Only Win

Ambrose wrote a message on the chat interface and then pressed send. He had been talking with Bella, and she ensured that she was fine.

They were both quite nervous about what would happen when the server was offline, but luckily, everything went smoothly.

Moriarty walked beside him down a lonely street, and saw bounty posters nailed on the building walls. Most of them were slightly torn, and weathered, but still readable.

"You're indeed very popular here." He said with a tone of amusement. "I've only seen yours and some guy Reinhardt's wanted posters. Is there some history between you and this place?"

"Maybe." Ambrose put away the chat interface.

"If you're so wanted here, why did you want to meet here?" Moriarty asked. "Sounds quite reckless. If you are recognized, it will bring tons of problems."

"I was curious." Ambrose glanced at all those wanted posters, some with scribbles over his face, and there were plenty of hateful messages.