A Failed Quest Part Four

Bram, struggling to land a shot, gritted his teeth as he muttered, "This ain't how I imagined this going down. These wolves are dodgier than rabbits!"

Liara, her healing magic working overtime, tried to offer reassurance. "Hang in there, everyone. We can't falter now. Bram, you're patched up. Stay vigilant!"

Gruff, bearing injuries of his own, barked out orders. "Form up, shield wall! We need to hold our ground. If we loose focus now things could go bad!"

Durak, with claw marks and bloodied arms, growled in pain and desperation. "Someone lend me a hand here! I can't take on three of these beasts by myself!"

Evan, the hero among them, also bore the brunt of the wolves' aggression. A swift lunge from a wolf's flank left a deep gash on his thigh. The pain was excruciating, and he winced, attempting to maintain his composure. "This hurts like hell!" he exclaimed, feeling a surge of unease as he witnessed the relentless ferocity of their foes.