Chapter 100: The mysterious hooded person

Xander walked towards the stairs that lead into the high floors of the ship and when he entered he immediately saw people looking at him with scared expressions and avoiding his gaze.

'They must have seen me and those elves.' Xander thought as he just walked towards the cabin but the sailor was hiding under a cabinet.

"Yo, what are you doing?"

The captain looked up to see the same guy that summoned a creature that beat up elves.



"Don't worry. It's over already. General Dreg said I should board this boat."

Hearing general Dreg's name from Xander's mouth the captain looked at him head to toe and then nodded.

He then came out from the cabinet and blew the horns of the ship.

"I thought a war was going on. Anyways you can have a bunker down below that's empty." The captain said in a normal tone now and told Xander a specific room number.

Xander smiled as he left the cabin and went down towards the basement.