Chapter 97: Martha


Before anyone could explain anything general Dreg walked towards Rebecca and then kneeled on one knee as he put his fist on his chest and bent down.

"Miss Rebecca, please treat us well."

""Miss Rebecca, please treat us well!!"" The rest of the knights all chorused as they kneeled and bowed.

Guild master Arthur was confused and so was Hex but they soon put the pieces together.

Xander, seeing that Rebecca was still confused and unable to take in the situation he looked at general Dreg.

"Here, hold her."

General Dreg took the little girl from Xander and he walked towards Rebecca.

"You wanted a better life right? Well, now is your chance. They need a ruler."

Rebecca looked up at him and she was stunned as she looked into Xander's eyes that were like shining like rubies.

"Don't look at her directly unless you want her to have obsession... over you."