Emperor's return 2

Adrian stood in the vast expanse that resembled a starry sky. The space was surreal, with a bright golden sun hanging high in the distance, casting soft, ethereal glow over everything. He moved through the boundless realm, his steps silent against the shimmering void beneath him. His eyes narrowed as he approached a massive nebula cloud, its colors swirling violently, reflecting the chaos within.

Above him, an island floated, isolated and  from within, angry roars echoed, like the cries of a caged beast straining against its bonds. The very space around the island seemed to warp and twist, zones within the nebula cloud darkening as crimson lightning arced through the turbulence. The storm raged, yet it did not disturb Adrian, who remained untouched, as if the chaos feared him.

He took a deep breath, releasing a sigh that carried a weight of unspoken emotion. His gaze, steady and cold, fixed on the island. With a mere thought, he willed himself to ascend, and in an instant, he found himself standing within a dimly lit chamber on the island. The ceiling loomed high above, the air thick with an overwhelming presence.

At the center of the room stood a colossal cage, its bars forged from dense, pulsating energy. The entity within was obscured, but it was radiating waves of seething anger. As Adrian's eyes gazed at the darkness, two orbs of light flickered within the cage, they were eyes, glowing red with rage. The moment those eyes locked onto Adrian, the room fell into a deathly silence, the roars ceasing as if silenced by the very sight of him.

A thin smile played on Adrian's lips. With a thought, a massive throne materialized before the cage, crafted from black stone, imposing. He sat down, exuding the calm authority of an emperor in his domain.

"Looks like you've finally calmed down," Adrian's voice was smooth, but there was no mistaking the irony beneath it. "It's time we had a talk, face to face, Adrian Crimson."

A low, guttural growl emanated from the cage, filled with barely restrained fury. "Let me out," the beast demanded, its voice a snarl that resonated with uncontained rage.

Adrian's gaze remained steady. "And then what?" he asked, his tone laced with a dangerous calm. "What will you do if I let you out? Hmm?"

"I will make them pay!" the beast roared, its voice echoing through the chamber, shaking the very foundations of the island. "They will suffer for what they did to Anna and William! I will avenge them, even if it's the last thing I do!"

The room trembled as the beast's rage reached a fever pitch, the cage straining against its bonds. Adrian stood slowly from his throne, his eyes narrowing.

"Ridiculous," he said, his voice cutting through the chaos like a blade. "You won't last a second out there. Your soul is too weak. You're asking for death."

The beast's response was a low, tormented growl. "I don't care. If I die, so be it. I've already lost everything. What more do I have to lose?"

Adrian sighed, the sound heavy with exasperation. "This conversation is going nowhere." His voice hardened, and with it, a terrifying pressure descended upon the room, thick and suffocating. The red eyes in the cage flared with renewed fury, but they were met with an even more overwhelming force.

"You're just a sliver of a soul," Adrian continued, his words dripping with disdain. "I saved and sealed you here to preserve what little remained of you, out of respect for taking your body. What makes you think I would go through all that trouble just to give it away? Ridiculous. Totally ridiculous."

The pressure intensified, the room quaking under its weight. The cage rattled violently, cracks forming in its bars. The very air seemed to vibrate with the sheer force of Adrian's will, and the once mighty cage crumbled under the strain, blasted away by the wind that howled through the shattered chamber.

When the dust settled, two figures stood amidst the ruins. One was Adrian, his black long coat billowing in the still air. The other was a towering red dragon, its scales gleaming with a fiery intensity, wings spread wide and eyes blazing with defiance.

"Who are you?" the dragon demanded, its voice tinged with a mix of confusion and anger. "No... What are you?"

Adrian's gaze was unwavering. "Who I am, or what I am, doesn't matter," he replied coldly. "What matters is that you're causing me trouble. And I'm not happy about it."

The dragon's eyes narrowed, suspicion flaring within them. "And what do you plan to achieve by taking my body?" it asked, its voice a dangerous rumble.

"That doesn't concern you," Adrian said, his tone final. "What should concern you is this: you have to make a choice."

The dragon hesitated, its fierce eyes locked onto Adrian's. Adrian raised three fingers.

"One," he began, lowering the first finger, "you continue being stubborn and causing me trouble. The consequence will be me taking over your soul forcefully."

The second finger dropped. "Two, you agree to fuse your soul with mine willingly."

The third finger fell. "Three, I take your fate and send you to reincarnation. Now, make your choice."

Silence descended, heavy and suffocating. The dragon's expression was a turbulent mix of emotions, anger, fear, grief. Adrian stood patiently, his gaze unwavering, as the dragon wrestled with its decision.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the dragon's fierce gaze softened, its form beginning to shrink. Its scales faded, its wings receding, until standing before Adrian was an exact copy of himself, except this one wore a crimson long coat and exuded an aura of arrogance and pride.

Both Adrians stood silently, staring each other down, as if testing who would break the silence first.

The Adrian in black finally spoke, his voice quiet but firm. "Looks like you've made your decision."

The crimson-clad Adrian stepped forward, his eyes hard. "Promise me you'll avenge them," he demanded, his tone carrying the weight of a final request.

The Adrian in black nodded, his gaze sincere. "Don't worry. Those responsible will pay the price. I'll find Anna's and William's bodies and give them a proper resting place. That's my promise."

The crimson Adrian smirked, though there was no joy in it. "Then we have a deal. Just make sure you don't embarrass me while using my body."

They shook hands, and as they did, the crimson Adrian began to fade, his form dissolving into a black and golden orb of light that merged with Adrian's. The island began to crumble, the landscape collapsing into the void.

Adrian, now alone, mumbled, "How arrogant."

He reappeared, floating in the starry sky. "Now, let's see what we've got here," he murmured, holding out his hand. The black and golden orb of light reappeared, transforming into a complex network of vague, illusory lines.

"Hm? What's this?" Adrian's brow furrowed as he studied the intricate web. "Looks like this guy had a lot of secrets, even he didn't know about."

His eyes focused on a particular line, so faint it was nearly invisible. "Interesting... this one's been tampered with. And by someone skilled, no less. This might be fun after all."

He stroked his chin thoughtfully, absorbing the black and golden lines into his palm. "Merge," he commanded, and a system panel flickered into existence.

[Merging host with the fate of 'Adrian Crimson'.

Error! Error! Error!]




"As I thought," Adrian muttered, not at all surprised. "Those crafty bastards are involved."

"Zero, fuse the two system templates with the main system and awaken it. If we're going to do this, we might as well go all out."

He chuckled darkly. 'Those old monsters can be quite crafty,' he thought. 'But they'll regret ever crossing paths with me.'

"I can't rely solely on my wits when dealing with such beings. Only with power can I dominate them completely."

He looked up at the starry sky, his eyes gleaming. "Looks like it's time for the emperor to awaken."

As the words left his lips, the stars above flared to life, glowing brighter as if celebrating the return of their sovereign.

Suddenly, Adrian's attention snapped upward, his eyes narrowing as he sensed something. He smiled. "It seems she's finally awake.