Chapter 28: Two other people & Danger

"Argh!" Xander let out a fearless cry as he grabbed one of the mosquito men's arm and, raising his knee upward with all his strength towards it he broke the arm.

He pulled out his dagger from his belt which was just a piece of material as he stabbed the eye of the creature, resulting in a loud shrieking sound as it clawed at him.

It was like he didn't even feel pain as a red circular disk flew over him before a long chain with a knife shot out and pierced through the creature's skull, killing it finally.

Xander panted as he stared at the almost two hundred dead mosquito men in front of him. His body was riddled with scratch marks and a mix of his blood and black monster blood.

He chuckled with a smile as he realised that he's going to survive thid hellish place after all.

'I better get out of the area before somethingelse comes.' Xander thought as he staggered towards the makeshift bone torches in the front of him.

He was extremely weak and almost running out of stamina and Mana. He dismissed the four red portals orbiting around him and with slow steps, he made his way to his bundle of torches.

It looked like his body was giving up on him though as his vision blurred and blurred but Xander didn't want to stop there, he wanted to survive.

Knowing that different terrifying creatures crawl through this cave he made a small cut on his finger.

The pain only lasted for five seconds as he fell to the floor after. He grabbed the bundle of torches and that's when he started feeling groggy.

He couldn't stay awake.

'No, have to... stay... awake.' He thought weakly but his body still betrayed him and his eyes shut at that moment.

The only thing he could hear were the sound of footsteps coming towards him.

'Seems like a monster found me already. Well. I tried.' He thought before he drifted away into dreamland.


'Where am I?' Xander questioned as he saw the blurry image of a pretty girl staring at him angrily.

"Wake up!"

The sound of the girl sounded very angry and it echoed in his mind before the girl left as a hurry.

Xander was still feeling hazy and his head hurt but then he moved his body parts and they could move and that's when... suddenly everything became clear and he looked at the rock ceiling of the cave.

'Seems like I didn't make it to heaven.' He thought sadly.

Xander then stood up and as he did, he heard a sound, a voice rather. One that he was familiar with.

"Xander you're awake."

Before he could turn around two arms wrapped around him.

Xander was confused but then his expression turned neutral again as he smiled, knowing who hugged him.

"I see you got kidnapped too." He said and then the person let go of him and moved back a bit.

In front of Xander was a boy, low cut hair, brown eyes, and a relieved expression.

It was Harry!

"Yeah, right after losing my territory. It wasn't fun at all, this game is crazy." Harry said, sitting beside Xander and looking at the fire in front of them.

"I've never been this happy to see you in my life."

Harry looked at his friend and smiled, "Does that mean you missed me?"

Xander chuckled and hung his arm on Harry's neck.

"Of course I miss you. We're best friends after all."

Both Harry and Xander stayed around the fire as they laughed and gisted about their encounters in the dark caves of serebus.

Xander, who was an introvert, has never been so happy to see another human in his life. In fact, he loves humans now more than ever.

And also it was someone he knew and trusted, his best friend.

"Bro you met the minotaur?" Harry asked in a surprise filled tone as he moved his head to look at Xander with surprise.

"Ah. So it's called that." Xander said and the image of a large horse man with terrifyingly large axes flashed in his mind.

"Yeah. It's been tracking us since we got here. That's why we have to continue moving immediately—"

"Hold up, you just said "us" and "we"." Xander looked at his friend with furrowed brows.

Harry facepalmed as he remembered that he hasn't said something that he should've said at first.

"I should've said this first," he said, not very audible. "Uhh. I got thrown into this place along with another person. Someone you will be shocked to meet." Harry said with a grin.

"And who is this 'person'?" Xander rolled his eyes.


Before Harry could answer a sexy, fairy like voice reached their ears from the other side of the cave.

"Turn the fire off."

Before Xander could ask anything Harry quickly moved and with his hand, he scooped a large amount of sand and poured on the fire that gave them light, blinding Xander.

'That voice.'

For some reason he recognised the voice. He couldn't tell who it is though as there are not too many people he knows as an introvert himself.

"Come on." Harry pulled Xander towards the wall and ducked, shrinking themselves in a corner and keeping quiet.

The sound of heavy footsteps thumping against the floor resounded in their ears and echoed around the cave, making it terrifying.

Xander has seen a lot of things in this cave that he didn't know which creature it was but considering the sound of metal scraping against the wall, he could tell which creature it was.

"The minotaur." He whispered, receiving a low 'shh' from Harry.

Soon the sound of rock scraping metal as well as the loud footsteps became louder and louder and soon it became loud enough that Xander knew whatever was in the darkness was in front of them.

Xander was silently wishing that this creature doesn't mistakenly step on him as the footsteps neared them.

Little rocks fell on Xander's head as the sound of the axe scraping against wall reached close to his ears, meaning that the axe was right above their heads.

The loud scraping sound along with the little rocks that fell on Xander was enough for him to be extremely scared. He couldn't help but imagine the creature gets tired and let's the axe down, squashing them in the process.

Soon, the creature passed them and after another two minutes the sound was no longer in their periphery of hearing.

Harry breathed a loud sigh of relief and left Xander.

"At this rate, he'll find us soon."

Harry's voice sounded tired and hopeless, making Xander curious to know more about this minotaur.

Just as he was about to ask something a voice came from beside him.

"Are you okay Harry?"

Again, that familiar voice sounded.

Xander then heard Harry striking rocks together as he answered "I'm good," to the questioner.

It was over thirty seconds and Harry failed to make a fire and Xander sighed as he moved forward towards Harry.

"Here." As he said that, a brightly blue colored flame appeared over his hand.

Harry's eyes widened as he saw the flame but his expression immediately became tranquil as he brought a bone wrapped in cloth from a bundle and put it in the fire, igniting it.

"Those are my torches." Xander said as he pointed at what he struggled to not lose, facing a lot of dangerous Beasts in the caves.

"Well, when we found you. We couldn't possibly leave them as you held onto them dearly as if your life depended on them." Harry said while making a hugging pose, mocking Xander to which Xander ignored.

"Hey Xander. You miss me?"

This time, the voice was clear as day and was like music to his ears. He indeed knows the owner of this voice.

He turned around to see a sexy lady with two swords on her waist and was clad in a tight, black outfit with pieces of silver armour here and there, pronouncing her curves very well.

Her beautiful doll like face, illuminated by the magnificent blue light looked extremely dashing and ethereal.

"Sandra?" Xander said, surprise etched in his tone.