Drive To Germany

Instructing Darjan to make a stop at a nearby bakery for some sustenance, he parked the car, and entered the bakery. I stayed inside the car and pondered the potential danger ahead. "The borders are opening now, but there could still be some checks. Two guys in a car might raise suspicion. Well, it's not like we'll bring the ecstasy on this trip, but Dietrich might have the stock already for me... Right! I'll bring Pia and Eva with me. Those girls will make the entire car less suspicious since we'll look like couples on vacation."

With that thought in mind, I dialed Eva's number. After a few minutes, she groggily answered, "Yeah? Dionis, it's 4 AM, what do you need?"

"Eva, get your ass up. We're going to Germany for a vacation," I declared, injecting a sense of urgency into the early morning call....

"What?" She responded, her confusion evident in her foggy and confused thoughts..