Chapter 3 Arthur Adams

'Deep dive into a new world'

'Virtual reality...wait is there really a game like that, by this time tomorrow I'll just have to wait and see' Lewis muttered as he stared at the letter again.

'If they are actually planning to get me a vr helmet as a beta tester, isn't it better to invite me to the company, I'll just have to wait and see' Lewis mumbled as he placed the letter back inside the box and at the side of the box another letter was placed there inside an envelope.

Lewis removed the tape used to glue it and inside the envelope was a special invite to the head company of BattleEnix.

"Then why did they tell me to wait till tomorrow when there's an invite here, are they trying to trick me" Lewis sighed as he opened the envelope.

Only three things were written inside the letter, a date, special invitation, and the company name.

"Wait, the date written here, Isn't that tomorrow, I don't even understand anymore, first the letter said I should wait for a package tomorrow now another letter gave me an invite, which should I follow" Lewis mumbled as he thought about it.

"Since there's an invite here and the head company is close to me, I'll visit the company tomorrow" Lewis smiled.

"Visit what company?" Lewis's grandma's voice spoke from behind him.

"I was given an invite to their company, I want to check it out maybe it's real or not" Lewis answered.

"Okay, just be careful, oh and dinner is ready"

"Dinner, is it evening already!!" Lewis asked.

"Yes, it's almost 5 pm"

"I have something to do at 5," Lewis said as he rolled his wheelchair inside his room.

His room was spacious and well-organized, the walls were painted in a cool shade of gray, providing a neutral backdrop for various decorations and posters that adorn the space.

Dimmable LED strip lights line the perimeter of the ceiling, casting a soft glow in different colors, creating a vibrant and immersive atmosphere.

In one corner of the room, there's a large gaming desk with a sleek black surface. It holds a high-performance gaming PC with RGB lighting, a powerful graphics card, and multiple monitors arranged side by side. The screens are filled with dynamic game visuals and various monitoring tools, showcasing the owner's dedication to gaming. The desk is clutter-free, with cable management systems neatly tucking away the wires and ensuring a clean setup.

Next to the gaming desk is a comfortable gaming chair almost the same as his wheelchair, designed for long hours of intense gameplay. It's ergonomically designed with adjustable features, providing support and comfort.

A dedicated gaming console setup was positioned on a specially designed TV stand across the room. A large flat-screen TV takes center stage, mounted on the wall at eye level.

Surround sound speakers and a subwoofer were strategically placed around the room, creating an immersive audio experience. The gaming consoles, such as the latest PlayStation or Xbox, sit neatly below the TV, accompanied by controllers and charging docks.

The room also features various shelves and storage units. Some shelves were dedicated to displaying a collection of video games, showcasing a wide range of genres and platforms.

Action figures, gaming memorabilia, and collectibles were carefully arranged, adding a personal touch to the room. A bookshelf contains gaming strategy guides, manga, and novels, revealing Lewis's interest in different forms of media.

Posters of favorite video game characters and iconic game artwork were prominently displayed on the walls.

Lewis moved his wheelchair towards his gaming chair and slowly he used his hands to support himself as he sat on the chair, since the accident he had no feeling in his legs so he was used to using his hands.

"I hope I'm not too late" Lewis mumbled as he turned on his screens.




In a well-decorated office filled with gaming merchandise, consoles, action figures, and gaming systems almost like the room of an avid gamer, a young man in his late twenties sat comfortably on a chair with a smile on his face.

He had dark hair and handsome facial features that compliment his fine skin tone, he was the head of BattleEnix company and chief creator of Deep Dive, Arthur Adams.

The door to his office opened and a young woman in her early twenties stepped inside, she wore a black suit and a pencil skirt that fit her Petit shape.

"Are you that excited?" she asked with a smile on her face.

"Why won't I be, tomorrow my new creation is going to be tested, something I've dedicated years to, I hope all goes as planned"

"Why wouldn't it, we already made all the necessary preparations, I just hope the beta testers don't ruin everything" the girl spoke.

"I know you think it's not a good idea to select random people to test out a new game but it would be fun"

"If it's a new game then it's fine, but this isn't just a game, it's an entire new world the first of its kind, a full dive VR reality game with 100% immersion, this isn't just a game its the future, we have beta testers here in the company wouldn't it be better to use them?"

"Yes we do, but what we don't have here is gaming geniuses, people that would come on top in any RPG game regardless of the rules and challenges, that is why I selected them" the man spoke with clear calm and composure while maintaining his smile.

"I can't argue with that, the competition was indeed hard, I thought none of them would last till the end but I was surprised when 10 players came on top," the girl said.

"...Tomorrow we are going to dive into a new world"