[Royalty Arc 13] Spearing His Heart

007: ["Why did he warn the host to not follow him?"]

Lance pondered: ["Maybe because he doesn't want me to die?"]

007 now, was frustrated: ["But his favorability didn't increase at all!"] The mechanical tones even changed, revealing deep resentment.

Lance chuckled: ["Perhaps, he is not into men."]

Lance was disinterested to argue with 007 and asked, ["How's King Alexander doing?"]

007: ["Seems like the Blood Rain is an anti-monarchy organisation, there's numerous people with weapons. Maybe the host could go and solve it?"]

Lance raised an eyebrow: ["Just for me to rush over, I didn't know you wanted me to die, 007."]

Lancelot's petite physique couldn't even survive a plague.

007 thought: ["I can help the host analyze actions, and you can just follow the instructions."]

Lance could already see the figures ahead and decided immediately, dismounting from his horse.

The next moment, his composed expression shifted to one of panic and concern as he anxiously watched King Alexander battling an assailant.

To be perfect in his act, he tripped and fell while running, getting leaves all over himself. Quickly recovering, he ran toward King Alexander's location, embarrassment apparent.

Swordlight and spears flickered, and King Alexander barely defended against the group's attack.

However, King Alexander was drenched in sweat and panting heavily. While he had training in his youth, the responsibilities of ruling a kingdom had kept him from practicing, and now he felt out of practice.

Horns had been blowed to summon help, and he needed to hold on until reinforcements arrived.

First Consort Jace, guarded by him, paled and appeared bewildered. Always heavily protected, he had never encountered violence, let alone such an murderous attempt.

One of King Alexander's guards was fatally stabbed through the chest by the assailant's sword, falling silently.

The blood flowed, creating a gruesome scene before First Consort Jace's eyes, staining his gem sewed shoes.

Panicking, First Consort Jace's legs weakened and he collapsed.

Hearing a clash of swords and spears from behind, King Alexander momentarily lost focus.

The Blood Moon assailant seized the opportunity, aiming for his throat with the blade.

King Alexander's eyes widened, but he couldn't evade in time. His body froze, and he could only watch the blade's approach.

In that critical moment, the sound of an arrow slicing through the air reached King Alexander's ears.

An arrow, marked with Duke Arthur's emblem, pierced the assailant's throat from behind with incredible force.

The sword stopped just inches from King Alexander's throat. The assailant, blade still in hand, wore a look of frustration.

He touched the arrow embedded in his throat and collapsed to the ground.

King Alexander shifted his gaze beyond the fallen figure, meeting Duke Arthur, who still maintained his archer's stance.

Duke Arthur lowered his head and spoke, "Apologies, Your Majesty, for the delayed rescue."

King Alexander snapped back to reality, replying, "Your timely arrival spared me. It was not late at all, my brother."

Amidst the chaos, King Alexander's guards continued to be outnumbered. Duke Arthur didn't speak much and led King Alexander to retreat.

When Lance arrived, he witnessed Duke Arthur saving King Alexander with a precisely aimed arrow. He raised an eyebrow and commented, "Quite intriguing."

Ignoring Duke Arthur, Lance turned his attention back to King Alexander, ensuring he was unharmed.

His attire was soiled with dirt and leaves, and his hands had scratches. Swords and spears surrounded him, but he paid no mind.

It seemed as long as he saw King Alexander safe, he was content.

With Duke Arthur's assistance, King Alexander no longer needed to intervene personally.

He watched the assailant with narrowed eyes, attempting to discern clues. However, when he turned, he found Lance gazing at him.

King Alexander lowered his head, questioning, "What are you doing here?"

"Your Majesty..." Lance began to explain but caught sight of a gleaming spear coming towards King Alexander.

Without hesitation, Lance hurled himself into King Alexander's arms turning him around, Lance facing the danger of impending attack.

But to Lance's surprise, the piercing pain didn't follow. Someone had blocked the spear.

Lance still stood before King Alexander, raising his head to look at him. The astonishment in King Alexander's eyes hadn't yet faded.

While Lance remained unharmed, he had genuinely intended to shield King Alexander from the spear.

This man had consistently expressed his sincerity in the most unusual ways.

[King Alexander's favorability is +20, his current favorability is 80.]

Lance smiled, ["This time, it's not a loss, but I owe Duke Arthur's lifesaving grace."]

007 pondered, ["How does the host know that it was Duke Arthur who blocked the spear?"]

Lance nonchalantly replied, ["Among everyone here, he was closest and fastest to be able to stop it."]

"Lancelot..." King Alexander supported Lance and cast a stern look at the gaurds behind him. "Gaurd the Consorts properly."

Lance was now being personally protected by King Alexander, and he couldn't help but feel suprised. It appeared that a favorability level of 80 held weight.

007 meticulously advised: ["Would not the host die? Please do not do such sacrifices again!"]

Lance responded: ["Not really. The spear was aimed at King Alexander's neck. My height does not reach his shoulders, if not for Duke Arthur. The King would be dead, anyway."]

007 remarked, [...I overestimates the host's willingness to sacrifice. -_- ]

First Consort Jace stared at the person behind King Alexander with intense resentment.

He had clearly witnessed King Alexander shielding Lance behind him. How many people in the world could King Alexander protect in such a manner?

He initially thought he would be the sole beneficiary of his protection. If Lance weren't removed, he would become his primary rival in the future.

First Consort Jace lowered his gaze conspiratorially. If Lance had no interest in becoming a mere not loved consort, he'd ensure he'd become a deceased one.

Lance, still following Duke Arthur's gaze, occasionally complimented him to 007: ["Duke Arthur's fighting skills are impressive, and they're quite a sight to behold."]

From 007's perspective, it was nothing but data: [Host, First Consort Jace is here.]

Lance pursed his lips, his smile holding a certain meaning, [ Today, let me also act as a weak and scared little boy. ]