The Secret of Warhaven

At dawn, a world-wide announcement appeared in the sky.


[WORLD ANNOUNCEMENT: The Minotaur has been defeated - Rewards will be calculated and given tomorrow night!]


Smash, smash—a young man smashed his wooden training sword at the wooden pole. Then he took a drink from his canteen and looked up at the announcement in the sky.


'It took them to defeat the Minotaur as much time as it took us to defeat Karma.' Ambrose thought and put the water canteen on the ground beside him before continuing to hack the training sword at the wooden pole.


Tap, tap—the Wisdom King walked into the backyard and took a seat. He watched Ambrose with a thoughtful look before asking, "Young one, how was the Warhaven?"


"It was an experience." Ambrose replied and then spun the wooden sword around him before smashing it into the wooden pole's "head."


"I happened to die."