[Royalty Arc 26] King Arthur

King Alexander laughed, 

"How can the son of a commoner mother be worthy of the title 'King'?"

Duke Arthur spoke casually, "It appears you've forgotten that I, too, am of my father's royal blood. Even in my looks, I hardly qualify as a commoner." 

He gestured towards the broken castle door and added with a touch of sneer, "You can walk on your own, or shall I have you escort you to the guillotine?"

King Alexander grimaced, "I will walk, I do not wish to taint myself with your ungrateful hands."

As he made his departure, King Alexander turned to Lance, wearing a gentle smile, "Come to me, Lancelot."

Lance raised an eyebrow, feigning innocence, "Oh no, thank you, you go ahead."

King Alexander's expression shifted, suspicion creeping in, "What do you mean, Lancelot?"

Lance dismissed the notion casually, "Dying with you doesn't sound appealing, I rather live." 

With graceful ease, Lance walked towards Duke Arthur, casting a playful smile at King Alexander. 

"In truth, I came here with a different purpose, to meet my King."

King Alexander, perplexed, asked, "What exactly are you implying?"

Lance maintained his casual demeanour, his words delivered with an air of nonchalance. 

"It's rather straightforward. I had faith that Duke Arthur could offer me a more favourable situation than you, so I decided to assist him."

A playful smirk tugged at Lance's lips as he playfully teased, "You see, perhaps I am just as vain as the First Consort, Jace."

This newfound self-assuredness in Lance was a stark departure from his usual deference when in the presence of the king.

King Alexander found himself momentarily speechless.

Lance proceeded, breaking the silence with an air of confidence, "Regarding Duke Arthur treating me better..."

Duke Arthur, feeling slightly uncomfortable, cleared his throat before responding, "Well, that's a promise I have made."

King Alexander's emotions were a tumultuous mix of anger, hurt, and bewilderment. He finally managed to voice his question, "But why, Lancelot?"

Lance's reply was delivered casually, his tone almost matter-of-fact. "There are numerous reasons. Your actions were often arbitrary, subjecting me to both hardships and moments of favour. Perhaps I merely desire to be treated kindly for once?"

With those words, Lance began to move toward the castle's exit. He nodded at Duke Arthur as he departed, saying, "I will retire to my castle now. Please inform me when this matter is resolved."

Duke Arthur signaled to the soldiers behind him, instructing them, "Ensure his safe return to his castle."

In the background, King Alexander's anguished cries echoed through the air, "Lancelot, Lancelot, Lancelot!!!"

[Congratulations to the Host Lance Princeton for perfectly clearing the mission 'Avoid De Vere Dukedom's extermination' in 1 year 5 months 10 days, the instance clearance score is greater than 90% of the challengers. ]

[Additionally, the Host has cleared the secret mission 'Lancelot's Revenge'.]

[This instance clearance is evaluated as S-grade. Please return to the personal space for settlement of the rewards.]


As Lance reached his castle, he asked 007, ["Secret mission? Would you care to elaborate?"]

007 responded with enthusiasm, ["I did not tell the Host about it because I thought the Host could complete it!"]

Lance frowned, ["Do not hide things from me, 007."]

007 reassured him, ["Indeed, I won't hide it next time!"]

Lance continued, ["Alright, let's get back to the matter at hand, I can't remain here indefinitely."]

007 explained. ["When you believe you can no longer raise the favorability of another character, you can choose to leave a copy of yourself and I can assist you with that.]

Lance acknowledged, ["Does this copy have my memories?"]

["Don't worry, Host, the copy will remember your memories as a dream and forget them soon."]


After the turmoil subsided and King Alexander executed, the castle quickly regained its calm, and life returned to normal.

However, the new King had dismissed all the consorts out of the castle except Lance.

Lance hadn't seen King Arthur for several days now, so he made his way to the King's castle to visit the new king. 

His demeanour remained reserved as he entered the Royal study escorted by the new Butler.

Lance knocked with a smile, "May I come in, Your Majesty."

King Arthur raised his gaze, his thoughts hidden. After a moment of reflection, he replied, "Come and sit."

Lance looked at him, his face remained composed, but a faint tiredness could be seen in his brows.

Lance took the opportunity to probe, his playful tone suggesting a deeper question. 

"Your Majesty, I wish to leave the castle and live as a commoner."

King Arthur's brow furrowed slightly, his expression indicating his unease with the idea. "Why do you want that?"

Lance met the king's gaze, his eyes revealing a hint of melancholy.

"Your Majesty, I have no family or friends here. There is nothing to tie me to this place."

King Arthur's frown deepened, and he spoke with a touch of vulnerability, "You can stay here, with me."

Lance couldn't help but chuckle at his insistence. "Ah, Your Majesty, you're quite persuasive. Very well, I shall stay."

The ease with which Lance had accepted his offer caught King Arthur off guard.

Duke Arthur coughed lightly and addressed the Lance with sincerity. 

"I want you to know that I've promised not to cause you any distress."


Author's Corner:

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