That was on the level of Pros! Wasn't this some new guy?!
Harrell stared at the number as if he couldn't believe it. His proud score was destroyed so thoroughly! Even after he boldly claimed that 'a lot' more points would be needed!
Nimin felt a bit awkward himself, he wasn't used to standing out this much. If it wasn't for his limited timeframe he would've preferred to slowly gather his resources. Regardless, this should work to get his name in the air. The sooner rumors start the better.
Putting his hands into his pockets he walked back to his seat. The coach looked back and forth between Nimin and the score, "Well, on that note I guess I can end today's session. Tomorrow we shall review methods to improving your Aim Rating. Everyone is dismissed."
Nimin grabbed his bag and looked towards Sol, "Could I bother you to help me find my next class."
"Uh-I mean yeah? Just. . .", Sol looked towards the number still on the board, "You did that?"
Nimin looked towards the board, "Woah! Who did that? It's a good score!"
"Okay man, you don't gotta-"
Nimin winked and moved towards the exit. A few students hurriedly gathered their stuff and followed him. As he left through the door he was immediately bombarded with questions.
"How did you do that?"
"Did you get personal training?"
"How long have you been playing?"
"How old are you?"
A side effect by the looks of it. Nimin was used to being swarmed like this and handedly it casually, "One at a time please. You, we start with you."
The students quieted down and looked towards the singled-out student. They looked about and seemed timid all of a sudden. After a second they spoke bravely, "Were you trained by a Pro?"
"Trained?", Nimin considered his options, "Something like that."
A collective sound of interest and excitement spread across the students. Immediately they began to compete for the next question. Nimin chose another at random and they asked, "Who was it?"
"I'm not allowed to say."
"BOOO!", many cried.
"What! I'll get in trouble! I'm trying to be a Pro here! How about another question?"
"Didn't you get a fifty the first time? Was that intentional?"
"Yes, I spent my time learning the program with my first attempt. Made a lot of mistakes doing so. Next question! You, windbreaker person."
"You challenged the top student in our class. Do you know what that means?"
"Am I going to be humiliated in a duel?"
A voice called from a distance away, "I don't humiliate people! I take all my matches seriously."
The students quieted down and spread apart, making a path for the loud voiced newcomer. Harrell stepped down the path and said, "Such a high Aim Rating, it makes me want to duel you."
"I'll have to decline."
Surprise rippled across not only the students, but Harrell as well. He laughed faintly and asked, "Did I scare you?"
"No, just my account is currently very underleveled. I really don't stand a chance no matter how high my Aim Rating is."
"What's your level?"
"It's in the fifties right now."
"Surely someone can lend you their account?"
"You don't think that's a viable solution do you?"
"Sounds like you're trying to run away."
Not good. This guy was trying to ruin Nimin's reputation. At a sensitive time like this it could put his attempt at spreading his name to a rapid and harsh halt. Nimin's gaze turned cold, "You're very poor at this."
"I'm just saying as it is! You beat my score, I want to see how well you do in actual duels! Unless you altered the program somehow?"
A faint murmur lingered among the crowd, "That might explain how he got such a high score."
"U-Uh, if I may?", Sol suddenly entered the conversation.
Harrell's eyes darted with venomous intent, but he swiftly masked it, "What?"
"The matter is levels right? It shouldn't take a too long to level up to the max."
Nimin raised his eyebrow, once his build was complete he wouldn't be afraid of any duel request. Perhaps Sol was attempting to buy some time?
Harrell poked at the words, "It's not quick either, so what's your point?"
"The end year rankings.", Sol lifted his bag closer to his chest, "You can settle it there."
The murmurs suddenly shifted towards support of the idea. Nimin felt something was amiss and interjected, "Uh, what exactly is the end year rankings?"
A random person was quick to answer, their eyes glowing brightly, "The camp's ranking! At the end of the year they host a ranking tournament for those willing to compete. A series of duels to determine who's the top!"
Now it was Harrell's turn to be evasive, "That's quite some distance away, and I won't duel him directly at the start-"
Strike back! Like a viper aiming for the throat! Nimin's words came faster than Harrell could finish his sentence, "A grand stage? Sounds good."
Harrell's hand twitched, "It's not that simple."
"Sounds like you're trying to run away."
". . . Fine, we'll settle it this way. Who ever ranks higher wins, better even if we fight during the event."
"What does the winner get?"
The interjector, the one with the sparkly eyes, was quick to answer this, "Fame! It's not everyday two skilled players have beef like this. There will definitely be an article in the camp news! Winner gets fame!"
Camp news, this was just a school! Nimin wanted to say this but instead spoke, "Look at that, everything is laid out. Consider your challenge accepted."
Nimin extended out a hand and Harrell eyed it. With the watchful students he found that there was no backing out now. Accepting it with a handshake Harrell announced, "Then we have a match."
This was a fantastic outcome! Rumor would start spreading, with his name in it! If he can win the duel in this 'camp ranking' then it would only further spread his name. Right now he needed the prominence it gave, and starting its growth now was a grand step forward!
The sparkly eyed student quickly asked, "Can I have a few questions for the article?"
Nimin raised his hand, "You can meet me at my dorm later, I have my next class to get to, and I have no idea where I'm going. Speaking of. . . Sol!"
Sol jumped, "Yeah?"
"Do you mind being my guide again?"
"No problem, let's see your schedule.", Sol hadn't expected to be spoken to again.
Usually fame came with him being ignored. Especially after the incident regarding Harrell. Very few people were willing to chat with him after that. Instead he spent his time trying to improve.
Managing to escape the swarm of curious students Nimin found the opportunity to ask, "When is this 'camp ranking' anyway?"
"Oh? It's usually at the end of the year before we're on leave. . . four months?"
". . ."
Four months?!?!
Nimin felt woozy, "Oh you've done me in."
"Eh? What do you mean?"
"How am I supposed to get to max level in four months while juggling the camp?!"
"Oh- I hadn't-"
Nimin's face turned grim, "That's it, you're helping me. We're grinding Red Zone all night."
"I can't do that!"
"Who was the one who suggested this?!"
"I-I mean I did but still!"
"Nonsense! I need levels asap!"
Nimin felt his head hurt, there was a high chance he was going to have to take on this camp ranking with a level disadvantage. Excluding the fact that he couldn't spend all of his time leveling his character, most of the items he desired were rare drops!! Grinding those was going to take time, and that wasn't even considering the competition for materials!
It was official, forget spreading his name for now! Priorities are changing, now the focus was for a team! It was time to get a party, one skilled enough to challenge some of the more difficult content in Fractured Worlds!