Chapter 39: Ascension; Demon progenietor

Xander jumped out the way as a scythe came down and stabbed the floor where he stood before.

He backed away and looked at the reaper in it's fiery green eyes and charged towards it while brandishing his spear.

The reaper ran towards the human in front of it while spinning it's scythe madly. It's bones making a clacking sound as it ran to him.

Xander smiled and matched it's moves by spinning his own spear as he charged towards the reaper.

'The spinning technique is not that easy, I had to learn this on my own. There are different ways to use the spinning form for offense and defence.'

Xander blocked the reaper's scythe, hitting it sideways and sweeping at it's feet.

The reaper was quick as it jumped backwards and avoided Xander's attack at the last moment.

"That's right. I know how to fight too." Xander charged towards the reaper while spinning his spear.