complicated relationship

Live like a dead lily, even when dead it still spreads the scent- sometimes best sometimes like a rotten rat

*Few moments before, in the community hall*

"The key to the 3- H find me the land where Caduceus belongs!" and the old principal plunges the lustrous key into the wreaked door knob in an uncertain enthusiasm,

A silence swept the hall!

That whole hall halted their breaths, hands on their chest and eyes broadened without a blink about to witness another fiction that was going to turn out to be true!

'Is it going to Happen?! '

'It will happen- now-now- NOW!!! ' and he smiled in utmost confidence eyeing the rugged door as if waiting for delicious food!

*a few moments after 'A few moments before ', in the community hall*

The hall was still drowned in speechlessness and the hushing rapid wind that swirled outside

But like an old medieval priest, he again cried-

"Er...sir? "

"Maybe I should try one more time" he proposed to which many students shook their heads in uncertainty, but still hope was on this bet!

The aged principal took a step back, filling his lungs with fresh air, he cried at the top most of his lungs-

"The key to the 3- H find me the land where Caduceus BELONGS!"

*Present day, community hall*

"I want something! " that girl whose hot pink hair lock fell to both sides of her ears and rest tied into a messy bun at the top of her skull, cried spreading her bitter back onto the tiled floor,

"Do you want water?"

"No, I want poison! I'm tired of waiting! "

"We have rat poison and naphthalene balls, would it count? " the ponytail guy said in a very serious and hussy tone,

That, abruptly, she gain consciousness and jumped to the other side as she gulped her saliva down, still beware like a lamb in a lion's den -

'He can no doubt do such a thing...he even has a cage filled with rats whom he calls his pets and always stays indulged in the chemistry lab- maybe---he is even preparing a poison to wipe out our planet, who knows?

First rats then we students and at last whole mankind! '

"Hey, you still want? "

"No no, I was quipping, Dio... Don't take any of my words seriously! "

To which he frowns, but she sighs-

'God, I'm saved'


"The key to the 3- H find me....the land-the land where Caduceus belongs! Gods! what am I doing wrong?!" Principal Mathew cried in irritation and punched his fist into the lashed door that he had dragged with all his vital force now was doing not even one useful thing, how useless!

"Maybe you were just living in a dream, sir," the king said putting his hand on the geriatric guy's bony shoulder, however, in contrast

"Or, maybe you have lost any syllable in the sentence" the queen declared, through the corner of her round gaze looking at her newly appointed lover (first) with a lethal glance!

"or maybe he had simply lost his mind? " the pink-haired girl chuckled mumbling to that ponytail tiny-eyed guy, who was crouched emotionlessly beside her,

But, then she turned her face towards his perfect jawed face and sighed-

"Dio, *sigh* let me reconsider, I think rat poison is my best choice than witnessing this fucking drama before my death!"

However, it drew him to a more gloominess, but still a grin rise to his thin lips out of blues-

"Yeah, rats are best"

'What is that look of distress and pride at the same time? Didn't it suppose to make him happy I am ready to taste his poison? ' she questioned herself, but unexpectedly something knocked inside her skull, as she leap a bit over his arm with concern-

"Dio, your rats...? "

"You can't save everyone, no matter what everything is meant to wither away in the end," stroking his hair, he said with a faint forced smile as if attempting to console himself,

The discomfort of his was even sewing her heart in as she softly moved her hand over his arm, soothing him in silence,

'I just hope mom will be alright out there' she wished putting her head on his unexpectedly athletic shoulder,


"Agh...There must be... There must brain has been rotting!" the sleepyhead uncle drinker cried pulling his hair,

But, as far as he could see he saw a void!

'Martha.... '

[if ever you face a mischievous apocalypse-like condition, you have to have this key,(She draws out the lustrous copper-shaded key and pushes it into the principal's palm was then youthful and less wrinkled) Once shoved into the keyhole, you have to chant the words- "The key to the 3- H find/lead me the land where Caduceus belongs!"

' But, why not lil' brother? Why are you telling me this, not Nick, he's your husband and Ooze's father?! ' he asked baffled, to which she giggles-

You know why, you know it all! The reason, the truth, all!! Don't you, Janus? ]

"Sir...Sir? " teren cautiously jolted his arm asking, fetching him back to light by accident from the void which was about to engulf him in whole,

"Ye--Yes" He looked at the youth's face with his wrinkled face which was sweating profoundly,

"Sir, I think you must take some rest first, overworking will only bring harm to your body"

"I--okay" he agreed in disagreement,

'I will save you ooze no matter what! '

And with the help of the offered hand of the king, he stand up and started to follow his lead,

"Bring some water for Principal Matthew! " the king cried ordering, driving the feeble old guy to another corner for some fresh air, to get the fantasy or sycretsophania out of his head-

However, he also acknowledges,

' But surely the things that happen today were beyond the physical term- first that girl then the sudden storm which was not even predicted by the weather forecast, then his nephew just vanish from the hall and that girl reappear breaking the door and again vanish, huff! god, I need fresh air too! '

But on the other hand,

Putting the hand under her chin, and her narrow eyes examining the wreaked door from tip to toe,

'What could he possibly miss?'

She touched the cold metal door as if it was freezing, but it was a moderate temperature inside, but she slides her hand from the crest to downwards as if seducing the door,

"The spell? " she said,

'He chants the same spell without changing a word over and over again either he missed some word or maybe the problem want with the spell '

Her hand touched the frostiness key that was dug into the keyhole as she looked down as said-

"The key to the 3- H find me the land where Caduceus belongs"

However, abruptly she rotated the key into the hole,




"Nothing?! " she frowned and bang her first to the crest of the solid metal in rage,

'Rubish, the spell is wrong! Or maybe I'm wrong! ' and she veers around, towards the group of people who were showing their teeth to her idiocy

"Ha! Seems like Door doesn't like the Queen either!"

"This seduction can only work on Teren, ha! "

"Shut up everybody or else, I will kill each one of you! " the king cried from the end of the crowd still supporting the principal,

But, she stays quiet and bends her head clinging her fingers into a fist, a bite her lip but is still silent, she started to walk away from that goddamn door,


"Coming! You don't have to smash my poor door! Already, I have just the salary to fill my belly how will I afford it if something happens to my door?! " the feminine familiar voice echoed coming from the wrecked door,

Leaving everyone baffled,

'Is there a ghost of the door? '

As it begins to glow in white light from its border, with light bulbs flickering again, but this time intensely! Almost reaching zero light! That everyone moved away from the door as far as they could, but, she, the most popular girl in this school til morning stood there the closest to that glowing mystical door glancing at the door with her wide gaze,

"Who is playing with the light out there? If it's Cece, I'm surely going to kick your ass once I get out! " the voice cried again,


"Lena, get away from the door! Get away from the door! " he cry from the end of the crowd, but as if she was miles away and couldn't hear him at all, without moving any nerve her face glowed with that white light until,

*Tap tap*

The voice of the taping of the foot also grew closer, and the heart of the queen started to beat like a hammer, and at back, he, her protagonist was rushing through the blank group, crying at the top of his lungs-

"Lena! LENA!!! "

Leaving the principal, who was also glancing at the glowing door from the end of the crowd with a mindless smile--

"To the Caduceus"


The flickering bulbs in the stage area boom with a crackling sound as if a balloon blasted,


"Ah!! "

That everyone bends covering their heads, but, the queen still stood there like a living being who had peeked into Medusa's eyes,

But her heart, her lungs were close to busting...

When the glowing dead door finally unlocks itself and a figure emerges, a very familiar figure through the newly formed compartment into the wall-

"It's... You " the queen let out in awe, glancing at the female figure with those golden hair and neon eyes...

'Goddess? '

*Present day, Maze of Onyx*

"What can an imposter like you help me get the answers I seek?! " he squinted and turned his back to the goddess,

"Ouch, how can you call an old acquaintance imposter? That's rude " snorting, she commented strolling her bare thin line marble feet towards the splashed water pool configuration,

"Ha! Acquaintance? I have lived my 17 years of life in a world where every person is ordinary and isn't a shapeshifter, then how come you be someone I call an acquaintance? You are not even on the closest list of acquaintances! " he smirks from the corner of his eyes but she grim, in an unseen earnestness as sat at the edge of that pool, her golden hairs posing on one shoulder and her gleaming reflection occur on the thin film of water, that even the black water shines like gold,

"If I didn't change my shape today, you wouldn't have ever known I was a shapeshifter, the world here or there, both are like this until you don't force no one will show their true colors, but for our dates a little too back" and she winked her eyes at him to which he spun his head away in vexation,

'Relation! Fuck relations! I don't have any relation with this crafty woman! '

"And as for your queries, I can give you as many answers to the questions, you ask but the condition is you must 'ask'! " with this declaration she stood up, and present a curtsy with a very cold expression-

"Have a good day, Elder Master"

And turned to leave, but,


"What is the Aegis? Why my mother's story was always about here? And what my siblings are doing here? And where is my mom, if not here?! What is my relationship with this place?! " he cried asking the question,

*Sigh* she turned in disbelief and a frosting look-

"Aegis is not just any place, it is like a hub created at the crossroad of our existence which makes us who we are, it gives us ultimate power and prosperity to create our world and give us reason to live and die for, this is home! The true home of your mother, Caduceus"

"Mom, Caduceus?...but it's just a story... "

The words rip the ground beneath his feet,

That he somehow manages to balance his body rather than slipping into the water which was soaking his belly, but she stays indifferent, with those shivering neon eyes-

"Ha! A story? Your mother knew if she would just cry out about Aegis, she would have been sent to some mental asylum in that scorching place, so she taught you all the tactics of Aegis in the form of stories,

And Yes, Martha is Caduceus! that's your relationship with this place, that's your sibling's relationship with this place! It's your destiny! Which was written before you were even born! "

'my destiny? Mom's home? Aegis? And Mom is caduceus?! That warrior?! '

His brain was a mess but, she without any delay once again veer around, her head filled with golden threads of hair that spun like blowing in the pleasant breeze, and started to move away,


"Eh, Where are you going? You haven't answered my last question- where is my mom?! "

Her feet froze to the ground where the sole of her feet was soaked with water, as she tilt her chin behind, and glance through the corner of her eyes as she said with a waggish grin-

"This servant of yours will not be able to answer such a question which has been restricted for me to answer"

And stroke her hair back and again started to scroll on her feet,

"What does that mean?! " he cried rushing to the corner of that black configuration from that restricting water against his legs,

"Answer me! "

But, she stubbornly keeps on moving without looking back as she declared-

"Please take a good rest, elder master... I will reach you at the zenith of moonlight, then I can answer more of your question"

"No--No, you can't leave it's...(Almost slipping to break his skull like a watermelon while getting out of the pool) It's my order! (but by gods grace stabilized) "

"Tata, elder master! " she swings her hand in the air

'She is a very wicked woman! How did she end up being my sister's lady in waiting-?!' he snorted,

But, then, he sat quietly on the wet floor with his wet jogger-

'Where are you, mom? Why no one is telling me your address? Are you even here? Or it's all just an illusion? '

Abruptly in the sad silent background, a thunderstruck inside his skull,

'Wait, I had only one pair of clothes here which has been...(He looked around) soaked in water...and in the name of clothes, there is no cloth here? Non from hanky to a petticoat! '

"What am I supposed to wear?! " he wailed,

*Mountain Wuki, western from central hub*

The thick clouds of ash grey drifted over the valley of greeny where many people- from men women, children, elder-older, from all heights to all lengths just like any normal village were harvesting the yields of the year!

[We have arrived at our destination]

"Huh, it's the same as I remember all those eighteen years heretofore," the jet-haired man with a lean physique spoke one's mind,


A ball made up from the hay rolled to his feet due to the high wind, and he looked down at it,

A little boy whose face was light pink in hue was standing twisting his fingers just a few feet away from that man, nervously peeking at the man,

"Does this belongs to you? " the man who crouched down curdling the lightless ball asked very softly, to which the little boy of five years smiled and nodded, walking a step towards the man,

"Do you want it? "

The boy again nod and took another step more enthusiastically extending his hand to the man, asking for the ball,



Abruptly, with a wide smile, he slashed that little boy from abdominal, dividing him into two!

That the little boy fall lifeless limp to the ground!

"I also have a son, who was once of your age..."

And crush the ball of hay but it turned to ash, and the atmosphere also turned a cinder, with system announcing-

[1000 point redeemed]

"Aghnnn!!! Aehhh!!! "

As a smile rise with his sword shinning in a white glow-

"As foresaw a place of undead still lives within the living"