50% Punch

The Mountain King snarled loudly and smashed its paws down on the ground.

Then, using all four of its limbs, it started running towards Jesse at blitzering speed. Even the fastest men competing in the Olympics wouldn't be able to outrun it!

'It's hide seems tough as steel. It even managed to tank my previous attack, which would easily be able to kill any ordinary bear.

'If I try to punch it, I'll break my hand!'

Jesse quickly concluded that his Humanoid Imperfecta hindered him greatly in the combat.

There were times when he couldn't tell the difference between the real world and the gaming world.

Sometimes, he tried to open his interface and inventory in the real world just to realize that he hadn't even logged in yet.

However, in this fight, he luckily managed to remember that this wasn't the same as in the gaming world. He was weaker and more vulnerable here.