Fountain Lane

At Fountain Lane, near the entrance of a park where old and young go to enjoy morning walks, a house was burning with scarlet-red flames.


It was a glorious sight, but also a terrifying one.


The heatwave that engulfed the nearby area had touched many Fountain Lane residents, who had gathered to watch in wonder and disbelief. 


It wasn't cold anymore as they basked in the heat of the burning building.


The flames danced and crackled, consuming every bit of the building.


The residents could only hope that no one was inside the building when it exploded.


A moment later, Ambrose arrived at the scene of the burning building and sighed heavily.


He saw the residents gathered on the other side of the street, looking distraught and fearful.


"Excuse me, what happened here?" Ambrose walked over to one of the residents, who was visibly shaken.