
"So you ran away?" Yuvan asked in disbelief as she watched me finish a whole glass of alcohol in one gulp and I looked at her like she was insane.

"You expected me to stay there?" I asked in annoyance. What did she expect me to do? Stay and become the babysitter for some brats that don't even know how to clean their asses yet? "Didn't you hear what they wanted me to do? I can't lead those brats."

"Jason," Yuvan sighed and held her head, she already forgot about the drink in front of her, "It's a great honor to become the leader of your own team as a first year. You don't even know how much people would love to be in our shoes, do you? It's a great honor that many people don't get to experience till their third year."

"I'll sell you the shoes if you want. I don't care," I said. If Yuvan thought it was such a great honor, then she might as well go do it herself. I didn't give a damn about it. Yuva scoffed and leaned back with a smile, "You don't want it?"