[Royalty Arc 07] Marigold Royal Banquet

"Thank you, Consort Lancelot for taking the trouble to organize the banquet for me," Duke Arthur glanced at the basket.

"The King is in a rather foul mood at the moment. I fear he's not in the mood for cakes."

Lance smiled and said: "Do not flatter me. I heard of your achievements through my brother, Commander Liamsworth, I sincerely thank you for your service at our borders."

Duke Arthur's heart abruptly stirred. He finally glanced in Lance's direction. His smile unwavering. "I see."

He cast a deep look at Lance and then turned to depart.

Lance wiped the sweat of his forehead and observed Arthur's retreating figure.

Noting his silence, Alferdo reminded him, "My lord, the cake is getting spoiled in the sun."

Lance yawned, "Let's return then."

Alfredo seemed relieved. "Indeed. This may not be the best moment for a condolence visit. You may consider another time when the King isn't in a bad mood."

Lance lowered his gaze and responded, "Not meeting him wouldn't hurt."

007 chimed in: ["Lancelot previously displeased the King during the Marigold Banquet. Leveraging this event might be a strategic opportunity."]

Lance agreed: ["Perhaps."]


Duke Arthur made his way out of the case, signaling to his subordinates, "There's something amiss with the De Vere's son. Investigate both him and the De Vere family."

This unexpected encounter and the banquet's seemed orchestrated, like a meticulously planned trap awaiting his misstep.

His advisors urged, "Your Grace, the castle isn't a hospitable place for a prolonged stay. Departing soon would be wise."

Duke Arthur replied, "Exiting isn't as simple once you're within."

The imposing and grandiose castle loomed behind him, resembling a dormant beast.

Meanwhile, as Lance wandered along the path, she heard a favorability prompt for the first time:

[Duke Arthur's favorability +2%, current favorability is 2%. Please continue your efforts, host.]

In a robotic tone, 007 conveyed this favorability score, a rare occurrence in over a month.

Lance inquired with some curiosity: [What's the maximum favorability value?]

007 responded: [The maximum is 100%.]

Lance quipped, [So a favorability score of 2 only implies he's wasn't overly impressed, correct? What about King Alexander's favorability?]

007 replied: ["King Alexander's initial favorability is -5%. Considering the probability of success, I recommend prioritizing interactions with Duke Arthur."]

Lance expressed confidence: ["I believe my chances of success are quite high."]

007 remained silent for a few seconds before stating, ["Success probability calculations depend on favorability changes at present. They can't account for personality traits or evolving events."]

Lance mused, [It's an odd thing, this favorability business... Feelings measured by numerical values seem inherently strange.]

007 mentioned, ["Cough. A new calculation method is under development, with initial progress reported."]

Lance narrowed his eyes, [If emotions were so easily quantifiable, they wouldn't be emotions at all...]

007 seemed puzzled: ["Favorability values are our primary measure of strategy success. King Alexander is presently in his palace for some reason. Won't he visit the Banquet?"]

Lance laughed, ["He will attend the Royal Marigold Banquet."]


The Royal Marigold Banquet was held on August 30th when Marigold typically bloom. The First Consort hosted this event, and naturally, court attendees wholeheartedly supported it.

Various flower varieties adorned the garden, and consorts gathered in groups to socialize.

Taking a seat, Lance asked 007: ["What is King Alexander doing now?"]

007 reported: ["He just exited his castle. He promised First Consort Jace to come, he is probably heading for the garden."]

Lance stood up, he smiled at a fellow consort engaged in conversation with him: "I'm not feeling my best, so I will venture out for some fresh air."

He'd appeared pale lately, a detail that didn't go unnoticed among the consorts.

Strolling through rockeries and pavilions, he arrived at an inconspicuous corner, the same spot King Alexander was expected to pass.

Not far from Lance, an unfamiliar beautiful man donned an exposing pink outfit anticipation in his gaze.

Despite palace gossip, the competition for favor never stopped. This new face clearly awaited King Alexander's arrival, likely aiming to captivate his attention with his sexual body.

007 also noted this newcomer and suggested: ["He likely hopes to seize King Alexander's attention by flashing him?? The host possesses more talents than him!"]

Lance quipped, ["Did you download how to not motivate your host package?"]

007 admitted, ["...There is no such package, but I've been reading books about human interactions!"]

Although Lance found 007 somewhat lacking, he encouraged his quantum system: ["It's always good to expand one's knowledge."]

007 eagerly responded, ["I'll provide you with a strategy plan based on the target's reactions."]

Lance hummed, his gaze fixated on the distant figure of King Alexander. The King paused briefly before speaking to a butler by his side and then proceeded, leaving the exposing beautiful man behind.

007 explained: ["King Alexander mentioned that he violated palace regulations and will face a demotion due to disturbances in the royal pathways. Host, perhaps we should reconsider and go back to the banquet! T-T]

However, Lance had already approached, his expression distant and detached. It wasn't until Alferdo discreetly reminded him that he snapped back to the present.

King Alexander stood before him, and Lance quickly bowed, offering his respects: "Your Majesty..."

King Alexander halted and surveyed him. "Are you here to expose yourself as well?"

Lance appeared bewildered, failing to grasp the King's meaning. He replied, "I have..I dare not act so reckless. Is Your Majesty attending the Marigold Banquet?"

King Alexander stated, "If Jace shows such interest, I shall grace the banquet with my presence."

Lance hesitated for a moment, his clear eyes veiled with uncertainty. After a few breaths, he finally gathered the courage to speak his mind:

"The Royal banquet just passed, and another grand banquet brings significant expenses. It might not be prudent, especially considering reports of battles in the South. Such circumstances call for frugality, and it wouldn't befit Your Majesty to encourage extravagance."

007 was surprised: ["The host is offering advice instead of following a strategy. Host, stop it!"]

[King Alexander's favorability is -10%, and his current favorability is -20%.]

007 commented to itself: ["As expected..."]

King Alexander's expression darkened in response to Lance's candid words: "Are you criticizing the First Consort Jace to me?"

Lance steadfastly met the King's gaze. "I simply believe that such extravagance may not be appropriate."