Temporary Team!

"I'm not doing another match! I just needed five credits to get by, I have dungeon delving to do!"

Nimin made a face as he was being pestered by the crowd. 

"I'll pay you double.", Hearth leapt at the opportunity.

"I appreciate the offer, but five was more than enough to make up for my lost classes."

"Come on! I haven't seen someone play Gunner like that! Keep fighting her!", someone cheered.

"Leave me alone! I have to prepare for the upcoming camp rankings and my account still isn't max level! If you lot keep pestering me like this I'll never make it."


Rolling his eyes he turned around, "I have too little time to bother with every match! This was a necessity that is all."

Hearth caught him as he walked away, "Then. . . can I join?"

Nimin's face brightened, "Of course! I need a good damage dealer. With you we now have four. . ."

Turning to the crowd he called out, "Since you all are here, anyone got a healer in the new server? That's all we're lacking!"

"I do."

The crowd split apart to show a somewhat meek looking individual. His small frame made him shorter than most in the crowd. Nimin was very pleased regardless, "Which class?"


"Perfect! Come and join, we have work to do."

Carmen and Sol maneuvered their way through the crowd to join. With the group of five Nimin quickly pointed out introductions, "Most of us know each other but in order starting from me clockwise is: Cole, Carmen, Sole, Hearth, and you are?"

"I'm called Sammy by my friends."

"Sammy it is then. Pleasure to have you aboard. Hearth you have an account in the new server yeah?"

Flicking an account stick she stated simply, "I was rebuilding."

"For the Unique Skill?"

She nodded as her answer. It wasn't uncommon for people to replay the game with the same build they had made in hopes of a better suited Unique Skill. So Hearth having an account on her for the new server was not surprising to Nimin. Finding a spot with five open computers Nimin quickly and naturally took charge, "We'll do the normal rotation, nothing crazy just some average grinding. We'll meet up at The Last Act dungeon. Any objections?"

Sol spoke but did not object, "I don't think anyone would be against leveling at the best dungeon for exp."

"It would be rude for me to assume you'll follow what I say without question.", Nimin waved away the comment.

Sliding into the seat by the computer Nimin logged in and made his way towards the dungeon. Sitting on either side of him was Hearth and Carmen. A not so subtle way of wanting to take a look at his screen. Sol noticed this just as Nimin had and shook his head. Among the top of the camp and they wanted to watch Cole's playstyle. He couldn't imagine being so focused on one person. Regardless he took a seat next to Carmen. With Sammy sitting by Hearth.

As they were all silent while moving towards the dungeon Nimin sighed and decided to break the ice, "If you have any questions please ask, I'll answer whatever I can."

Immediately taking the offer Carmen spoke up, "The shots you managed to land, despite you spinning around like that you basically almost never missed. What's the concept behind that?"

"Not a concept, more of a sense. Do you play any combat focused classes?"

"Not often."

"Hmm, in that case whenever I start spinning I start picturing the game in a third person view. Using my last known location and the map knowledge to picture where I am and how I'm spinning."

"That's ridiculous. You can't accurately do such a thing while ragdolled like that."

"That would be correct, but since you don't play combat classes often I can't explain it properly. Eventually you just kinda get a gauge, like I said it's a sense. I'm sure Hearth here also has an idea of where her enemy is compared to her despite spinning."

Hearth nodded and added, "Although not to the extreme degree Cole speaks of."

Rolling his eyes Nimin clarified, "It's not like I know exactly where I am at all times, I just have a general idea. Like how you can understand the layout of a room when you close your eyes but you normally can't specify where everything is. It's easier to pull off on simple maps like the standard arena."

After speaking about this he frowned and looked towards Hearth, "Speaking of, why'd you pick arena of all things?"

"It was practice against unfavorable situations.", Hearth said simply.

"You're doing it wrong then. Play team battles aggressively, that's a better way."


"The most unfavorable situation of a Shinobi is when they're surrounded. If you're already proficient with retreating and finding a more favorable position, then you should practice for when you're unable to. Keeping an eye out for the whole enemy team would be more beneficial than a single target."

Taking a moment to understand Nimin's words, Hearth began simulating various scenarios in her mind. Although she didn't entirely agree with the advice she did see why he recommended it. Pulling out a phone she made an additional note to a long list. Using one hand to type with a surprising amount of speed. With a click her note finished and she shut off her phone, almost as if she never did anything to begin with.

Soon enough everyone arrived at the Last Act dungeon. Nimin sighed as he created the party and invited everyone. As he entered Sol asked why he sighed. With a small smile Nimin replied simply, "I can finally relax for a bit."

"You've been stressed for a bit. Speaking of why'd you risk losing your weapon by dying in the Red Zone? Isn't that the basis of your whole strategy?", Sol continued the conversation.

"I had some backup measures in place, but worst case scenario I have a spare I could rely on. Additionally it's not like the Godwit is popular, it's an April Fool's weapon for a reason."

The dungeon loaded up and Nimin immediately said, "Alright, Carmen you're in charge! Any objections?"

Carmen frowned, "A lot! I'm not the kind to give orders."

"As a support? You're not aiming for a Magician or Emperor position?"

"No chance, I'm looking for a Sun position instead."

Positions in a Pro team were named after a handful of Tarot cards. This was almost exclusively due to the first team to win the first ever official competition. Team Tarot had codenames for those in specific positions. Their teamwork was unheard of, although the standard was low at that time, and many began to adopt their strategies. Eventually the original team codenames became official titles.

The Emperor, the head of the team. Usually the one in charge of giving orders and real time strategies. Because of the importance behind strategies this position is usually manned by someone of a support Class. Because of it they become the most likely target in Pro matches.

The Magician, Nimin's old position. Essentially the sub-leader to take over when the Emperor is unable. Since the Emperor was the most targeted in Pro teams, it was usually the Magician who gave the most orders. This position could be manned by just about any class and was usually the most versatile.

The Sun, usually the position of the healer. Although there have been strategies that gave up a healer and instead used the Sun position for a support unit instead. This increased the damage output of a team and had some instances where it proved useful. 

The Chariot, the tank in a team composition. Their job was usually to break through poor situations or protect the more vulnerable members of a team. Their tank-like nature allowed them to be reckless in their actions and not be horribly punished for it.

The Star, the main damage dealer and usually the highest skilled member of a team. Most strategies are based around the Star, and they're the most popular out of all positions. The favorite of all teams, and every other position is to give them the stage! This idea has died down a little as time passed, but it's foundational idea remains strong.

The Hierophant, the coach of the team. Utilizing their ability to see the game with a top down perspective the Hierophant gives an overview and basic strategy for the team to follow. In the event that a player is unable to participate, the Hierophant will take their place. This position was created a few competitions after the names became standard. Due to the change of various formats this position became necessary and allowed freshly retired Pros to remain on the scene for a little longer. 

There was a wildcard added that usually took a name of the various other Tarot cards, but this position wasn't standard enough to have on that stuck. Additionally formats using an entire team was becoming more rare by the day, and it was rapidly becoming a forgotten position for the newer meta.

Nimin was under the impression that due to Carmen playing the Captain Class, he was going to let him obtain a bit of practice by allowing Carmen to give the orders. However the idea of a Captain playing as a Sun was interesting.

"So is it a non healer comp, or a Captain sustain?", Nimin stopped theorizing and instead asked.

Captains had a handful of healing abilities in their arsenal, but wasn't something you could compare with the more mainstream Classes with healing as their specialty. 

"A bit of both.", Carmen sighed as he added, "I'm still figuring it out."

"Ah, a test build. No worries then you just focus on typical Captain support. In that case does anyone want to be in charge?"

When no one spoke up Nimin stifled a sigh and took up the mantle himself, "Alright don't say I offered. I won't tolerate insubordination!"