[Horror Showbiz 21]: Bittersweet End

Lance took a step back, no longer daring to hold Elijah, avoiding direct eye contact with him.

Elijah smiled sarcastically and turned his attention to Xavier.

Elijah's vampiric aura enveloped the room, causing Xavier's complexion to grow noticeably paler..

"You can't defeat me," Elijah calmly asserted.

Xavier's lips curled into a crazed smile as he gazed toward the window, where the rising sun shone its brightest.

There was a resonant shatter, and spider web-like cracks radiated from the centre.

Elijah's composed demeanour started to fray. 

He abandoned his efforts against Xavier and attempted to thwart his intentions. 

"Are you out of your mind?" he exclaimed.

Xavier's expression turned slightly aloof, no longer fixated on the breaking windows.

He moved swiftly toward Elijah, his pale fingers gripping Elijah's shoulders with unwavering determination.