The Pandemonium Lashblade's true capabilities (1)

Point out any errors I made in the chapters, as I'm very lazy and sometimes can't be bothered to reread them. Also give your opinions on something I should change or add.

Note: Might be more errors in this one since I didn't have the time to properly reread it, but didn't know when I would be able to and didn't want to leave it unpublished while it was already pretty much done


When approaching Feng, the Mechanical Slayer revealed a human-like sneer, making Feng clench his fists in exhilaration.

"All of you, retreat outside of Creek Town."

Aqua and the other Zero Wing members who were unaware became confused upon hearing Feng's command, but as Fire and the others who had their memories returned turned around and dashed out of the warehouse, the rest followed as well, leaving Feng and the 48 NPCs to face against the Mechanical Slayer and the Mechanical Watchers who just woke up. 

Feng slowed his movement speed and ran towards a corner of the warehouse, luring the Mechanical Slayer away while having the NPCs distract the Mechanical Watchers, stalling the mechanical monsters until his guild members ran out.

Despite his attributes allowing him to move at a speed the Mechanical Slayer wouldn't even be able to react to, Feng ran at a pace that the Mechanical Slayer could keep up with and slowly shrink the distance between them, giving the illusion that it would eventually catch up to Feng.

When the distance between them shortened to 20 yards, the Mechanical Slayer abruptly swung its greatsword at Feng, wielding it singlehandedly.

Clearly, there was still a distance of 20 yards between the Mechanical Slayer and Feng. Although the Mechanical Slayer's serrated greatsword was very large and long, it could not hit Feng. Yet, the Mechanical Slayer still chose to swing its greatsword.

When the serrated greatsword descended, it created a loud boom. Even the air surrounding the greatsword compressed and became extremely heavy. Suddenly, tens of air blades shot towards Feng.

The blades resembled a wall of air pressing down on Feng. The gaps between air blades simply did not allow Feng any space to evade. Moreover, they covered a frightening range.

When the air blades were about to hit Feng, he suddenly flew. In the nick of time, Feng flew out of the range of the air blades, leaving behind afterimages as he charged towards the closest iron pillar. This was none other than the effect of Wind Rider. 

The Mechanical Slayer bellowed angrily. It actually failed to kill an ant like Feng with a single attack. This was simply humiliating. Immediately after, the Mechanical Slayer no longer wielded its serrated greatsword single-handedly. Instead, it swung the greatsword with both hands now.


The serrated greatsword plunged into the sturdy ground.

Suddenly, the entire warehouse started trembling. With the Mechanical Slayer as the epicenter, the ground began to crack. Covering a radius of around 70 yards, streams of air blasted up from the ground, decimating everything in their path.

As all of the Zero Wing members had already left the warehouse by now, none of them were caught up in the attack, and only a few NPCs and a Mechanical Watcher had gotten hit by it, which resulted in all of those NPCs dying instantly.

Seeing that, Feng had the rest of the sacrifices stop kiting the Mechanical Watchers and attack the Mechanical Slayer instead. As the sacrifices charged forward, they were all quickly dispatched by the Mechanical Slayer while it was trying to get to Feng. 

Once all of the NPCs were killed, the Mechanical Slayer continued towards Feng, but was frozen by an Intermediate Frost Grenade. Originally, an Intermediate Frost Grenade could deal 800 frost damage to monsters Level 70 or below and freeze them for five seconds. However, when used on the Mechanical Slayer, the Intermediate Frost Grenade had only dealt -100 damage. The freezing effect only lasted for one second.

However, his current enemies were not limited to just the Mechanical Slayer. They also included the eight Mechanical Watchers. 

Previously, these Mechanical Watches had been distracted by the NPCs, but after all those NPCs were sacrificed to the Mechanical Slayer's growth, the Mechanical Watchers lost their targets and rushed over to deal with Feng. 

Avoiding the Mechanical Watchers, Feng tossed an Intermediate Frost Grenade and froze the eight Watchers so that they were in between him and the Mechanical Slayer, before dashing towards the warehouse's entrance; giving the impression that he was running away from the Slayer. 

"You will all die!" The Mechanical Slayer let out a mechanical roar after escaping its icy imprisonment. The entire warehouse trembled at its mighty roar.

Instantly, the Mechanical Slayer strode forward and charged at the escaping Swordsman.

While moving forward, however, the Mechanical Slayer found itself blocked by the eight frozen Mechanical Watchers. Without a shred of hesitation, the Slayer swung its greatsword at one of its supposed-allies. The strike sent one of the heavy, over six-feet-tall Watchers flying. Making eight quick successive swings, the Mechanical Slayer sent all eight Mechanical Watchers into the warehouse's walls.

A basic swing from its greatsword devoured more than 300,000 HP from each of the Mechanical Watchers.

In other words, the Mechanical Slayer could easily kill a Level 30 Lord ranked Mechanical Watcher with only five basic attacks.

With such strength, the Mechanical Slayer could effortlessly massacre a starter town.

Mutants were a special existence in God's Domain. They were not bound by the logic of the game. Normally, Mutants were born from mutated monsters. However, a Mutant's spawn rate was as low as that of obtaining a Lucky Stone in God's Domain.

The system's laws had no effect on these Mutants, and they were completely independent creatures. They could wander about to any region, and they would attack and destroy any living being they come across. 

Every time a Mutant appeared in God's Domain, a disaster would follow. Mutants were like the various natural disasters in the real world, and they were not something that a single player could usually deal with.

Mutants possessed an intellect several times higher than normal monsters, and they were practically on the same level as a high-level NPC. In addition, when a monster mutated, their combat power would increase by several folds.

During the time Feng took to 'escape' the hidden warehouse, the Mechanical Slayer had taken care of all eight Mechanical Watchers. Finished with the nuisances, the Mechanical Slayer renewed its charge at Feng.

Almost immediately, the Mechanical Slayer caught up to Feng, its serrated greatsword coursing its way towards him. Currently, the hallway Feng was in only had one path. Feng pointed the Abyssal Blade at the Mechanical Slayer and used Abyssal Bind.

Nine pitch-black chains suddenly sprouted from the ground, binding the Mechanical Slayer.


The Mechanical Slayer struggled madly, and after a second of struggling, it shattered one of the chains. Soon, the second and third chain broke apart as well. After easily snapping the chains that bound it, the Mechanical Slayer swung down its serrated greatsword.

Unlike the downward slash it had used at the very beginning of the raid, this swing had sliced apart the air, the greatsword meeting no resistance whatsoever.

The air blades that the slash produced had also become much finer, sharper, and quicker.

Not delaying any further, Feng switched out the Seven Luminaries Ring's Aura of Wind to the Aura of Space.

Suddenly, a spatial crack formed in front of Feng. Through this crack, one could see a completely different view from that of the Blood Hand Association's stronghold. In the blink of an eye, the spatial crack widened large enough to allow a single person to pass through.

Feng jumped through the spatial crack without hesitation.

Soon after, the air blades entered the spatial crack as well, following their target. However, the moment these blades of air entered the spatial crack, they immediately disappeared without a trace like a rock sinking into a bottomless ocean.

This spatial crack was formed by none other than the Aura of Space's activatable skill, Space Movement. Although the skill was not as convenient as an Elementalist's Instantaneous Movement, the distance one could cross using Space Movement far surpassed that of Instantaneous Movement.

Mutants were different from other monsters. If a monster or NPC killed a player, they would only suffer the standard system penalty.

However, if a Mutant killed a player...

Not only would the penalty for death double, but players would also need to wait one natural day before they could revive in the game. Healers resurrection skills would also not work on players Mutants had killed. Hence, players were required to wait one natural day before they could resume playing God's Domain. Moreover, after reviving, players would enter a weakened state, having all their Attributes reduced by 30% and EXP received by 50% for two natural days.

In God's Domain, time was money. A Guild would suffer tremendous losses if its members became useless for three days. Even first-rate Guilds could not afford to suffer such a loss.

When the Mechanical Slayer saw Feng disappear into the spatial crack, a hint of suspicion appeared on its icy face.

The Mechanical Slayer had only recently gained its own consciousness, and there were simply too many things in this world that it did not know.

Feng was but an ant in its eyes; something that it could easily crush. However, not only had this ant damaged it, freezing it for a time, but this ant also managed to escape right before its eyes. Moreover, the method this ant used to escape was something it had never encountered before.

"Damned ant, do you think you can escape me?" The Mechanical Slayer laughed coldly, almost human-like. "No matter how far you run, you won't escape my grasp."

Following which, the Mechanical Slayer swung its greatsword upwards, piercing a large hole through the ceiling and creating a path out of the Blood Hand Association's stronghold. Focusing its strength in its legs, the Mechanical Slayer jumped out of the stronghold.

"So, this is how flying works," the Mechanical Slayer chuckled as it hovered in mid-air. Not only did the intelligence of this Mechanical Slayer undergo a tremendous transformation, but its learning capability also reached frightening levels. The Mechanical Slayer had only seen Feng use Wind Rider once, yet, it actually learned the skill so quickly...

"Hmm. I see that you've managed to run quite far away." Hovering above the Blood Hand Association's stronghold, the Mechanical Slayer's lips curled up with a trace of playfulness as it looked towards the northwest. Immediately, it flew in that direction, hunting its prey.


At this moment, Aqua, Fire, and everyone else from Zero Wing had just left the Blood Hand Association's stronghold, confusion still occupying some of their minds.

Before anyone could react, the roof of the Blood Hand Association's stronghold suddenly collapsed, creating a hole that led towards the stronghold's underground space. In the next moment, the Mechanical Slayer appeared from the hole and hovered above the stronghold. Soon after, the Mechanical Slayer transformed into a streak of light and departed from Creek Town.

After a period of silence, Snow Goose rubbed her eyes, asking uncertainly, "Big Sis Aqua, my eyes aren't playing tricks on me, right? That thing that flew away just now was the Mechanical Slayer, right?"

"Uh...yes." Aqua Rose nodded her head blankly.

"Let's return to the warehouse. Since the Guild Leader has lured the Mechanical Slayer away, we'll have to wait until it dies to claim the treasures." Fire's words interrupted their thoughts. 

Aqua gazed at Fire in confusion, wondering why it seems like some of them know exactly what's happening. A thought suddenly occurred to Aqua, and she quickly checked the team member list.

In God's Domain, there were only two possibilities for a monster to leave battle. The first was when players had run beyond the monster's range predetermined by the system. The other scenario was when the monster successfully killed its target. Now that the Mechanical Slayer had departed from Creek Town, it was obvious that the second scenario had occurred.

However, Aqua discovered that Feng's name was still illuminated. The fact that Feng's name had not turned gray showed that Feng was still alive, but this confused Aqua even more. Glancing to the side, Aqua noticed that Fire and the others had already left towards the hidden warehouse.

Seeing that her opinion and thoughts on the matter were completely irrelevant to them, Aqua smiled bitterly, feeling that she didn't seem like a Vice-Guild Leader at all.

In truth, Aqua had already noticed the way some of the members in her guild acted, like they were all in the know about something. Moreover, these were all the people who were the strongest within the guild. Aqua had even noticed that some members of Zero Wing became experts similar to the rest of them practically overnight after logging out and logging back in and started acting in the same way; with some of those members even previously being noobs that Aqua knew had only recently joined Zero Wing.

After asking some of these members, all that Aqua learned was that they had undergone Zero Wing's Special Training. But when she tried asking for more information about what the Secret Training actually was, all that they told her was that it couldn't be described with words, and could only be experienced. 

This response greatly confused Aqua, as it was the same thing Black Flame had previously told her. However, it also reaffirmed Aqua's desire to undergo the Special Training as well, deciding to go to Zero Wing's Workshop as soon as possible in order to increase her strength and stop feeling like she was a Vice-Guild Leader only in name. 

Following which, everyone went to the hidden warehouse. However, as everyone arrived before the hidden warehouse, they were all dumbfounded by what they saw. Unbelievably, the corpses of the eight Mechanical Watchers were embedded into the steel walls of the hidden warehouse. In addition, items littered the floor around the dead Watchers.


On the other side, Feng had used Space Movement to arrive at the closest teleportation point, teleporting to White River City.

After arriving at White River City, before Feng even stepped out of the teleportation magic array, he discovered a commotion going on at the entrance of the Teleportation Hall. At this moment, there were many Guild players surrounding the entrance of the Teleportation Hall, and every one of them acted overbearingly.

Feng revealed a faint smile as he walked towards the entrance of the Teleportation Hall.

Currently, Zero Wing was like the sun at noon. Naturally, many Guilds would feel insecure about losing their position, so it was normal for them to take action.

At this moment, the entrance of the Teleportation Hall was filled with noise. Several Guilds had gathered, many of which were third-rate Guilds. Even the members of Dark Star and World Dominators, two of the top six Guilds of White River City, were present.

"What are you Guilds trying to do here?! Didn't we tell you already that we're not interested in joining you?!" a female Guardian Knight growled in annoyance. The woman was an extraordinary beauty with bright eyes.

"Lady, don't say that. Interest is something that can be nurtured. Your disinterest is simply because you don't fully understand us right now. I believe that as long as we spend some time together, your enthusiasm in joining us will grow," a Level 18 male Assassin insisted, laughing. The Assassin was fully geared with Mysterious-Iron Equipment.

After the male Assassin spoke, the tens of players behind him tightened their blockade of the entrance with no intentions of letting anyone get past them.

"Are all Guilds in White River City like you guys?" the female Guardian Knight said as she wrinkled her brows.

"Hahaha! Don't misunderstand us. We aren't forcing you to join any of the Guilds present. If you aren't interested in joining any of us, you only need to pay a 5 Silver Coin service fee. After all, you can't expect us to make a trip here for nothing!" the male Assassin chuckled coldly.

"You all are going too far!"

In a fit of rage, the female Guardian Knight unsheathed her saber and shield. Although her equipment was a mix of Common and Bronze rank, her level of 17 was not to be underestimated.

Currently, the majority of players were only Level 13, and few among the average players had reached Level 14. Those who managed to reach Level 15 were all veteran players. As for those who were Level 16 or above, such players were usually the elite members of Guilds.

The fact that an independent player like the female Guardian Knight had managed to reach Level 17 showed that she possessed definite abilities.

"What? You want to challenge me? Come at me, then! I'll even stand here and let you hit me! Hit me if you can!" The male Assassin laughed arrogantly. He even took the initiative to move closer towards the female Guardian Knight's saber.

"You shameless bastard!"

Although the female Guardian Knight was furious, she did not take action. They were in White River City. If she attacked first, the guards would capture or kill her. Yet, with so many people blocking the entrance, there was simply no way to leave the building.

However, she was also unwilling to pay these bastards.

To teleport to White River City, they had spent a lot of money. Now, these Guilds wanted to charge them a passage fee of 5 Silver Coins per person. That was practically everything an average player would have.

"Turtledove, don't let them get to you," a tall and sturdy male Berserker said, pulling back the female Guardian Knight.

"Big Brother Shadow Sword, they are simply too much! I need to teach them a lesson! At worst, the guards will just lock me up," the female Guardian Knight named Turtledove persisted, the expression on her face showing that she was not afraid of death.

"Even if you take action, you might not necessarily be able to deal with the problem at hand. We've just arrived at White River City, and we don't have any Reputation here. However, they are different. They have already accumulated a certain amount of Reputation in White River City. Even if they aren't nobles, they will still be citizens of White River City. If we attack them, they can retaliate without suffering any consequences," the Berserker named Shadow Sword warned.

"Oh? It seems that you still possess some insight!" the male Assassin sneered. "That's right. We have earned enough Reputation to become White River City citizens. Some of us here are even first-class citizens, which is only a rank behind nobles! I believe you should know what a first-class citizen signifies, right?"

In God's Domain, citizens of any particular city would receive a special treatment. When a confrontation occurred between players inside a city, as long as no damage occurred, the guards of the city would not pay any attention. Meanwhile, when attacking a first-class citizen inside a city, if one were not a citizen of that particular city, then the punishment they received would double.

If Turtledove dared to attack a first-class citizen of White River City, a very severe punishment would await her. Even if said first-class citizen killed her, she would still be arrested and jailed once she respawned. She would also have to pay a fine. If she did not possess sufficient funds to pay the fine, she would have to pawn the items she had on her to make up for it.

At this moment, Turtledove came to a realization. She was inwardly relieved that she had not acted rashly just now. Otherwise, she would have truly played into those bastards' hands.

"Did you think that you could leave just because you didn't make a move?" The male Assassin laughed, glaring at Turtledove contemptuously. "If first-class citizens strike, I wonder how you will respond?"

"You shameless bastards!" Turtledove understood what these Guild players were trying to do. Suddenly, she said in a frosty tone, "We have come to White River City to join Zero Wing. Are you guys not afraid that Zero Wing will retaliate because of this despicable display?"

"Hahaha! Zero Wing? So what? This daddy here is a member of Dark Star! Even if Zero Wing has great potential, it is still not a match for Dark Star right now! Those bastards from Zero Wing don't even dare to fight us out in the open!" the male Assassin said in disdain. "Moreover, haven't you noticed that there are other Guilds present here as well?

"You guys are really foolish. You actually fell for the crap that some newly-established Guild like Zero Wing spews. Did you guys really think that White River City belongs entirely to Zero Wing?

"Just Dark Star alone is enough to send Zero Wing trembling in fear! Right now, there are seven third-rate Guilds and more than ten unrated Guilds with over 3,000 members present. Even if Zero Wing grew a spine, do you think they would dare to provoke all of us?

"Do you really think Zero Wing is willing to make an enemy out of everyone present?"

Turtledove's composure wavered at the male Assassin's words.

Zero Wing was indeed a newly-established Guild. Moreover, although there were over a million Guild players in White River City, only a fraction belonged to the top six Guilds of White River City, whereas the majority belonged to normal unrated Guilds. Although these unrated Guilds only possessed three to five thousand members on average, there was a large number of unrated Guilds in White River City. If their numbers combined, the total members that these unrated Guilds possessed far surpassed the top six Guilds of White River City.

If these unrated Guilds allied with each other, not even the top six Guilds of White River City would be a match for them.

With so many Guilds working together, how could Zero Wing possibly oppose them?

Thinking up to this point, Turtledove started growing anxious.

"Turtledove, my inconsideration has implicated you in this matter. In a moment, I'll hold them off while you take the chance to escape. As long as you leave the Teleportation Hall, none of these Guilds can do anything to you," Shadow Sword whispered to Turtledove.

"No. At worst, we'll die together. Isn't it just losing some levels and equipment? It's not my first time suffering such a setback." Turtledove shook her head, tightening her grip on her saber.

"I applaud you for your bravery. Unfortunately, you guys came at the wrong time. Brothers, go! Show these folks our passion!" The male Assassin's lips curled up into a mocking sneer. He then motioned with his hand. Immediately, three players possessing the status of first-class citizens moved.

However, before the three first-class citizen players arrived in front of Shadow Sword and Turtledove, a black figure suddenly appeared, blocking them.

This person hidden under a Black Cloak was none other than Feng.

"Making an enemy of everyone?

"Such a bold claim... is Dark Star not afraid of biting its own tongue?

"Do you really think Dark Star is the overlord of White River City?"

Feng's appearance stunned the Guild players blocking the entrance.

To think there was actually someone so foolish....

"Brat, you must be a newcomer, right?

"In White River City, we are the sky. Even Zero Wing, which is in its heyday right now, has to bow before us.

"Since you are also new, I'll give you a piece of advice. Join us. Why bother with a Guild that has no future like Zero Wing?"

"Of course, it's also fine if you don't wish to join us. Just pay 5 Silver Coins, and we'll let you be on your way."

The various Guild players laughed maniacally.

Feng paid no mind to the ridicule and laughter. Instead, he said, "So, it turns out that your Guilds are such good-for-nothings. Instead of growing the courage to confront Zero Wing, you came here to target the players intending to join them. Don't you think you're ridiculous?"

"Brat, you trying to challenge us?" the male Assassin from Dark Star sneered disdainfully.

As the male Assassin spoke, the other Guilds sent forward a few of their own first-class citizens.

As first-class citizens, as long as they did not damage any players without Reputation, even if they manhandled the other party, they would not face any consequences. Hence, they could simply drag Feng and the other two newcomers out of White River City. Kill them? Cut them? They could do whatever they wanted.

It would be even better if the newcomers retaliated. As long as the newcomers retaliated, they could kill them.

In other words, regardless of whether Feng and the other two retaliated or not, they would not have a happy ending.

At this moment, Shadow Sword whispered to Feng, saying, "Fellow brother, thank you for standing up for us. In a moment, I'll charge ahead, so take the chance to escape. As long as you leave the Teleportation Hall, you should be able to avoid them. If you hide in the high-class area of the city, they cant use force against you."

There were differences between the areas in a city. In the common areas of the city, as long as no actual damage occurred, the NPC guards would not pay any attention to the friction between players. However, it was a different story if such a situation occurred in the high-class areas or Trade Area. The same applied to the restaurants and shops inside the city. Even first-class citizens would be arrested and jailed if they tried to create trouble in this areas.

Feng smiled in reply to Shadow Sword's words. However, he did not take them to heart as he continued advancing, walking step by step towards Drunken Maniac, the male Assassin from Dark Star.

"What's wrong with this person?"

Originally, Turtledove had some goodwill towards Feng. However, seeing that Feng ignored Shadow Sword's words, her impression of him worsened slightly.

"Turtledove!" Shadow Sword chided in a low tone.

"Hmph! I want to see what he's going to do next!" Turtledove snorted as she frowned Feng's frail back.

Shadow Sword remained silent, quietly watching Feng. Shadow Sword felt that Feng was not as simple as he appeared. Although the Black Cloak that Feng wore hid his appearance, level, and name, it could not hide the air of an expert his body exuded. Moreover, looking at Feng's unperturbed appearance, Shadow Sword's certainty that Feng was a powerful expert grew; hence, he hindered Turtledove's actions.

However, Shadow Sword had not expected anything to actually happen. After all, they were still within White River City. Even experts were not allowed to take action here.

"Oh? Since you want to die, we'll play with you."

Six players with statuses of first-class citizens immediately surrounded and grabbed at Feng, intending to drag him away and out of the city. However...

"Don't touch me, trash." Feng's cold voice sounded as he sent a slap at one of the idiots closest to him, instantly turning the person's head into a cloud of bloody mist.

Suddenly, silence permeated in the Teleportation Hall. Everyone stared in disbelief at the collapsing corpse, not believing that a person had just gotten one-slapped to the death. 

"W-what happened?" Drunken Maniac stuttered as he gazed at Feng in fear. 

Lone Tyrant had sent him to deal with players that came from other cities to join Zero Wing.

Due to Zero Wing's growing popularity, many players on the forums had expressed their intentions to migrate to White River City to join the up and coming Guild.

Faced with such a situation, the various Guilds in White River City were unable to sit still. It was especially true for Dark Star and World Dominators.

Currently, Zero Wing was a huge headache for them. If they allowed experts from other cities to bolster Zero Wing's ranks, the Guild would soon grow to become an unstoppable force in White River City. Hence, many Guilds decided to cooperate with each other and sent a few of their members with high Reputation to occupy the Teleportation Hall.

With so many Guilds working together, even Zero Wing would not dare create conflict casually.

By doing so, not only could they reduce the numbers joining Zero Wing, but they could also reduce some of Zero Wing's prestige, killing two birds with one stone.

However, the only reply Drunken Maniac received was the flash of a sword.

Earth Splitter!

The players surrounding Feng were only Level 16. Their HP was only slightly over 2,000. They could not endure Feng's sword at all. With a single attack, the remaining five players surrounding Feng fell like puppets who had their strings cut.

"You...! You actually attacked us!" Drunken Maniac gaped Feng in disbelief. He could not understand why Feng dared to attack them. They were still inside White River City. They also had so many players on their side. So, shouldn't Feng be on his knees, begging for mercy and allowing them to trample him?

Meanwhile, Turtledove, who stood behind Feng, had her mouth open wide in shock. With her eyes fixed on Feng's back, she couldn't help but mutter in a low tone, "Who... Just who is he?"

At this moment, Shadow Sword's expression turned solemn.

He was not surprised by the fact that Feng had made a move. However, being able to slap one and kill five elite Guild members with a single hit was simply unbelievable. Feng's Attack Power was practically on the same level as a Boss monster.

After killing the six players who had surrounded him, Feng turned to Drunken Maniac. With a faint smile, he asked, "So, what if I attacked you? You are mere trash, so why shouldn't I clean you up when you're polluting my streets?"

Feng was a Viscount of White River City. He was a bona fide major noble. Yet, these players had dared to flaunt their slight skill before him. These players simply did not know their own place.

First-class citizen was just a nice-sounding title. In reality, they were commoners in White River City.

Meanwhile, a commoner that dared to make a move against a major noble was a commoner that did not know the meaning of the word "death."

Drunken Maniac felt a chill crawl down his body when Feng had glanced at him. It was as if Feng were a towering giant that could easily stomp him to death. Involuntarily, Drunken Maniac retreated a few steps. However, when he thought of the many allies behind him, courage filled his heart. He then pointed at Feng with unflattering rage.

"Brat, you're courting death!

"Since you dared to kill us within White River City, nobody in the entire City can save you now! It would be the same even if Black Flame were here right now!

"Brothers, kill him!"

Tens of Dark Star members charged at Feng. In the distance, over a dozen mages had also begun to chant their spells.

In the next moment, however, everyone discovered that they were actually unable to use any of their skills.

Immediately, Feng swung the Abyssal Blade and sent four arcs of lightning at the group charging at him, causing damages of a large number of points to appear four times over everyone's head. Under the lightning's might, none survived.

At this moment, even a fool could tell that Feng was not a simple character.

Originally, the members of the various Guilds present had laughed at Feng for his foolishness. Now, however, no one laughed. At this moment, nobody dared to make even the slightest movement, deeply afraid that the next person to die would be themselves.

The only thing they could do right now was to wait for the arrival of the city guards. Only the city guards could deal with a monster like Feng.

"You... Just who are you?" Drunken Maniac retreated, his body trembling uncontrollably.

Feng was simply too powerful!

This was the first time Drunken Maniac had felt such an invisible power.

Although there was nothing surrounding his body, Drunken Maniac felt as if his body were made of lead. Even his breath became extremely heavy.

"Haven't I already told you? You are polluting my streets, so who else could I be?" Feng removed the Black Cloak. He then smiled at Drunken Maniac once more, slowly advancing towards the Assassin, step by step. "You said that it would be useless even if Black Flame were here. Well, I'm standing here right now. What you are going to do about it?" 

Without the Black Cloak, everyone recognized him as Black Flame.

As long as one was from White River City, they would definitely recognize Black Flame.

"It's Zero Wing's Guild Leader, Black Flame!"

"Why is he here?"

"No wonder he's so strong."

The various Guild players present started panicking.

If Feng were simply an expert from another city, at most, they would feel a little nervous. After all, no matter how powerful Feng was, he could not contend with the entire city. However, Black Flame was different. Not only did the man possess astonishing strength, but he also had a powerful Guild backing him up.


Drunken Maniac retreated as he gaped at Feng, his eyes nearly popping out of their sockets.

He had simply been sent here by his Guild Leader, Lone Tyrant, to harass some independent players. He would never have imagined that he would come across the famous, yet mysterious, Black Flame of White River City.

Not long ago, Black Flame had killed Lone Tyrant and massacred an army of thousands. Meanwhile, he only had a few hundred men. Moreover, in terms of combat power, he was far inferior to Lone Tyrant. So, how was he going to survive?

'Guild Leader, you've really brought a calamity down on me this time.' Drunken Maniac laughed bitterly in his heart.

As for escape, although Drunken Maniac was arrogant, he was not a fool. Feng could have killed him with his previous strike. Yet, Feng had not done so.


It was because, to Feng, taking his life would be as easy as shooting fish in a barrel.

"I really did not expect Guild Leader Black Flame to pay us a visit! Although I know that I am certainly not strong enough to challenge you, if Guild Leader Black Flame wishes to kill me, I will not resist. However, I stand here today as not just the representative of Dark Star, but also the many Guilds in White River City. Guild Leader Black Flame, you should know that by killing me Zero Wing will show its opposition to the many Guilds present today." Drunken Maniac did not wish to die. Moreover, the support of so many Guilds standing by him emboldened and strengthened the Assassin.

However, although Drunken Maniac's words sounded awe-inspiring and many Guilds stood by as back-up, Feng's footsteps did not stop.

"Guild Leader Black Flame, our Guilds have chosen Drunken Maniac as our representative here today. If you kill him, your actions will offend our Guilds. So, I hope Guild Leader Black Flame will think things through."

"That's right; that's right. Although Zero Wing is powerful in White River City, we are not that easily bullied. Moreover, nobody will benefit from a life and death struggle. Guild Leader Black Flame, you have to think it through carefully."

"Guild Leader Black Flame, in my opinion, you should just let bygones be bygones. Wouldn't it be better if both sides take a step back? Why must you push the situation to an impasse? Neither party will benefit from such a situation."

"Zero Wing only has around 5,000 members. However, our Guilds' combined numbers exceed 100,000. Even if experts are aplenty in Zero Wing, could each of these experts take on twenty people by themselves?"

After one person stood up Feng, the other Guilds also started to voice their opinions. Although these Guild players' persuasion attempts seemed gentle, in reality, they were using another method to strike at Zero Wing. If Feng did not retaliate today, it would mean that Zero Wing's invincible momentum had finally broken. To outsiders, it would look as if Black Flame had admitted defeat. At that time, even without their Guilds hindering players from other cities from joining Zero Wing, those players might give up on Zero Wing due to their disappointment in the Guild.

At this moment, Turtledove and Shadow Sword, who stood behind Feng, still wore shocked expressions.

They never thought that the stranger who willingly lent them a hand when they were in trouble would actually be the Guild Leader of Zero Wing.

Meeting the mysterious Guild Leader of Zero Wing was more difficult than winning the lottery in reality. After all, there was simply too many players in White River City. Yet, they had actually encountered him.

However, resentment began to fill their hearts as they listened to the many Guilds.

"These people are just a bunch of trash," Turtledove did not originally have a positive opinion of these Guilds. Now, that opinion had only grown worse.

Shadow Sword nodded his head in agreement. This was why he did not wish to join these Guilds. These Guilds only knew how to use underhanded tactics to reap the greatest benefits. To these Guilds, today's enemies may be tomorrow's friends. In Shadow Sword's eyes, these Guilds were simply despicable.

Although they were outsiders, they could easily tell what these Guilds were trying to do.

These Guilds were clearly in the wrong. Hindering players from joining Zero Wing was already an affront to Zero Wing's reputation. Now, they shamelessly accused Feng of bullying.

However, Shadow Sword could not help but admit that the current Zero Wing was not so powerful that it could afford to ignore the alliance of all these Guilds.

"What will he do?" Shadow Sword paid closer attention to Feng's every move.

If Feng allowed this situation, although Zero Wing would retain its current strength, it would become a laughingstock. Yet, if Feng acted recklessly, he would have played directly into Dark Star's hands and become these Guilds' enemy.

However, Feng's next action completely surprised Shadow Sword.

"Do you really think that the opinions and actions of mere trash like you actually matter to me?" Feng lifted his head slightly and gazed at all the people in front of him in disdain. In the next moment, Feng arrived before Drunken Maniac, and the assassin only saw a silver shimmer flash before his eyes, before his vision turned gray, his legs turning limp and his body falling to the ground.

"You... Why?" Drunken Maniac failed to understand.

Everyone else was similarly puzzled. Why had Feng dared to take action?

Did he not understand how serious the consequences were?

"It seems that you still don't understand Zero Wing," Feng chuckled. "Although our Guild isn't very impressive right now, it also isn't a Guild that stands by in silence while others are bullied.

"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Since you struck first, what's there to fuss about now that I'm striking back? Did you really think I would be so naive as to let you off?"

Although Feng's voice was soft, everyone present could hear his words as clear as day. Every word was like a sledgehammer banging at their hearts.

"Wow!" Turtledove was momentarily overwhelmed by the man before her.

This was her ideal Guild, a Guild that would not falter even when surrounded by enemies.

"Ah, my trip was not wasted. Now that I see him in person, I am even more certain that I must join Zero Wing." Shadow Sword struggled to contain his excitement.

Although Feng's actions had delighted Shadow Sword and Turtledove, the various Guilds blockading the Teleportation Hall were not pleased in the least.

"Lunatic! He's simply a lunatic!"

"He actually dared to kill Drunken Maniac right in front of us!"

"I hear that his entire body is filled with treasure. Now that he's a Red Name, we'll be rich if we can kill him. Even if his strength is absolute, with so many people on our side, he will not survive! At that time, we'll gain double the profits!"

Although Feng's words had left the various Guild players shaken and enraged, now that he had dropped all pretense, they would not let him go. After all, the fame and fortune they could gain by killing Feng were extremely abundant.

Just as the battle was about to start, the sound of an explosion came from the outside of the Teleportation Hall, the massive boom echoing throughout the entire building.

Before anybody realized what had happened, another series of explosions resounded. Moreover, the sounds were getting louder and louder, so much so that everyone in the Teleportation Hall could feel the ground tremble.

"It certainly arrived quickly." Feng's lips slightly curled up as he watched the clouds of dust rise from the streets.

Standing beside Feng, both Shadow Sword and Turtledove grew curious as they looked at Feng's calm demeanor. It was as if Feng knew the cause of the explosions.

However, compared to the turmoil happening outside, they now faced with hundreds of players. How could Feng possibly smile at a moment like this?

Although the explosions from outside the Teleportation Hall grew increasingly louder, they had not dissuaded any of the various Guild players from their opportunity for fame and fortune.

Currently, the Guild Leader of Zero Wing stood before them. As long as they could kill Black Flame, they would become famous overnight. Whether it was for themselves or their Guild, they would benefit greatly from killing Black Flame.

Black Flame's reputation was simply too powerful.

The prestige Zero Wing enjoyed today was largely due to Black Flame.

Now that such a fortuitous opportunity lay before them, they simply could not pass it up.

Black Flame had already taken the initiative to kill so many players inside the city, violating White River City's laws. Now, he was no longer protected by the City. In a moment, the guards would arrive to kill Black Flame. Which was to say, even if they killed Black Flame, the guards of White River City would do nothing to them.

Currently, they had the Teleportation Hall's only exit blocked off. They might never encounter such a godsend opportunity in the future.

"Ignore what's happening outside for now! Let's get rid of Black Flame first, then talk. If the guards arrive, we won't have the chance to kill him anymore!"

"That's right! We can't let him get away!"

"Black Flame, don't think that you are amazing just because you are an expert! Today, you will die!"

"So what if you're an expert?"

"Do you know what strength in numbers means?"

The various Guild players all wore sneers on their faces. Obviously, they no longer held any respect for Feng. There was only greed and highly-inflated confidence in their eyes right now.

"Guild Leader Black Flame, I'll attract their attention in a moment, so take the chance to escape," Shadow Sword said as he suddenly moved in front of Feng.

Even while hundreds of players charged at Feng, Turtledove discovered that Feng had not moved an inch. Instead, he stood there quietly, watching the crowd.

Inwardly, Turtledove was stunned, wondering what was going through Feng's mind.

Has he already given up?

"Time to clean up some trash. It's a shame I can't kill many of them since they need to be sacrificed, though." Feng looked around, memorizing all the Guilds here today.

If he did not give these Guilds a taste of Zero Wing's might, their actions would only grow bolder in the future.

"It should be about time. You two, in a moment, distance yourselves. The farther, the better. It would be unfortunate if I mistakenly injured you," Feng whispered a reminder to Shadow Sword and Turtledove before slowly advancing on the crowd. At the same time, he activated the Mysticsteel Body skill in order to become immune to all control and restricting effects.

Feng's instructions confused the two independent players.

Just what was he planning to do?

Did he really intend to engage in a deathmatch with these hundreds of players?

"Presumptuous! Die!" One of the Level 16 Berserkers who led the charge smiled disdainfully. Lifting his battle axe, he used Charge and took the lead to hack at Feng.

The giant battle axe carried a strong wind with it as it descended.

Originally, the Berserker thought he could repel Feng with a single attack. In the next moment, however, this Level 16 Berserker finally realized what true "Strength" was.

Making a casual swing with the Pandemonium Lashblade, Feng slashed at the steel battle axe, cutting through it and destroying it in an instant, while the Berserker was split in half by the uninterrupted blade. 

All of the charging players came to a halt, staring a the Berserker's corpse that was just split in half from the top in shock. Although they had seen Feng's monstrous strength before, they had simply assumed that the people he killed were either caught off guard or just too weak. However, after seeing the Berserker who is an expert among them get instantly killed, all of them finally realized the truth. 

"Is he a monster?" Turtledove was dumbfounded.

The various guilds' members stood still and became uncertain as they gazed at the stationary Feng in fear. The sight of hundreds of players not daring to step forward in the face of Black Flame greatly shocked the players who had just arrived at White River City. They couldn't help their admiration of Zero Wing's Guild Leader, and they became even more certain of their decision to join Zero Wing now more than ever before.

Silence filled the Teleportation Hall as the various guild's members were unsure of what to do.

"What's going on here? Can't you see Black Flame is standing right there! Why aren't you attacking him!?" At this time, a sturdy and robust looking Guardian Knight stepped out from within the Teleportation Hall. Several hundred Guild players followed him as well.

"Guild Leader Lone Tyrant, why are you here?"

Everyone present immediately recognized the Guardian Knight.

At this moment, Lone Tyrant no longer possessed his previous calm. Now, as if possessed by a devil, both of his eyes glowed with a crimson light.

When Lone Tyrant discovered Feng's appearance in the Teleportation Hall, he immediately used a Return Scroll and rushed back to White River City. His previous death at Feng's hands had been an utter disgrace. Afterward, he had been forced out of the Ranking List. At this moment, Lone Tyrant's hatred for Feng was deeper than an ocean. He hoped to kill Black Flame in one last gambit before he loses his position as Dark Star's Guild Leader in order to get back into the good graces of Underworld. 


Suddenly, along with Lone Tyrant, several hundred Dark Star elite members charged at Feng.

'About time.' Feng glanced at the charging players and retreated towards the entrance of the Teleportation Hall.

Just as Feng charged towards the entrance...

A huge explosion occurred in front of the Teleportation Hall.

The hundreds of players blocking the entrance were instantly obliterated, and not even their corpses remained. Only the items these players had dropped were left behind.

Shocked, everyone turned to look at the source of the explosion.

"What is that?" Turtledove's eyes widened, a look of disbelief plastered on her face.

A steel giant had appeared at the entrance of the Teleportation Hall. Just by standing there, the steel giant caused those who looked at it to feel chills down their spines.

Simultaneously, all players in White River City received a notification.

White River City System Announcement: Monsters have invaded White River City! Assist the guards of White River City to repel the attack! Players will receive bountiful rewards based on contributions.

However, despite this system notification, this steel giant's contemptuous laughter petrified any player who heard it.

"I've finally found you."


The players in White River City grew excited when they heard the announcement.

It was extremely rare for monsters to attack a city. Furthermore, they could obtain bountiful rewards and witness experts' techniques.

These factors alone were reason enough for players to involve themselves.

"Let's head over to the city gates and have a look. We won't get any rewards if we let the guards wipe out all of the monsters."

"I heard that a monster has appeared at the Teleportation Hall. Hopefully, they haven't killed it already."

"Let's hurry to the Teleportation Hall, then."

Immediately, groups of players resting inside bars and hotels started running towards the Teleportation Hall, which was only a short distance away from White River City's gates.


At this moment, silence filled the inside of the Teleportation Hall. The steel giant that had suddenly appeared currently captivated everyone's attention.

[Mechanical Slayer] (Mutant High Lord Rank)

Level 50

HP 40,000,000/40,000,000

Compared to the first time Feng had seen it, the Mechanical Slayer's current HP had undergone an earth-shattering change. It's HP of 40,000,000 shook the players inside the Hall, despair seeping through the crowd.

Moreover, the Mechanical Slayer had killed over a hundred players with a single attack. Any player who witnessed this scene would feel one thing—fear.

However, what surprised everyone was that the steel giant's gaze was locked on Black Flame.

It was clear that the steel giant's words "Finally found you," were meant for the famed Guild Leader.

But why was such a powerful monster looking for Black Flame? This question filled everyone's minds.

"Why would a Level 50 High Lord appear here?" Lone Tyrant looked at the Mechanical Slayer that had suddenly appeared, feeling greatly astonished. This was also the first time Lone Tyrant had heard of or seen the rank Mutant High Lord.

There were hundreds of Level 150 guards and Level 150 Tier 2 Guard Generals in White River City. The Mechanical Slayer, a Level 50 High Lord ranked monster, stood no chance against these NPCs. Yet, the Mechanical Slayer still chose to appear here. Such a situation was simply unbelievable.

However, what was even more surprising was the Mechanical Slayer's performance and actions. Its speech, which carried a playful tone, was nothing like a monster. In Lone Tyrant's opinion, the Mechanical Slayer seemed more like a haughty and overbearing player than a monster. These factors revealed that this Mutant High Lord was definitely more powerful than an ordinary High Lord ranked monster.

"Boss Tyrant, what should we do about that monster?"

"Should we escape?"

The members of Dark Star struggled to swallow their fear when they thought about the Mechanical Slayer's level and frightening, destructive power.

"Escape?" Lone Tyrant sneered. "With such a god-given opportunity, why would we escape?

"Right now, the monster has the exit blocked. Meanwhile, Black Flame is clearly its target. Who else could be a better guard than that monster? First, we need to deal with Black Flame. After we get rid of him, we can deal with that monster.

"Everyone, charge! We must not let Black Flame get away today!"

Since Lone Tyrant had given the command, as members of Dark Star, they could not disobey his orders. One after another, the Dark Star members charged towards Feng.

At the same time, Lone Tyrant had also mobilized members through the Guild channel, instructing more to join him.

Whether it was Black Flame or the Mechanical Slayer before him, Dark Star would be the one to take them both down. It was especially true for the monster before him. Despite it clearly being a High Lord, the Mechanical Slayer possessed intelligence that far surpassed that of an ordinary High Lord. Moreover, it was also frighteningly strong. If they could kill it....

When the other Guild players saw Dark Star's hundreds of members charging at Feng, their fear of him disappeared and they, too, started contacting their respective Guilds and rallied for more troops, not wanting to miss out on this opportunity. In addition to taking Black Flame's life, they all intended to fight over the contribution and drops of killing the Mechanical Slayer.

"It's over! There's a tiger at the front and a wolf at the back! I told him that he should have escaped earlier! It's too late now!" Turtledove panicked when she saw their opponents surrounding Feng. The steel giant also had the exit blocked off. She then suggested, "Why don't we rush over to help him now?"

"Hold on," Shadow Sword pulled back Turtledove. Softly, he said, "Let's listen to Guild Leader Black Flame and think of a way to escape."

"Big Brother Shadow Sword, the situation has changed! He will die if we don't help him!" Turtledove said.

"Even if we try to help, what can we actually do?" Shadow Sword shook his head. Although he wished to help Black Flame as well, a dark feeling had surfaced in his heart. Meanwhile, this darkness told him that, if he stayed here, the situation might really conclude as Black Flame had said.

"It would be better than doing nothing at all!" Ignoring Shadow Sword's words, Turtledove charged towards the crowd.

However, before Turtledove made it too far, something unbelievable happened.

A massive figure suddenly appeared above Feng. The figure then landed heavily on the ground, easily crushing the stone floor into dust and sending tremors throughout the entire Teleportation Hall.

More than a hundred players who had charged at Feng died instantly under the figure's descent.

Only Feng, who had activated Defensive Blade, had remained standing.

"Little ant, you sure are persistent. However, in front of Us, only death awaits you." The Mechanical Slayer lifted its serrated greatsword, slashing the weapon down at Feng.

Countless air blades flew towards Feng.


Faced with the countless air blades, Feng's smile only widened. Using Silent Steps, Feng dodged the air blades that assaulted him like a tsunami easily and appeared where the healers of the various Guilds had gathered.

Although Feng had evaded the Mechanical Slayer's attacks, the Dark Star elites who had focused on Feng were not as lucky.

Under the assault of the countless air blades, these elite players were as weak as tofu, crumbling with just a touch.

In an instant, over a hundred elite players died.

However, the battle was not over yet. Seeing that its attack had missed, the Mechanical Slayer sent another slash at Feng. As the air blades approached him, Feng  jumped abruptly, dodging the second wave of air blades.

Following which, the healers and mages of the various large Guilds suffered a tragedy.

"Crap, Black Flame is trying to use that Mechanical Slayer's strength to deal with us! Everyone, move away from him!"

Everyone finally noticed that something was amiss.

Although Feng seemed to be evading the Mechanical Slayer's attacks, in reality, he took advantage of the Mechanical Slayer's wide range to deal with them.

Within a few seconds, the various large Guilds had lost over eighty percent of the elites in the Teleportation Hall, while Dark Star had lost over half of the elites who had just arrived.

If they continued to allow Feng to have his way, they would face annihilation in just a moment.

"Black Flame!"

Looking at his subordinates that had died, Lone Tyrant clenched his jaw close to the point of shattering his teeth.

"Change of tactics. All ranged players restrict Black Flame's movements." Lone Tyrant immediately issued new orders.

Unfortunately, they were already too late. The Mechanical Slayer had already focused solely on him, and it would be meaningless even if Lone Tyrant and the others managed to figure out his plan. Feng had already seized control of the Mechanical Slayer's initiative.

So long as Feng did not die, he would have control of the giant's actions.

Fortunately, nobody in God's Domain could surpass his survivability.

Feng took a step forward and dashed towards Dark Star's mages.

"Damn! All mages, fire everything you have at him! Don't let him get close!" Lone Tyrant shouted.

One after another, spells flew towards Feng in quick succession.

Frost Arrows, Ice Spheres, Ice Walls, Spiritual Bondage, and other control skills aimed for Feng.

Meanwhile, the Mechanical Slayer behind Feng had finally responded. Immediately, it threw the serrated greatsword in its hand at Feng.

The greatsword generated a sonic boom as it flew, punching a hole through the air. The sword was so fast that it was impossible for anyone to dodge it.

On one side, there were the numerous spells players had cast, and on the other, there was the Mechanical Slayer's greatsword.

Just as the serrated greatsword was about to skewer him, Feng used Blinkstep and appeared five yards away, avoiding the greatsword. However, the greatsword did not slow down and soared towards the Dark Star mages.

Before the members of Dark Star could react, the greatsword plunged itself into the crowd. An explosion blossomed as the weapon crashed into the ground, creating a massive hole in the Teleportation Hall's floor. Following which, with the greatsword as the epicenter, shockwaves radiated throughout the surroundings. A single shockwave had decimated all players within a 30-yard radius. 

Meanwhile, Shadow Sword and Turtledove who now hid in a corner were dumbfounded by what they saw.

"Big Brother Shadow Sword, are all High Lords so powerful?" Turtledove asked in shock.

"According to my knowledge, there is not a single High Lord as powerful as this Mechanical Slayer. It seems that Guild Leader Black Flame's command to withdraw was not without reason," Shadow Sword watched Feng in the distance, a hint of admiration appearing on his face.

Although the Mechanical Slayer's combat power was horrific, it did not possess the techniques to utilize it fully. Black Flame, on the other hand, was different. Not only did he possess a firm grasp of his surroundings, but he also possessed meticulous dodging techniques. It was precisely what he, Shadow Sword, aimed to learn.

"If I join Zero Wing, in the future, won't I be able to learn many more techniques from him?" An idea suddenly occurred to Shadow Sword, and his determination to attend Zero Wing's next recruitment increased. He must join Zero Wing.

While Shadow Sword and Turtledove admired Feng, Lone Tyrant's anger grew rampant.

With a single attack, the Mechanical Slayer had slaughtered over a hundred Dark Star elites.

"Damn that Black Flame! Have the others not arrived yet?!" Lone Tyrant bellowed.

"Guild Leader, the closest members number around 4,000, and they are rushing to join us. With some time, there should be no problems boosting that number to 10,000," one of Lone Tyrant's subordinate reported.

Lone Tyrant nodded, wearing a satisfied smile as he said, "Good. Tell the team to buy us some time. Also, send someone to Zero Wing's side to check for any movements. With so much commotion, they won't stand silently by."

By the time everyone had gathered, whether it was Black Flame or the Mechanical Slayer, all would be his for the taking.

At this moment, the members of Dark Star and the other Guilds began to dart around. Wherever Feng appeared, these players would run in the opposite direction, playing the mouse to Feng's cat.

Just as Feng used the Frost Grenades to pin the Mechanical Slayer down and manipulate the monster's strength to kill the members of Dark Star and the various Guilds, the Level 150 guards of White River City had finally arrived at the Teleportation Hall.

Over a hundred guards stormed the Teleportation Hall. Among them, there was a Level 150 Tier 2 Guard General, as well as plenty of Tier 1 Guard Captains. These NPCs stood neatly in order, surrounding the Teleportation Hall.

"The guards are here! We're saved!"

The players present released a sigh of relief at the guards' arrival. Borrowing the Mechanical Slayer's strength, Feng had killed countless of their allies. If they had not continuously avoided him, they would have long since died under Feng's demonic claws.

"Good. Now that the guards are here, when they pin down this monster, they will attract its aggro. We'll see how arrogant you are then. When my men arrive, we'll introduce you to Death," Lone Tyrant laughed coldly as he watched Feng dodge the Mechanical Slayer's attacks and dashing out of the Teleportation Hall.

Meanwhile, under the Tier 2 Guard General's command, the guards started their assault on the Mechanical Slayer.

The NPCs were uniformly Level 150. The ordinary guards possessed 800,000 HP, the Tier 1 Guard Captains possessed 1,600,000 HP, and the Tier 2 Guard General possessed 2,400,000 HP. To players, these guards were invincible. These guards only needed a single strike to kill a Level 50 player instantly. Hence, in everyone's eyes, a Level 50 monster stood no chance against these NPCs. The same went for the Mutant High Lord with 40,000,000 HP.

Unfortunately, Mutants were different.

When the Level 150 ordinary guards attacked the Mechanical Slayer, the highest damage they had dealt was only around -1,000 points. Even the Level 150 Tier 1 Guard Captains only managed to deal around -3,000 damage to the Mechanical Slayer. As for the most powerful Level 150 Tier 2 Guard General, he could only deal around -10,000 damage.

Such damages were barely a scratch to the Mechanical Slayer's 40,000,000 HP.

Indeed, just like Lone Tyrant had predicted, the Mechanical Slayer's attention immediately switched towards the Tier 2 Guard General. Following which, the Mechanical Slayer swung its serrated greatsword at the Guard General, while the Guard General responded quickly by raising his spear to defend against the attack.


The attack threw the Level 150 Guard General into a wall.

The Mechanical Slayer then brandished its greatsword repeatedly, creating a storm that engulfed the entire Teleportation Hall. In retaliation, the other guards began a frenzied assault on the Mechanical Slayer.

After a short moment, the entire Teleportation Hall had changed beyond recognition.

Under the barrage of the countless sword auras, none of the Level 150 guards survived. Even the ten Tier 1 Guard Captains and the Tier 2 Guard General died under the Mechanical Slayer's sword.

Meanwhile, the Mechanical Slayer still had 91% of its HP remaining.

"Just what kind of monster is this?" Lone Tyrant could not believe his own eyes. Before today, players had believed that these NPC guards were invulnerable, yet, they had all been annihilated, while the Mechanical Slayer remained healthy.

There had been over a hundred Level 150 guards. A Tier 2 NPC had even led the attack, but, in the end, they all died. At this point, Lone Tyrant began to wonder if anyone could defeat the Mechanical Slayer.

Seated on top of a roof, Feng enjoyed a few refreshments while resting, before shifting his gaze towards the tens of thousands of players in a distance who currently rushed towards the battle.

"Look, there's a monster over there!"

"It's massive! Wait; why does a Level 50 High Lord possess 40,000,000 HP?!"

"This is the most powerful High Lord I've ever seen. I wonder what items it will drop after it dies? At the very least, it should drop some Fine-Gold items, right?"

"Are all of you blind? That Mutant High Lord is clearly stronger than ordinary High Lords. If a High Lord already drops Fine-Gold items, then a Mutant High Lord, which is a higher rank, should drop Dark-Gold items!"

"Dark-Gold items?! There should only be a few items of such rank in Star-Moon Kingdom, right?"

At this moment, the many players in White River City had started to gather at the Teleportation Hall. A sea of players covered the nearby streets, all of them watching the Mechanical Slayer with hungry gazes.

These players considered the Mechanical Slayer to be a Field Boss that could be easily killed.

Meanwhile, among this sea of players, there was actually not a single Zero Wing member to be found. Feng had long since informed his Guild that they were not allowed to participate in this battle. Feng's reason was not due to lack of interest in the loot of the Mechanical Slayer. Instead, he understood that they would only throw away their lives by joining this battle.

"Guild Leader Tyrant, our men have arrived."

"Good. The Mechanical Slayer belongs to us. Tell everyone to spread out and take positions. None of the melees are allowed to approach the Mechanical Slayer. Ranged players should distance themselves from the Mechanical Slayer and attack from maximum range. Let the other players draw the aggro and die for us. As for the melee players, have them aim for Black Flame. We must not let him escape."

Although Lone Tyrant was shocked by how powerful the Mechanical Slayer was, such a powerful monster also represented a ridiculous amount of valuable loot.

Despite the fact that Dark Star only had several thousand members present, its main army was on its way. In addition to the other Guilds and independent players of White River City, the final number of players they could gather would exceed 200,000.

Currently, if the players present attacked the Mechanical Slayer, most of their attacks would either deal -1 damage or Miss. Even so, this Mechanical Slayer with 40,000,000 HP would not survive for long under the continuous assault of 200,000 players.

Moreover, there weren't just a hundred or so guards in White River City. In time, the city would send more guards into the fray. In a way, the Mechanical Slayer's death was a guarantee. It was only a matter of who would obtain the loot of the Mechanical Slayer after it died.

At the same time Dark Star took action, the other Guilds also initiated their assault.

After witnessing the power of the Mechanical Slayer, only ranged players dared to attack it. As for those remaining, they all swarmed after Feng. Only those who had just arrived and were unclear of the situation dared approach the frightening Mechanical Slayer.

"That Lone Tyrant sure is concerned about me. Even now, he still sends so many after me." Standing on top of a roof, Feng had obtained a clear view of the battle. "Since they wish to come, let's increase the violence."

Immediately, Feng dashed towards Dark Star's army.

Although countless spells and arrows barraged the Mechanical Slayer, a majority of these attacks were a Miss, and only a small number managed to deal a mandatory -1 damage. Hence, Feng was still the Slayer's main target.

Due to the large number of players standing in between it and Feng, the Mechanical Slayer wielded its sword, massacring everything in its path.

Every time the Mechanical Slayer swung its serrated greatsword, swaths of players died. This scene caused the witnessing players to shiver in fear.

However, it was precisely because of these players that the Mechanical Slayer's speed was greatly reduced, allowing Feng to have an easier time dodging while using the speed he's been displaying during this time. 

Meanwhile, when the members of Dark Star saw that Feng quickly approached them, ridiculing sneers started appearing on their faces.

"This Black Flame must have damaged his head. Instead of running away from us, he actually dares to run in our direction. Is he that eager to die?"

"Isn't that better? He's saving us the time of chasing after him."

However, just as the members of Dark Star mocked Feng for his stupidity, Lone Tyrant angrily bellowed in the Guild channel.

"You bunch of trash, run!

"Get away from Black Flame! Don't let him come close to any of you!"

The command confused Lone Tyrant's subordinates. Initially, Lone Tyrant had commanded them to surround Black Flame, yet, now, he told them to run as soon as they saw Black Flame.

However, Lone Tyrant's reminder was useless; Feng had already arrived before the members of Dark Star. Meanwhile, the Mechanical Slayer's greatsword descended towards Feng.

Using Silent Steps, Feng reappeared beside a player 20 yards from his original position, deftly avoiding the Mutant's strike.

After a series of dodges, almost ninety percent of the thousands of Dark Star members who had encircled Feng died, and only a few with dazed expressions remained.

Lone Tyrant trembled in anger. Thousands of members had died, just like that.

Lone Tyrant was greatly confused. He could not understand why the Mechanical Slayer so vehemently chased black Flame. Just what had Black Flame done to it before this? Right now, with Black Flame's high-speed movements, it was simply impossible for any ranged players to land an attack on him. Yet, if the melee players approached Black Flame, the shockwaves of the Slayer's attacks would slaughter them. With the Mechanical Slayer's aggro locked on to Black Flame, he was practically a walking bomb.

However, Lone Tyrant could not stop Black Flame.

Even with so many players, none of them could pin down Black Flame. If someone could have pinned him down for just a moment, Black Flame would have long since died.

At this moment, Lone Tyrant finally realized the great importance of top-tier experts to a Guild.

Even if he had an army of thousands, the role they could play in this sort of battle was far inferior to top-tier experts.

"Damn! Damn Black Flame!" Lone Tyrant cursed loudly as he watched his Guild members die in waves. At this moment, Lone Tyrant no longer looked like the Guild Leader of a powerful Guild. Instead, he looked more like a shrew, shouting abuse on the street.

Lone Tyrant's performance left witnesses stupefied. It turned out that even the Guild Leader of Dark Star had such a side to him. One could just imagine how helpless and infuriated Lone Tyrant felt at this moment.

As for the other Guild Leaders watching this, at this moment, rather than expressing ridicule, they all wore gloomy expressions.

Their Guilds were in the same boat as Dark Star. After Black Flame finished dealing with Dark Star, he would certainly turn his blade in their directions. So, how could they possibly feel happy over Lone Tyrant's miserable fortune?

"Why don't we admit our mistakes and apologize to Guild Leader Black Flame?"

"Are you kidding me? If all of our Guilds lower our heads to Zero Wing, how are we supposed to succeed in White River City in the future?"

"But, if we don't apologize, what will we do if he retaliates against us?"


"Wait, look over there! More guards have shown up! While the guards deal with the Mechanical Slayer, we can work together to get rid of Black Flame. With so many on our side, Black Flame can't survive regardless of how powerful he may be. As long as he dies, Zero Wing will lose its momentum in becoming the overlord of White River City. At that time, we might still be able to thrive."

Watching the hundreds of guards who had already surrounded the Mechanical slayer, the Guild Leaders of the various large Guilds agreed with the logic. Black Flame's death would be a huge blow to Zero Wing's prestige. If unrated Guilds like them wished to thrive, they could not allow a single Guild to obtain an absolute advantage in White River City. Currently, Zero Wing was like the sun at noon. If they allowed the Guild to continue, sooner or later, they would stand no chance against Zero Wing at all.

Hence, the various Guild Leaders instructed their members to focus all of their strength on killing Black Flame.

Knowing that his situation had become unstable, Feng spun around and started running towards the Mechanical Slayer, no longer charging towards the members of the various Guilds.

Within a moment, everyone from the various Guilds had surrounded both Feng and the Mechanical Slayer. However, these Guild players had finally wisened up. Instead of recklessly rushing forward to attack Feng, they allowed the ranged players to attack him as they slowly tightened their circle around him, forcing Feng into a constant retreat.

Just as Feng was about to enter the Mechanical Slayer's attack range of 30 yards...

The Mechanical Slayer's HP fell to 80%. Suddenly, its eyes shone a bright red, and clasping its greatsword with both hands, the Mutant slammed the weapon into the ground.

Naturally, Feng understood what the Mechanical Slayer intended to do.

This was none other than the Mechanical Slayer's ultimate move, Storm Domain. The skill had a radius of over 100 yards, and even his Level 50 Tier 1 guards had died from a single hit. At this moment, Feng immediately switched to the Seven Luminaries Ring's Aura of Illusion, activating Fantasy World, causing a faint barrier of light formed around his body.

At this moment, the players surrounding Feng had not yet noticed the Mechanical Slayer preparing its attack. They still foolishly charged at Feng.

Before anyone could react...

Cracks started appearing on the stone-paved road as the land trembled. In the next moment, countless blades of air shot up from the cracks.

Regardless of whether it was a player or an NPC, all those struck by the air blades died.

After the turbulent storm ended, the street outside the Teleportation Hall was beyond recognition. At this moment, this small section of the city had become a ruin...

The players observing the battle from a distance fell silent.

This was the first time they had ever seen such frightening, destructive power. With a single attack, the Mechanical Slayer killed thousands of players. A large empty patch suddenly appeared on the previously crowded street. Even the Level 150 guards had not survived the attack. How were they, players, supposed to deal with such a monster?

Powerlessness bloomed in the hearts of the players who were originally intent on killing the Slayer.


At this moment, the Guild Leaders of the various Guilds who had ordered their members to encircle Feng no longer possessed the calm they had before. Only regret and anger filled them right now.

The Mechanical Slayer's Storm Domain had instantly obliterated thousands of their members.

Moreover, a majority of these members were elite players.

As unrated Guilds, they did not possess many elites. At most, each Guild would have 600 to 700 elite players. Hence, even the death of a few dozen elite players was a huge blow. Now, however, each of these unrated Guilds had lost over a hundred elites. That single attack had dealt a fatal blow.

"Guild Leader Black Flame's tactic was awesome!" Turtledove giggled as she observed the carnage from afar. "Let's see if those Guilds dare to bully others in the future."

Standing beside Turtledove, Shadow Sword nodded in agreement.

Although this matter appeared simple, in reality, it was extremely difficult to carry out such a feat.

While directing the Mechanical Slayer's attacks, Feng also had to dodge the attacks from other players constantly. Feng also had to know where he could and could not run. If Feng did not have a perfect grasp of his surroundings, even the slightest mistake would result in his death.

Or at least, that's what Shadow Sword thought. In reality, there was no threat of death for Feng regardless if it was the thousands of players' or Mechanical Slayer's attacks. The only threat Feng received from those attacks was exposing his ridiculously high Defense and HP. 

Following the disappearance of the Storm Domain, the momentary calm also shattered.

When the Mechanical Slayer discovered that some people were still alive, especially Feng, it was humiliated.

Suddenly, the Mechanical Slayer jerked its serrated greatsword from the ground. The Mechanical Slayer then started spinning, transforming into a bladed tornado. This was one of the Mechanical Slayer's skills, Bladestorm. The tornado possessed a powerful suction, easily pulling players into its attack. Moreover, the tornado's Movement Speed was very fast.

Feng had already charged towards the gathering of the various Guilds before the Mechanical Slayer even used Bladestorm, remaining completely unaffected by the powerful suction.

Meanwhile, a Level 150 Tier 2 Guard General standing only half a dozen yards away from the tornado was immediately yanked into it, a series of damages over -10,000 points appearing above the Guard General's head. In only a moment, the Guard General died under the Mechanical Slayer's Bladestorm.

The frightening damage caused everyone to break out in cold sweat.

Now, all thoughts of killing this Mutant vanished from the minds of these witnesses. Currently, they only had a single thought.


Suddenly, many players who stood closest to the Mechanical Slayer began to flee in a panic. Naturally, the members of the various Guilds were no exception.

When these Guild players saw Feng running towards them, each and every one of them immediately turned and fled, having completely forgotten about attacking Feng.

There were no fools here. Nobody wanted to gift themselves to death.

This chase scene occupied the streets of White River City. Many players who had just arrived were dumbfounded.

They had often seen a group of players chasing another group of players.

But now?

Tens of thousands of players were actually running from a single player. Moreover, these players looked as if they had just seen a ghost.

This was truly the first time they had seen such a miracle.

"Aren't those guys members of the third-rate Guild, Angel's Crown? Why are they running away?" a Ranger who had just arrived asked in wonder.

"You think Angel's Crown is the only Guild running away? Don't you see that there are members belonging to dozens of Guilds running with their tails between their legs?" a Druid who knew more about the situation commented from the side.

"Now that you've mentioned it, that really does seem to be the case. Just what is going on here?" The Ranger was confused further after he realized the scope of the situation.

Normally, the members of these Guilds were extremely arrogant and overbearing. These Guilds dominated the densely populated monster areas, and if independent players like them had an opinion about it, these Guild players would kill them without hesitation. For a time now, many independent players harbored a great hatred for these Guild players, though none of them had actually dared to voice that hatred.

Now, a miracle had actually occurred. It turned out that even the mighty and arrogant Guild players had times where they were afraid.

In particular, the members of Dark Star could also be seen among the crowd of fleeing players. Dark Star was one of the top six Guilds of White River City. Why were its members running away as well?

"Don't you recognize the player chasing them?" the Druid pointed towards Feng who was at the far end of the sea of fleeing players.

"That person looks somewhat familiar. Wait, isn't that Black Flame, the Guild Leader of Zero Wing?!"

"That's right. Black Flame is the one chasing these Guilds. I heard that Dark Star allied itself with many other Guilds and sent their members to blockade the Teleportation Hall in an attempt to prevent players of other cities from joining Zero Wing. After Black Flame discovered their plot... well, this is the result."

Listening to the Druid's explanation, shock filled the Ranger's heart.

A single player was actually capable of facing dozens of Guilds. Was Black Flame even still considered a player?

The other players standing near the Druid and Ranger pair who had been clueless about the situation were also stupefied by this revelation.

Although they had long since knew that Black Flame was strong, they had not known exactly how strong! He was actually capable of forcing tens of thousands of players to run for their lives frantically.

Were they even playing the same VR game?

"Guild Leader Black Flame, why don't we talk out our differences peacefully? Dark Star forced us to join their scheme! We really have no intentions of becoming enemies with Zero Wing!"

"That's right, Guild Leader Black Flame! We have our own difficulties as well! If you stop chasing us, we are willing to offer you an apology and compensate you for all your losses!"

"Please forgive us! We won't cause Zero Wing trouble ever again!"

The fleeing Guild Leaders started yelling their offers of reconciliation. At this moment, they were truly afraid.

In order to deal with the Mechanical Slayer, they had ordered most of their Guild members to rush to the battle If they all died here, the damage it would cause their Guilds would be unimaginable. It was highly possible that they would never recover from this loss and would be forced to dissolve their Guilds.

"Your apologies are meaningless to me. Just be obedient trash and die already." Feng responded uncaringly to the various Guild Leaders' attempts to apologize. 

"Black Flame! We are sincerely trying to apologize!" Judgment Hand, the Guild Leader of Angel's Crown, bellowed.

"Guild Leader Judgment Hand must be joking. I, too, am sincere; I want you to die." Feng smiled faintly as he increased his speed once more.


Feng's speed was much faster than the elite members of the various Guilds. In just a moment, he had caught up with the fleeing crowd.

As Feng dove into the crowd, the Mechanical Slayer was like a meat grinder as it pulled one player after another with its powerful suction force, instantly turning these players into scattered light particles.

In a short moment, the various Guilds had already lost over a thousand players.

With the passage of time, the number of deaths soared. Even though there was a constant stream of NPC guards arriving at the scene of the battle, none of them could hinder the Mechanical Slayer. Instead, they all became a delicious meal for the Mutant. Before a minute had passed since Feng caught up with the fleeing crowd, the death count had exceeded 10,000. Among them, Dark Star's losses were the greatest, as Feng's main target was the members of Dark Star.

This horrifying scene caused all observers to grow cold.

If these tens of thousands of players had not scattered and escaped from the very beginning, the number of deaths would be several times higher by now.

However, after more than half of the Guild players and over a thousand NPC guards had died, a man in white robes suddenly appeared in the sky.

This man's appearance immediately attracted the attention of many people, including Feng's.

This man was no ordinary NPC.

He was the Magistrate of White River City, Weissman, a Tier 4 Great Wizard.