Betraying Damir

Finally, after a few minutes the bag was filled with tasers, batons, rubber bullet guns and tear gas bombs. I handed the heavy ass bag to Eman and Darjan, who held a strap on each side, and we hurried back to our cell block. Before parting ways, I advised them, "Hide the bag in one of your cells, and be prepared for what's coming. Follow the plan to the letter."

With that, I dashed down another hallway toward my cell block.


Upon reaching the ninth cell block, I quickly made my way to my cell and lay down. While I was chilling in my cell I knew I needed to continue with my plan so just minutes after laying down I sighted and left it, ascending a formation of stairs, eventually reaching Damir's cell.

"Yo bro, imma go check up on the new guys, I can even invite them in your gang if you want," I casually asked Damir, who was engrossed in a TV series.

"Yeah, sure," he replied, waving me off, still absorbed in his show.