5. Russia or Ukraine?

Nicole exhaled in a bid to release the tension in her stomach. She was so nervous when she had no reason to be. Alexander invited her on another outing and that was the only reason why she was here, there was nothing more to it.

She assured herself with that and came down from the cab that brought her.

"Thank you." She told the older man who looked to be in his fifties and handed him his pay.

He nodded and drove off.

Nicole made sure to be very casual today. She threw on a denim pant, tank top and put her hair in a ponytail. Just so she didn't leave her face bare, she applied a bit of make-up and that was it. She is determined to make Alexander see he didn't mean anything to her, at all.

Entering into the restaurant, she was surprised to see that he came early. She did not know what to think of his sudden change in attitude so, she just walked towards him with a small smile.

He rocked a plain long-sleeve shirt with two buttons popped open, a glimpse of his tan chest displayed proudly. His black pants looked straight and a perfect size. He probably left work not too long ago and came here directly.

She liked what she saw more than she would like to admit.

"You're early." Nicole told him.

His eyes raked over her flirtatiously, "You look nice."

He seemed pleased by her appearance and it made her frown. This was not what she expected.

"I already ordered us some steak and a glass of wine." He continued.

She nodded in response. The way he was staring at her made her uncomfortable, "What?"

He chuckled but didn't stop staring, "Do I make you uncomfortable, Nicole?"

That question triggered a memory - one in which Alexander had asked her the same question. He had gripped her hair tightly and warned her never to talk to Theo - her best friend - again and when she kept staring at him with hatred and tears in her eyes, he had asked her if he made her uncomfortable.

The hatred came back to her and she looked at him with cold eyes, "What do you want from me, Alexander?"

He looked a bit taken aback by her question but he quickly recovered from the shock, "Why would I want anything from you, Nicole? We are just about having a meal like two normal people."

"You know exactly what I mean." She pointed out.

A waiter came and dropped their order. When he left, Nicole continued.

"Why are you doing this?"

Alexander picked up his knife and started cutting his steak, "You act like it is a crime to just want to have a meal with an old classmate."

"Old classmate that you bullied!" She exclaimed so loud that people turned to look at them. She ignored the stares and kept her eyes on him. He stopped cutting his steak and looked at her with annoyance.

"What do you want me to say, Nicole?"

"That you are enjoying this and it's all a game to you."

He sighed, "And why would I want to play games?"

"Stop the bullshit, Alexander. Why did you want to go on a date with me?"

"Because I wanted to see you!" He exclaimed but with a cool voice.

Nicole shook her head, "Well excuse me if I do not feel like but I do not wish for us to be friends, Alexander."

"Do you hate me that much?" He looked at her curiously. His expression was unreadable and she had no idea if he was asking because he cared that she hated him.

Of course, I hate you.

She ignored his question, "I will finish the steak, then I will leave and you will not stop me."

He tilted his head sightly and watched her eat in silence.

"You lost your job." He announced all of a sudden and she looked up at him in surprise.

"How did you know that?"

"I follow news updates and your school has been on the news for some days now." He said cockily.

True but still...

Her steak was still lodged in her mouth and so she stopped to swallow first before continuing.

"You're stalking me." She accused him.

"I needed to know everything about the person I wanted to go on a date with, at least the things the internet could tell me."

She gritted her teeth but didn't push it, "Yes, I did."

He nodded in understanding, "And you are currently jobless, right?"

She took offence at his choice of word, "Unemployed and yes, I am currently unemployed." She laid emphasis on the word, unemployed.

He chuckled, his eyes twinkled with amusement.

"My bad, unemployed."

"And what about it?"

His deep brown eyes held her captive with his deep stare. She was stubborn and stared back, even though she would rather hide from his penetrating gaze.

"I have a job I know you would be very suited for."

"What kind of job?"

"It needs caring hands like that of a teacher's. My daughter needs a nanny and I think you are the right person."

Nicole could not believe her ears, "Nanny?"

"Why? Too low for someone like yourself?" He smirked.

She scoffed in disbelief, "You sure have guts, Alexander."

He became serious, "Look, I need a nanny for my baby and you need a job...this is a win-win situation. Moreover, I will pay you a thousand dollars every week."

The salary almost threw her off balance. Four thousand dollars a month was what most people in the United States sweated out their asses for and here she was being offered it on a platter of gold.

With a grand a week, she could pay for Nicholas's bills and hers included. She would not need to worry about money as much as she did now. It was a very tempting offer but her pride got the best of her.

"Thank you but I do not want to work as a nanny, especially not as your daughter's nanny." She rejected his offer.

He nodded and gave her a small smile, "Your loss. But just in case you change your mind..."

"Which I won't." She interjected.

He chuckled, "Never say never, Nicole. Should in case you change your mind, here's my business card. Call me."

He took his wallet from his pocket and brought out a platinum card. He stretched it to her and she took it reluctantly.

"It is not everyone I meet that has the opportunity to hold my card. That should tell you I mean business."

"Well, I won't be needing it." She told him as she put it into her bag.

"Now, can we finish up our meal? Ask me anything as we eat." He sipped on his wine without taking his eyes off her.

"Like what?"

"Anything you want."

"Fine. Russia or Ukraine?"