Chapter 21: Things have settled

A loud explosion boomed around the surroundings, followed by a giant blue mushroom like fire after shape that captured everything's attention.

The dragon flies all glanced at the light that began burning the tree ferociously, stopping their attack.

As if magically drawn the dragonflies started flying towards the fire like they were possessed in an orderly manner. A faint blue light could be seen in their wide compound eyes.

Xander was tens of metres away from the burning site so he wasn't harmed in anyway. He watched the beautiful blue flames dance around, turning the dragon flies to crisp as they touched it.

The system kept on beeping and beeping with notifications and Xander guessed that it was probably about his gain of exp which he wouldn't have use for.

"Seems like surviving will be possible. Haha." Xander laughed as he reasoned his situation just now.

His territory was attacked by a horde of giant dragon flies and yet he survived...

"I survived." He mumbled.

Xander wore a wide smile on his face as he walked back to into the village to meet the people he just saved. As he walked he couldn't help but look around at the damaged caused by those creatures; it may be much but it isn't impossible to rebuild.

"They're finally gone." Greg said and collapsed on the floor in exhaustion.

Xander smiled at Greg's behavior and walked pass them. The only one that wasn't sitting or didn't even look tired was Anthony. The muscular man just stood there, resting his arms on the hilt of the broadsword that was stabbed into the floor.

His expression was fierce and scary to Xander.

'He's probably at least ten years older than me.' Xander thought, trying not to meet the gaze of the scary man.

Inside the forest, back at where Xander was waiting for the explosion, two inhuman azure blue eyes glowed in the dark of the forest, it's gaze fixated on Xander.

The creature didn't do anything, as if scared of the light, and then the eyes vanished, as if whatever was there closed it's eyes.

Xander was completely clueless about what lurked in the forest and just went into his tent.

To his utter surprise, shock and bewilderment... Maria was still sleeping on the bed... with a small peaceful smile.

"She must have been exhausted from that little exercise last night," Xander said while smiling gently.

Suddenly a realization occurred to him and his eyes widened to the extreme as his thoughts began to run around.

'Wait a minute! I had sex with her! What does that make us?!'

'I mean, she wasn't my girlfriend or anything but she was or might be a person with feelings... ohhh this is so stressful.'

He gripped the side of his head and he could feel his veins pulsing more as he thought of what he did last night.

That was unlike him. He is normally calculative and weighs his odds but... last night, he didn't think and just went for what he wanted.

He then let out a breath and calmed down.

'I won't lie, I enjoyed myself and I liked it. I wonder what made me do that.'

"When she wakes up I'll make sure to talk to her, I better start preparing a speech." He said and walked out of the tent.

Xander and the others went to call the villagers back, there wasn't enough materials to start rebuilding immediately so Xander ordered the carpenters and other workers to make a large tent that wasn't tall but span around the surroundings so that the people can stay there temporarily before rebuilding takes place.


"What did you call it again?" Greg asked, looking at the red substance on Xander's hand.

"It's clay. It is moldable when wet and solidifies as it dries, and when it dries it takes far longer to melt again."

"That's incredible, the houses will be far stronger and sturdy. This changes everything." Greg said marveled.

He looked at Xander with reverence as if he was looking at a genius.

"I was thinking we should make a tall fence around the village first with spikes to protect us from land monsters. As for the ones that fly... we would need arrows, lots of them." Xander said as he began stroking his chin.

His eyes suddenly widened as he had an idea; "I got it. We will need more of your arrowzookas. We could build towers by the edges of the fence and then mount people there..." Xander stopped and looked at Greg.

"...and when they spot monsters they shoot and kill them, lessening our survival chances. Brilliant! You're a genius!" Greg said as he ran to his tent to begin making plans.

"Blacksmiths have so many exhilarating roles," Xander said.

He was quite comfortable now in this place but one thing still bothered him: Anthony the quiet hunter keeps looking at him with unapproval and contempt, as if Anthony hates him.

"Hey Master ahnn~"

Xander turned around with a smile to the sound of a voice behind him. There he saw Maria cleaning her eyes, while yawning.

"Hey sleepy head... you missed a war."

Maria raised one of her brows as she asked.

"What war?"

Xander turned to her and answered with a smirk.

"We were attacked by large mosquitoes that could breathe fire... but I slayed them all."

He wasn't lying though. Although the fire did most of the work, he was still the one that lighted it so it was still... he that slayed most of them, right?

Maria looked at him with shock and disbelief but then she looked around and saw a lot of arrows with steel tips being picked by people, some were dragging the bodies of the creatures out of the village and her expression finally became calm.

But then her eyes widened... "There was an invasion going on and I was asleep?!"

Xander chuckled at her behavior. "You don't need to worry about that anymore, dinner's almost ready." He said and walked to the fire that the core members of the village sat at.


"To Xander... for saving us all!" Greg shouted as he raised his wooden cup.

"To Xander!"

The others choruses and then they continued to eat and merry while laughing and gisting. The only person that didn't partake in the happiness was Anthony.

Xander glanced at the hunter's side and saw him sipping the apple tasting juice with an angry expression.

'I need to talk to him about his behavior.'

For some reason he couldn't get this feeling of danger off of himself when he was close to the veteran hunter.


"Excuse me please." Xander said and stood up and began walking away from the periphery of the light of the fire to let out some waste.

He held his wine in his left hand while he just stood there and opened his pants and began to pee.


He let out a sigh of relief as he felt his bladder becoming empty.

In the shadows of the tree something moved rapidly through the shadows, coming towards Xander at a rather fast pace.

As Xander turned around he felt himself being dragged and pulled into the forest by a strong force.

"Ahh!" He let out a shout that attracted the villagers.

He turned his head only to see two azure blue eyes and then he was hit at the back of his head and he lost consciousness immediately.