Chapter 1 Dragon Hunter

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the land as night settled in. In the heart of a desolate valley, a dark mage stood atop a rocky outcrop, his robes and his white hair billowing in the evening breeze. His purple eyes shone brightly and a large smile was visible on his face as he knew the challenge that awaited him but he was up to the task.

He had mastered forbidden arts, channeling the dark energies of the world to bend reality to his will. Tonight, he was going to battle a creature of unimaginable power—a black dragon.

The black dragon descended from the sky, its massive wings creating a thunderous gust of wind that rattled the nearby trees. Its obsidian scales glinted ominously in the pale moonlight, its eyes burning with an insatiable hunger. The dark mage smirked, his eyes gleaming with an equal measure of excitement and malice.

The battle began with a clash of elemental forces. The dark mage raised his staff, chanting ancient incantations as tendrils of black energy snaked around his fingers. He unleashed a torrent of dark magic, hurling bolts of pure malevolence toward the black dragon. But the dragon, with its immense agility, dodged the attacks effortlessly, its scales absorbing the magical onslaught without a scratch.

The black dragon responded with a fierce assault of its own. It unleashed a torrent of searing black fire, scorching the earth beneath it. The dark mage raised a magical barrier just in time, protecting himself from the dragon's fiery breath. The intense heat licked at the edges of his protective shield, threatening to breach it.

The dark mage, undeterred, extended his hand, and the earth beneath the dragon's feet trembled. Giant spikes erupted from the ground, aiming to impale the dragon and bind it in place. But the black dragon took to the air, defying the dark mage's attempt to trap it. It circled above, eyes glowing with a menacing determination.

The dark mage, his confidence unwavering, focused his energy once again. He summoned a swirling vortex of darkness, drawing strength from the very shadows around him. The vortex grew in size and intensity, threatening to consume everything in its path. He directed the maelstrom toward the black dragon, aiming to drain its vitality and leave it weak and vulnerable.

The dragon, however, possessed a resilience born of ancient power. It let out a deafening roar, defying the dark mage's attempts to drain its energy. Its wings beat with renewed strength, and it dove toward the mage with incredible speed. With razor-sharp claws and teeth, it aimed to tear the dark mage apart.

The dark mage saw the dragon's approach and swiftly reacted. He cast a binding spell, summoning ethereal chains to restrain the dragon's movement. The chains coiled around the dragon, constricting its wings and limiting its freedom. Yet, even ensnared, the black dragon fought back with its raw strength, snapping the chains and lunging toward the dark mage.

Realizing that he needed a more potent solution, the dark mage delved into the darkest recesses of his powers. He drew upon forbidden knowledge, pushing the boundaries of his own capabilities. The very air crackled with dark energy as he conjured a spell of devastating proportions. He directed his incantation at the black dragon, seeking to obliterate it with an unyielding surge of malevolence.

But the black dragon, sensing the imminent danger, unleashed its final, desperate attack. It summoned a storm of pure darkness, blotting out the stars and plunging the valley into an impenetrable blackness. Within the tempest, the dragon's scales absorbed the darkness, empowering it to unprecedented levels.

As the black dragon unleashed its final assault, the dark mage stood firm, his eyes burning with an intensity that matched the dragon's own. He channeled the last remnants of his energy, summoning a shield of impenetrable darkness around him. The dragon's attack collided with the barrier, causing a colossal explosion that shook the very foundations of the land.

When the dust settled, the black dragon lay motionless on the ground, its mighty form battered and broken. The dark mage emerged from the smoke, his robes tattered and blood dripped from parts of his body but a smile remained on his face. He had tapped into a wellspring of forbidden power, harnessing the essence of the dragon's darkness against it.

The mage slowly walked towards the dead body of the dragon and placed his hands on the body of the dragon.

"Haaa..." The mage exclaimed as his battered body was immediately reconstructed and his Mana replenished and renewed, all that was left was to remove the dragon's core, and his quest would be completed but before he could make a move the land trembled as a deafening roar filled the air.

A red dragon with scales shimmering like molten lava spotted the dark mage, with wings outstretched and eyes ablaze, it unleashed a torrent of scorching flames that devoured everything in its path.

"This is the territory of the black dragon, why is the red dragon here, dragons do not band time to think about that" the mage muttered as he channeled his energy into creating a barrier to protect himself from the scorching flames.

The barrier protected the mage from the heat and he stretched his staff forward but the earth shook furiously as something landed behind him, the mage turned around and the shadow of a dragon covered him completely.

The dragon towered over him, its imposing figure stretching across the horizon. Its scales shimmered with an ethereal sheen, reflecting the moonlight in a mesmerizing display. Each scale seemed intricately crafted, like a crystalline fortress designed to withstand any onslaught. Icy breath billowed from its snout, freezing the very air around it and creating a chilling mist.

Another dragon landed close to the ice dragon, it scales predominantly dark, reflecting an iridescent blue hue reminiscent of a stormy night sky. These scales serve as protective armor, shimmering and glinting with a faint electric charge that dances along their edges.

More dragons converge in the same location till the mage was overpowered and outnumbered.

"This is your end Dragon Hunter" one of the dragons spoke with an Earth-shaking voice that echoed throughout the vast land.

The mage stood there shaking in excitement, his eyes filled with life and his lips curved maliciously as he prepared himself for what is to come.




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