[Royalty Arc 23] Rebellion Time

Lance raised an eyebrow and gave a wider smile.

King Alexander's heart raced as he leaned in for a loving kiss on Lance's lips.

But Lance lowered his head at the last moment, causing King Alexander to miss his lips entirely.

Resulting in an awkward moment where he kissed the empty air before sheepishly retracting his pursed lips.

With a fond tone, King Alexander said, "Someone's being a bit temperamental, aren't they?"

After a brief silence, Lance gently stepped back, releasing himself from King Alexander's embrace.

Lance spoke slowly, "Your Majesty, you once promised the First Consort a special place in your heart, but your actions now contradict that promise."

"Where should the First Consort stand, and where should this Consort belong?"

King Alexander furrowed his brow, studying Lance for a moment, then relaxed.

King Alexander sighed, "I'm willing to give you anything you desire, even the position of the Queen."

Lance's eyes welled with tears, hidden beneath unwavering determination.

"I've always admired you deeply," he continued, turning his head away from King Alexander. 

In a firm, cold voice, he added, "Your Majesty, please reconsider your actions today."

This marked the first time King Alexander had been asked to "reconsider." Initially angered, his irritation melted away when he noticed tears in Lance's eyes.

His voice softened, "I'm willing to give you status, but if you don't desire it, I won't force you. Rest well. I'll visit you again soon."

As King Alexander departed from Lancelot's Castle, Lance waved goodbye, his hair flowing with the gentle breeze.

["Host, you've managed to push the chance of reaching 100% away!!!"]

007 observed the departing King Alexander, struggling to describe its emotions. 

It had initially thought the host was joking about distancing King Alexander, but it turned out he genuinely had.

[What if you slept with him tomorrow, instead?] 007 suggested, maintaining a sad and infatuated expression. 

However, the host firmly responded, [He's not my type, a self narcissistic. I have no romantic interest in him.]


Under the bright moonlight and sparse stars, Duke Arthur sat by the fire, his thoughts distant.

Through the campfire's warm glow amidst the cold forest, he remembered the night with Lancelot.

Lancelot had claimed to keep watch until he had fallen asleep against the cave wall. 

He had gently covered Lancelot with extra clothes, ensuring his peaceful slumber. 

Their positions, dictated by their status, kept them from acting on their feelings.

Now, Duke Arthur gazed at the main city on the horizon, hoping to someday return and claim what he desired.

As he touched his chest, heated by the fire, his thoughts remained with Lancelot.


In front of his mirror, First Consort Jace touched his dark circles. Yet, when he saw his reflection, his expression froze.

Though still youthful, the innocence that once graced his smile had given way to a forced and artificial one.

Disheartened, he let his lips droop, his eyes filling with cold resentment. He couldn't forget how King Alexander had looked at him with disgust and impatience.

How could he smile after that?

Butler Nasu, hesitant to approach, softly implored, "My Lord, please calm down."

First Consort Jace, lost in his thoughts, repeated his words again and again, "It's Lancelot's fault, it's Lancelot's fault for capturing King Alexander's heart!"

"As long as he doesn't exist..." First Consort Jace broke the powder punch in his hand, scattering it everywhere. "I can return to how I was."

"As long as he's gone."

Butler Nasu, no longer tried to convince him but gazed at First Consort Jace with pity.

The once-pampered First Consort had become another victim of the treacherous royal family.


Duke Arthur's location remained unknown. King Alexander still visited Lancelot's castle and Lancelot did not allow anything more than touching, yet his favorability remained at 95%.

As winter turned to early springs, and the primroses started to bud, the favorability score remained unchanged.

007 began to grow anxious, monitoring both Duke Arthur and King Alexander, to find something to break the monotony. 

The host, confined to the castle as a consort, had little to do.

["Hey?"] 007 noticed the host's disinterest. 

["How do you find these worlds? Can't you place me in one with a phone or something? These days are dreadfully dull.."]

007 inquired, "[Really? Worrying about your next world. But are you even paying attention to this one, host?]"

Desperate for entertainment, the host had read 150 books of this era.

Removing his last ring, Lance mused, ["There must be an opportunity. We can't continue with such a neutral approach."]

At that moment, Alfredo entered with an unusual expression on his face. "My Lord, Sir Liamsworth has sent a message," he announced.

Lance turned his attention to Alfredo. "What is it, Alfredo?"

Alfredo replied, his tone filled with confusion, "The King is advancing towards his throne."

A smile crept across Lance's face, ["It's time to accelerate our plan."]