silent...like the top of Mt. Sacres...soothing, the wind strokes throughout his body like a massage, and his nose could sniff the scent of those ample roses of all colors, that grew only near that holy shrine,

[System establishment initiating...]

'Eh? '

And he felt a force pushing him against the gravity downwards like all the force laid upon his chest- on his heart which was now palpitation as if a tick-tick time boom almost close to busting anytime-

'Nuff...Agh... Why my head is reeling? '

But now it wasn't darkness anymore,

"Sebuku, I must return, they are my people! " the lady with red eyes who was dressed in the common earth clothes of a shirt and jeans cried thudding her hand to the wall,

"You are Martha now, not Caduceus anymore!" a more mature version of him screamed.

'Caduceus... Martha...ooze...'


He dropped to the ground right onto his back!

[Ding Ding]

[Welcome back to Aegis, sebuku! (Party pop)

Last mission remark- fortune saved your head!

New abilities- martial art, knife fight, fire wings, Driom

Weakness- blood relation, thin arms

Remark- if you lead the water, you will discover the deepest relation]

'Never gets old, do you?!' he cursed, feeling a fracture to one of his ribs,

But, the bottom feels comparatively soft and moist like bedding than last time- when the system drops him onto a plateau of gravel,

"Agh...Where? Where...am I " he opened one of his, his hand circling his chest to compress the pain that was ascending to his shoulder,

But, what is a thing that nature couldn't treat?!

[This is the aspro garden, in the northeast to the central hub, I'll

This is famous for its dazzling white flowers that bloom only during spring]

And it wasn't false,

It was indeed a grassland but a splendid one, with those little white glittering flowers like a clove leave, it was spring just like...last time although it's winter in the real world and the fragrance which was the fruit like sweet,

But,' The terrain is different last time at the northeast of the central hub was Mt. Sacres but here... No mountain appears to be the largest distance from my laying view ' he pinned,


[many of the couples in aegis come to visit during this season because the strong fragrance that the garden emits is used to arouse sexual desires and delusion, this is why it is also called the 'garden of lovebirds']

but, it was futile for this man whose face scrunched-

"Ha! Love?! Made for stupid! " he chuckled in hate, spitting onto the ground filled with thin hair like grass, the blood that had coagulated into his mouth, and finally stand on his own two feet,

"System, collect a bunch of flowers! we are going to meet an old lover here! " he commanded wiping his lips,

*present day, Death hell, Aegis*

The sun was hanging on the horizon it was dusk when we call,

A very filthy place with soil as white as ash and trees as pale as a corpse, where the dead weren't dead and alive weren't alive, it was the westmost corner of the central hub, the most dreaded end of all the corner,

Where a group of dozen cyclops had surrounded a tree like a murder of crows, and smoke was rising from the fire that they have set nearby for a big party tonight,

"What do you yearn for, pretty lady? " the Cyclops with only one big eye to its forehead smiled twirling its dense knife of almost a human's half arm to the golden-headed girl's face, who was tied to one of those lifeless white trees,

"Ha!" she chuckled and looked away from his drooling face that was dreaming of either flying or baking her, that almost drop more entertaining for him-

"What is laughable in such a tragic situation? "

"tragic as if? "

"Tragic for such a high-yield beauty to be consumed by some meager cyclops " he laughed pressing the tip of a knife into her collarbone, that she moar but still laughed with her eyes closed,

"Ha! I haven't laughed that much in a decade"

"Laugh as much as you want, soon you will cry for your life! " a purple face cyclops grit his teeth,

"She wouldn't be enough for all of us though," one said in a very miserable voice but, the one with the knife looked at him cheerfully

"Even a little will satisfy our appetite, this girl is symbolic of the central hub which has been one-sided forever, today we will devour that awful attitude that's imposed on us! "

"We will! " the crowd was filled with unexpected enthusiasm,

"The water is boiled! " someone cried near the majestic bonfire,

And all the eyes shine in a different Evil glow of a predator,

"Kill! Kill! "

"Kill,! Kill!"

"Time to bath, beautiful " The one with the knife withdraw it from her collarbone and bring it to a height before sending it with all its force- attempting to slice her in two identical halves, but,

The knife dropped from that gigantic hands onto the ground, everyone stood stunned, but-

"How...do... How? "

The girl who was supposed to be food for all although a little like a dessert to all stood drawing her sword through that knife cyclops from his chest to the other side with a flash of intense lightening, still smiling-

"Well, did you seriously think I was so weak after being a high-yield beauty? I was just restoring my vital energy from time-space traveling otherwise you would all be dead....in a blink of an eye"

"Agh! He's my brother! " another ran flashing his sword that was even bigger than towards her to cut her into tiny pieces, that she twisted her sword and cut through that knife guy's chest it beheaded his brother-

"And I'm the king's knight!"

Leaving everything, all the frightened Cyclops started to run away for life,

She was a clear death!

And how could she let anyone escape?!

"Ha! Where are you running?! The feast has just begun! " she cried like a hungry monster, and leap over the rest populace- that was driven by trepidation with a vigorous smile steady with her sword -

"Mercy! Mercy! "

"Agh!!!! Ahh!! Your highness!!!! "

"Mer---!!! "

"Aghhhhhh!!!!! "

And then silence...

The whole soil as white as cinder has been nourished with thick red blood and several bodies lying lifeless of the gigantic demons and one alive- a high-yield beauty who was supposed to be slaughtered but....what a tragedy...

Bloodbathed, she smiles with a curl of her lip, swinging her sword which had glitters of blood sparkling onto its moist lustrous blade-

"Soi, I have to applaud your little trick, you were never here, it was a pre-planned distraction to distract me by hopping from destiny to destiny... But what an unfortunately you are still an ant compared to my years of living"

And she plunges her sword down, and a strong light translucent light emits from her blade that was almost like the sun in the hour of no light but... Then, the sun dimmed and she or her blade was no longer there just a dozen corpses lying around a cold bonfire that was inducing smoke and ash to fly in the land of red blood...

*present-day, community hall, Midgard*

"This can only be considered the beginning of the uprising! Until we are truly consumed! " Principal Matthew cried thudding his fist,

"Sir please relax! " queen put her hand on his shoulder,

However, it was already too late to stop!

"We are all going to DIE!!!! " someone cried, and the whole room was back into a panic state of upcoming death,

"Dad!! " "Dennis!!!! "

"I don't want to die!!! "

"It's an alien invasion! They will fry us with their laser! "

Many of them fainted and were

But there were even positive ones-

"Everyone calm down! Stay cool! "

But how can they simply be?!

"no one is dying, think positive! "

How can they?!

The political teacher who was a proud arrogant lady hurried through the rush and sat next to the principal sir, with a very frightful manifestation on her face-

"You can not just chant tales based on your fantasy, sir please remember your duty as principal, and please help calm the students! "

"Calming is not enough, they need to be protected, they need protector" he smiled through his wrinkled lips in a mindless smile, and the lady looked away frowning, as she stood,

But then,

"Someone help Shu fainted! And now is bubbling white form out! " someone a girl cried and the whole whine started to cry even more, in a flash of light King jumped through the crowd to the hotspot, trying to help!

Everyone was Sensing how close death has reached!

"I thought you were our only choice and now you have gone all in your delusion! " she said grinding her teeth and then moved away to inspect the situation, without taking a glance back to the old man whose smile had withered but his hand stood firm to his chest,

'Martha...I can't understand any'


"Sir...Are we going to die? " the queen asked through her terry eyes clutching to the side of the insane principal,

To which innocence, his tarnished smile returns with confidence and certainty, as he clutches to his core chest and another gently stroking her messed hair- with blonde bangs, commencing unbuttoning his collar button, and took out the chain which was around his neck in the silver shade which anybody hardly notice ever that he wore,

And extend it out from his chest- revealing a finger size key-like structure in almost all full form which sparks in an esoteric lustrous, that even she couldn't get her eyes off that,

"Don't worry, We still have a key to survive..." he beamed show-offing,

The key to 3-H