[Zerg Arc 04]: Leaves And Visits

Rose entered the room, her white lab coat swaying as she walked. 

She spoke with a distant, cold tone, standing before Lance, her voice carrying an air of authority,

"I heard Crown Prince Ezekiel mention it," she began, her words laced with curiosity, "How did you come into contact with the Zerg?"

Lancelot had spent his childhood within the confines of his home, maintaining a limited connection with his sister and the Gracia family as a whole. 

Nonetheless, his surname was Gracia, and even as he intended to dedicate his life to the zergs, the family name bound him to the Gracia legacy.

Following the memories of Terence, Lance replied, "I met him at the garden. At the time, I thought he was just another noble..." 

His voice grew quieter as he spoke, the unfamiliarity and fear of his sister clearly evident. 

His words tapered off to silence.

Observing Lance, Rose sighed softly, her intuition helping her to discern the situation.