
"You're friends with Gaia?"

"Yes, Nova," I said before I came to sit down beside her, "Don't tell me you're surprised I have friends. It's always beneficial to have good friends."

"That is the most powerful man on the lower floors."


"You are a weird boy, Jason."

I grinned and I saw a small smile appear on her face in return, "So, about Magus Academy. Have you changed your mind?"

I shrugged and leaned back on the bed. I didn't want to get her hopes up because I knew that I would never join Nova's team. It wasn't just because I wasn't a team player and I hated everything that had to do with teams – Well, maybe it was a little bit like that. But it was also because I had a lot of other things to do. I don't want to be tied down to one place when I needed to be in ten other places. The others are not going o wait for me to be ready before they come. Even right now, I could tell that they were already advancing their plans because of how much I'd fucked them up.