Quests and Quarrels: Choices and Challenges

Amidst the bustling atmosphere of the adventurers' guild, the trio stood in front of the quest board. John's demeanor exuded a sense of leadership as he took charge of the situation. He cleared his throat before confidently stating, "Alright, it's been decided. This is the quest we're going to take."

As John began to stride purposefully toward the receptionist's desk, his footsteps carried the weight of his decision. He gestured for Chris and Mina to follow, his body language echoing his leadership.

Chris, known for his outspoken nature, couldn't resist challenging the choice. Irritation laced his words as he questioned, "Hey, who made you party leader?" His voice rang out, causing heads to turn in their direction as the other adventurers in the guild momentarily diverted their attention.