[Horror Showbiz 18]: A Favour

Elijah's favorability toward Lance had been steadily increasing, and the enigmatic killer's interest in him was undeniable. 

Despite his unusual demeanour, Lance couldn't help but feel a sense of control in their interactions.

Lance decided to test the waters and see if Elijah's fascination with him extended to his own belief.

Elijah turned his head and gazed out the window, as if it were not an unchanging night outside, but a sunny day. 

His favorability towards Lance increased.

[Elijah's favorability is +5%, and his current favorability is 90%.]

But the look of joy soon disappeared from his face, replaced by a sense of melancholy and distance.

He had the appearance of a man who longed for something he couldn't have. 

The sunlight, something so ordinary for most people, was a luxury he could no longer enjoy.

Elijah, despite his status as living, had become detached from the world of the living.