[Horror Showbiz 02]: The Death And The Targets

Lance confidently walked into the room, casually reaching out to flick on the light switch.

This room had a different ambiance compared to the previous ones.

It felt more like a library, with bookshelves lined with dusty volumes, a wooden desk, and various furnishings that hinted at a scholarly atmosphere.

Lance leisurely explored the room, scanning its contents for anything of significance. However, his search yielded nothing of note.

His attention was eventually drawn to a bookcase along one wall.

Among the layers of dusty tomes, one book stood out – not because of its content, but due to its conspicuous absence of pages.

It sat there like a hollowed-out relic.

As Lance considered whether the book was important, piercing screams echoed through the building.


Followed by a flurry of hurried footsteps directly above his head.

The supernatural being had commenced its killing.