Zehar Finally Aware

I walked up to the middle of the cell block, my heart pounding in my chest. The eyes of betrayers surveying me from afar. As I arrived in the middle, a burst of sickening emotion gripped me, threatening to consume my entire being. "Hihahifshgsa... HAHAHAAHAH," my laughter erupted, a sinister, devilish sound that echoed off the grimy walls. "Just why did you have to betray me? Tell me!"

The inmates arrogant belittling glares shifted to concern, fear covering their face and terrified for what will come out of my mouth next.

"We had a perfect plan in motion but noooo you all just had to blow it up! UGH FUCK! IT'S SO FUCKING FRUSTRATING! Sigh but oh well, now y'all made me use my last resort I didn't want it to end this way but so be it! YOU ALL BROUGHT THIS UPON YOURSELF!" I shouted, my voice laced with fury and frustration. I could hardly contain the rage simmering within me.