Plans Require Groundwork




"Damn!! Let me sleep!", Nimin smacked his phone which was constantly making sounds.

Several messages flew down as notifications. Various people reaching out, asking him if he was okay. Conversations about the latest season flew about now that the week had passed. An unspoken rule, Pros were only allowed to discuss the recent Season a week after it ended. This was to let everyone study in peace, and only share viewpoints after plenty of time had passed.

"I'm still in the groupchat. . ."

Nimin watched the messages fly by in silence. Usually he would eagerly participate in these conversations, but currently he wasn't a Pro. Did he even still have a place in this groupchat?

Opening the list of members he laughed silently. There was still retired players in here. Although they didn't participate in the Seasons anymore, their input was still valued. After all their knowledge would grow with time, they just lacked the reflexes to play on a high end stage.

Eventually the discussion moved towards the finals. How at the last moment Nimin had failed a tight parry and lost the match. There was discussion on why this was, but no one made a confident claim. Nimin's fingers rested over the keyboard before he typed a response.

Second Shot: It was doubt.

A moment of silence rested on the group chat before he was bombarded with questions. After all he hadn't spoke with anyone since he announced his retirement. He intended to keep it this way now that he had his new set of circumstances. Although a part of him wanted to continue chatting with his former team, he couldn't risk them figuring out his youth was returned.

Nimin saw his username and rapidly changed it. Since he was retired Second Shot was no longer in his control. Eventually a new player would take up its reign. His legacy with Second Shot had already ended. So he simply changed his name to Nimin.

Muting the chat he then turned off his phone. Rolling over to stare at the ceiling Nimin pondered his future actions. His past didn't matter right now. If he spent his remaining two years thinking about the past then he could only cry about his choices.

"Guess I'm up now."

Getting off his bed Nimin did some light exercises to get his blood flowing. Maintaining his condition was key to his future success. Not to waste his regained youth, Nimin planned to remain fit. If he improved his physique, he could probably move even faster in Fractured Worlds. Performing even better would be crucial to securing a win against Sard.

Right now, what mattered most was levelling! Without reaching higher levels Nimin would be incapable of properly testing his various plans for Critical Shot. Additionally, while he planned to use his rare drops he already had, there was still quite a few weapons he lacked normally. Thus he narrowed his mind to a single goal.

The shotgun!

Specifically a Triple-Barreled Sawed-Off shotgun! This strange weapon boasted an incredibly high damage rate, but had absurd recoil. More importantly, it could be wielded with one hand! This was key to the plans Nimin had with it. There was just two small problems to obtaining this shotgun however.

First, it was from a level 65 dungeon. Critical Shot was currently still only level 50, since he hadn't been focusing on leveling these past few days. It would take nearly two weeks to reach 65. This slow leveling had been a huge problem with Fractured Worlds, however it was understandable. After all each level cap increase comes with new content, so they had to pace it this way to keep players entertained for a bit. It was such a shame they never changed the pacing each update, thus it still took forever to reach a new level.

The second problem regarding the shotgun was the way it was obtained. A rare drop specifically from a Hidden Event. Not only did you need to somehow trigger this Hidden Event, but you also needed to complete the dungeon without wiping. Dungeons were difficult to complete without a good team.

"Plus that dungeon was rated the most difficult that update.", Nimin frowned as he turned on his computer.

He would need a team. One capable of running that dungeon multiple times with a high clear rate. That or somehow obtain this rare weapon through other means. Considering the absurd price the shotgun was likely to have this early, Nimin wasn't hopeful on obtaining it through trading. Thus that meant either taking it off a player through PvP, or getting it to drop in the dungeon.

Thinking of potential members for the team he frowned. Although Strange Smile's team was coordinated, they were prone to mistakes. Had he not been there during that one Hidden Event, it was likely they would've wiped. He needed someone more certain, and skillful.

Immediately Dead Silent came to mind. Excluding their. . . strange tendencies, they were undoubtedly a cut above the rest. It was such a shame they didn't accept his friend request. Perhaps he ought to try and hunt them down in the Red Zones?

Remembering how quick Dead Silent was to attack Nimin figured they would need another strange circumstance to chat. This wasn't considering the fact that Nimin was not at all prepared to enter a higher level Red Zone.

Anything with higher levels would take 2% less damage for each level, and deal 2% more damage. Thus a 15 level difference would take 30% less damage, and deal 30% more. This was akin to some top of the line buffs. Sure he could outpace them with Skill, but that would put quite a burden on him, and wasn't very efficient.

"Red Zone hunting.", Nimin thought aloud as he finally was about to log in.

It wasn't a bad choice. Only confident or idiotic players would go into the Red Zones at this level. He could easily filter out those without Skill, or those who relied on Organizations. All of this could be accomplished while hunting Elites for vast experience gain. Thus working on two of his problems at once.

First, a few levels from dungeons! Currently level 50 was a good average, and there would be far too many players hunting about in the Red Zone for level 50s. He would need to increase his own levels quickly. So that would mean dungeons were to come first!

Dungeons were limited to a certain usage. Some were a few attempts daily, others weekly. Sometimes certain dungeons would only be available during certain days. Regardless they were the average player's main source of experience for levels. Nimin included.

Going through his friends list Nimin's eyes narrowed at some of the names on it. Very few remained online, others having years set to their 'last online' date. Moving past these names he pressed on one in particular: Strange Smile.

Critical Shot: Still down for those dungeons?

Strange Smile: Here I thought you weren't going to get on.

Critical Shot: I said I was didn't I?

Strange Smile: That you did, we meeting up at the dungeon?

Critical Shot: The Stage?

Strange Smile: Of course, we saved our attempts just in case ;)

Critical Shot: I'm heading off.

Nimin closed the chat and controlled Critical Shot. Pulling out the cylinder Critical Shot just tossed it into the air when a whizzing projectile knocked it away. Nimin sighed, "Come on!"

"Sorry, I don't want you leaving just yet."

Hands glitching Critical Shot pointed a handgun in the direction the projectile came from. Eyeing the perpetrator Nimin remained on edge. The character placed their hands up, a standard motion. A smooth voice leaked from their lips, "I don't actually intend to fight. Still nice weapons, first season legendary drop? Reported only two-hundred in circulation. Got to say I'm quite impressed!"

Critical Shot: And you are?

"Someone who caught wind of your. . .", the character spun their hand about as if trying to find the words, "Deeds."

This simple move also showed their incredibly precise control. Fractured Worlds lacked expressive animations. Thus players would need to control their character's arms to make the movements. Simple actions, like surrendering or pointing, were simple to grasp. More complex and expressive movements required a solid grasp of not only control, but precision to make it smooth. Thus performing these kind of emotions were a fantastic way of showing of your skill.

Thus Nimin only remained further on guard.

Arms falling to the side the character continued explaining, "Of course I have no intention in falling into the same fate as those opportunists. I'm much more refined. I've come with an offer for your legendary drops."

Critical Shot: Wasting your time, not interested.

"Yeah I figured as much. No seller willing to pay for them. The top of the top those items are. But it's fine, I'll obtain them one way or the other."

Critical Shot: That a threat?


The handgun fired and a bullet barely missed the figure. Nimin figured he ought to showoff himself, so he also performed a complex movement. Critical Shot began spinning the handgun that was just fired. The glitch appeared and the handgun vanished away, instead replaced with a cylinder.

Critical Shot: You may be my counter, but you'll need more than a class difference to beat me.

"Ah, that's nice. Love it when they have confidence."

Critical Shot: Weirdo.

The street bike appeared on the floor. Critical Shot hopped onto it and revved the engine. The back wheel spun in place for a second before speeding off. Looking at the figure Nimin took note of the name.

Collection: LVL 63