25. Proposal (The End)

"Why didn't you tell me she was going to come?!" Nicole exclaimed hysterically but he looked back at her with pure innocence.

"I wanted to call you but well, here you are..." He said quietly.

Realizing it was actually her fault, she crossed her hands over her chest and bit her lower lip in thought. Should she rush home and change into something more presentable? She thought.

She doesn't notice him lean in and only when she feels his hot breath on her neck, does she turn slowly to look at him.

"You biting your lip like that..." He told her sultrily.

She almost gave in to the urge of kissing his full, sexy lips but she pushed it away, "Go away," She told him playfully as he moved back with a chuckle.

They could hear Violet's footsteps as she ran towards the kitchen. She came into view and her face lit up brightly when she saw Nicole. She ran to give her a big hug.

Nicole hugged her back tightly, while taking in her warm homely scent.

"How have you been doing?" She bent down and signed when they broke apart.

"I've been fine, and you? I missed you, where have you been?" Violet signed back excitedly.

"I've been great. I missed you too but I had to stay back home to attend to somethings, I'm here now, though!" Nicole signed back.

Violet nodded in glee. Nicole felt a tap and looked up to Alexander's heartfelt smile.

"Let's go change. She just texted, she's going to be here soon." He said.

"But, I didn't wear something nice..." Nicole answered and slowly stood up with a disappointed pout.

But he didn't seem bothered by that fact, "Come on, trust me." He said instead and she let him drag her along.


He took her to his room and there was a long floral gown spread on the bed. It looked beautiful and simple too.

"Oooohhh!" Nicole exclaimed with childlike enthusiasm. It's been a decade since she received anything from a guy.

She ran towards the bed and picked up the gown, slowly scrutinizing every little detail. It was strapless, had no fancy designs and knee length with a small slit at the side.

"This looks like something I would wear on a date and not to see your mother..." She told him with a smile while still appreciating the gown with her gaze.

He didn't answer but he had a sly smirk on. Nicole looked at him with a raised eyebrow - what was he planning?

"Get changed quickly." He said and she proceeded to take off her clothes.

Just as she took off her pants, the sound of flesh meeting flesh shocked her. Alexander had spanked her!

She looked at him in surprise as he went back to close the door which they had left ajar, and came back to pull her into his arms. He looked at her like he would rather have her for dinner instead.

And then, she ended up trying to muffle her screams of pleasure.


Alexander's mother arrived later and he went to greet her. He brought her into the living room where Nicole waited to say hello.

Nicole had managed with shaky legs, to change Violet's clothes after orgasming three times. She felt sleepy and would rather be cuddled up in Alexander's arms under the thick covers but, family first.

She was a stout and short woman, one would wonder how she birthed such a tall son like Alexander. Good thing that the birth of a child wasn't decided by one parent. Despite her stout nature, Nicole knew she wasn't one to be messed with. She had the face of a disciplinarian but she also showed a bit of softness with the way she grinned happily at Violet.

"Hi, grandma..." Violet signed.

His mother released a nice laugh that made Nicole smile. She signed 'how are you, granddaughter?' to Violet with some difficulty.

"I am fine!" Violet signed back and hugged her again.

"You're getting better at sign language, mother." Alexander said with a smile. His mother scoffed as she sat down and placed Violet on her thigh.

"My old brain isn't letting me catch up like I want to, but what can I do?" She sighed.

Nicole could see the resemblance between the two of them. She knew where Alexander's good looks came from, his mother was quite pretty even at her age.

"Don't worry mother, you'll learn it, I know." He assured her but she gave him a look that said she didn't believe him one bit.

"Hello, Mrs Roth," Nicole greeted softly.

"And who's the beautiful lady?" She asked with eyes focused on her.

Alexander took Nicole's hand in his as he spoke, "Mother, this is Nicole. She's going to be Violet's mother."

She looked at Alexander in shock but she quickly covered it up with a smile. His mother laughed and Nicole bowed her head, waiting for the hurtful disapproval.

"So far it isn't that crazy woman, Eva and you love her, I give you my blessing." She said much to her surprise.

Nicole met his gaze and he looked genuinely happy. She wasn't just happy, she was ecstatic. Her fear of him rejecting the baby, washed off her immediately and she couldn't be more glad.

"I prepared your favourite, mother." He said with a grin as they all got up to go to the dinning room. Nicole couldn't stop smiling throughout the dinner. At the end of the day, she had found love in the arms of her highschool bully - how ironic.



Dear readers,

Thank you all for going with me all the way to the end of this amazing book. I am really grateful for all your support.

Do look out for my new book which I am currently working on. I can upload it at anytime, so be very much on the alert for a new release! 🤭

Thank you so much once again and if you really, really loved this book, please don't forget to drop a review. All your comments and constructive criticisms will be well appreciated.

Have a nice day and I'll be back soon with more goodies for you!

Love, Tee ❤️