Chapter 102: Reunion

It didn't take long for Xander and Sandra to see the burnt tree, exactly in the direction that they were pointed to.

"Seraph, stop us here," Xander said as he frowned.

"They could not be there," Sandra said with a tired sigh.

"I know, but those people at the border said my camp is one of the few that are still standing," Xander said. "If they're not there, then they'll be in the vast wilderness somewhere."

Seraph landed and crawled upon Xander's neck and stayed on his shoulder. Both of them got to a fence of trees, and then they reached a tree, and Dexter's eyes widened.

Far in the distance, where his village used to be, there was a large place, and people came in and out through a gate.

"What is this?" Xander said as he saw it.

"Is that a village?" Sandra asked with a frown as she looked at the soldiers at the gates, who held metallic swords in their hands, checking the people that came into the village.