8. Reunion

Alexander returned at the time when the sun had set to become a golden tinge in the sky. He had had a long day introducing Mr. Kingston to the company's main asessts and at last, his client had signed the deal after much persuasion.

Trevor opened the car door and he alighted from it. He walked into the house to see Nicole sleeping on his sofa with Violet cuddled beside her. They both looked so peaceful and Alexander couldn't help but smile at the sight.

He didn't want to wake them up so he went to the kitchen to get something to eat himself. Nicole hadn't prepared anything as the kitchen still looked very undisturbed and he wondered what they had ate. They probably ordered for take out, he thought.

He rolled up his sleeves and took some eggs from the kitchen shelf to prepare eggs and toast.

While he was cooking, he didn't hear her come in but he could feel someone staring at him so he turned to see her standing at the kitchen's entrance, looking at him in surprise.

"You can cook?" She inquired.

Alexander chuckled. He was used to it. A lot of people didn't believe he could cook even when he told them he could until he proved it.

"As a single father, I had to learn to cook." He told her.

She approached him and he couldn't help but shiver as her warm scent drifted into his nostrils.

"I can't even cook for the life of me." She confessed.

Alexander chuckled and looked at her, "I could teach you."

She smiled, "My sister tried but I have a thick skull."

"My ways could be more efficient..." He said sultrily.

If she heard his sultry tone, she ignored it.

"Didn't know when you returned. Violet and I slept off waiting for you."

He nodded, "I returned not too long ago. I'm sorry for the delay, my client was a bit extra."

Nicole nodded.

"Done." He stated while placing the toast on a plate. He had prepared one for himself, her and Violet.

"Have a bite." He said while shifting Nicole's toast to her.

"You didn't have to, really." She told him with a smile as she bit into her toast.

She moaned in pleasure and he tried not to think about how he would like her to moan like that when he thrusted into her, "You like it?"

She nodded quickly while taking another bite, "Very tasty. Damn, you're a good cook."

He laughed heartily. It's been a long time he laughed to his heart's content and it felt nice.

"I need to go, it's getting late." She said after she ate the last bite of her toast while Alexander hadn't even bitten into his.

"Sure. Thank you for accepting to be Violet's nanny once again, Nicole." He told her sincerely.

She nodded.

"You're welcome." She said and walked out of the kitchen.

Nicole took a detour. Theo had called her while she babysat Violet and said he would like for them to meet up at his place. He had sent her his address and now, she stood at the front of his hotel room door.

She knocked and heard shuffling, then the door was thrown open.

"Come in!" He said excitedly. He wore shorts and a loose shirt, his hair looked damp like he just came out of the bathroom.

Nicole entered into his suite. It was a very nice room; painted a white colour, had a king sized bed, a table and reading lamp, a kitchen and a transparent glass bathroom, and also had a nice view of Brooklyn.

"Nice place." She complimented as she looked around.

"Managing it for now till I am done with what I came to Brooklyn for. Please sit." He pointed to the chair which she then sat on.

"What can I offer you?" He asked.

"A beer." She said without hesitation.

He chuckled in response, "One beer coming right up!"

He left her to go into the kitchen and then came back with a chilled beer and a glass cup. He opened the beer for her and sat down on the bed.

"So, how are you?" He asked.

She shrugged as she drank her beer directly from the bottle, "I'm just there. How are you?"

"I'm good. Just work and all." He answered with a shrug.

"It's been quite long. Where do you base permanently?" She asked.

"Alabama with Adrienne but I move constantly as an ad creator so I'm hardly ever there." He replied.

She nodded and kept silent.

"Theo, I want to say I'm terribly sorry for breaking up our friendship in high school. I was just scared and wanted to protect you." She broke the silence. She just wanted to get it over with once and for all.

"It was high school, Nicole. We all made stupid mistakes." He said softly and she couldn't help but chuckle at his indirect way of telling her she made a stupid mistake.

"I met Alexander Roth weeks ago." She told him.

He looked at her in surprise, "Where?"

"I went on a blind date and he was the date. He later offered me a job and I took it...I just resumed today."

Theo stared at her like she had turned to a green goblin, "Are you seriously kidding me, Nics? I thought you told me were a kindergarten teacher."

Nicole sighed, "My school got closed down due to a case of paedophillic behaviour from the school's headmaster. I was jobless and the pay was nice so I took it."

Theo took in a deep breath, "What job did he offer you?"

This was the part she dreaded the most to tell anyone, "His kid's nanny."

He paused dramatically, "He has a kid?"

"Yes. A six year old girl...his wife ran away and left the poor soul with him." Nicole told him compassionately but he didn't share her compassion.

"And so what? Do you know what that son of a bitch did to you? To us?! How would you even think of working for him?!" He pointed out. Theo was mad and he had every reason to be but she also had her reasons for taking the job.

"Nicholas is terribly sick and I needed the money! I don't know, Theo!" She exclaimed tiredly.

"Nicholas is sick?" His face softened at her news.

"Yes, he has cancer and its serious. I am just trying to save my brother, Theo." She said as she got emotional and tears gathered at the corner of her eyes.

"Oh, come here sweetheart..." Theo cooed and reached out to give her a hug.

She found herself crying in her best friend's arms and once again, she felt safe and unjudged. She didn't feel like she had to hide how she truly felt just so she could be this strong person that she wasn't. At this point, she regretted ever breaking them up, it had been a really stupid thing to do.

"Let it all out..." He petted her as she sobbed.

When she calmed down, he gave her a tissue to wipe her tears and patted her back gently.

"I understand now. I'm sorry for getting mad, Nics." He told her sincerely.

"You had every right to." She replied as she sniffed into the tissue.

"I just have one request." He stated.


"Do not let that son of a bitch control your life. If he fucks with you, let me know, okay? I will teach him we're no longer in high school." He told her with all seriousness.

She chuckled, "You know, he is kind of my boss..."

"And I don't care. I will mess him up either way."

She laughed at how serious he sounded.

"Okay, sure. Away from me...tell me more about Adrienne."