Chapter 112: After ten years monsters show up?

Ten years later.

In an exquisite establishment filled with various kind of technology, a tall and handsome man sat at a table working out something on his computer.

His eyes was a deep red and he chewed on a stick as he kept his eyes glued to the screen.

"Xander, none of what we're trying is working. Could it be that were that far away from 100% immersion technology?" Another man barged in with his glasses and deep brown hair which was braided.

"I don't know what to say, Harry. We just have to keep trying. Our game is actually doing well by itself, the stocks have gone up, and the company is flourishing better than ever," Xander said and Harry sighed to himself.

After that day work, Xander went out and got into a luxurious car along with Harry.

"Do you want to head home straight or...?" Xander asked and Harry smiled bitterly at his friend.