Smooth Operator

A couple of days later, only Zehar and I remained in the ward, both of us still recovering. The atmosphere between us was tense, and we avoided making eye contact. However, I needed him on my team, so it was time to recruit him into my gang, The Fool.

"You've been defeated, Zehar," I spoke my first words to him, maintaining a calm but icy tone. "You were supposed to be one of the strongest people in this place, yet you were defeated so easily."

"You were just lucky, bitch," he retorted defensively.

"Perhaps, but I won. The style in which you win may vary, but a victory retains its value, regardless of how you played the game." I spoke a quote which I lived by, then continued, "So because of that, from today onward, you will work for me and help me bring diplomacy to this place."

"Tsk, stop with that fucking bullshit. I know you're lying!" Zehar shot back.