Chapter 5 100% Immersion

Lewis and his sister looked around the room and 9 people were already in the room seated, most of them were on their phones and some of them were looking at the city as they were on one of the top floors.

Lisa moved Lewis as they stood at one corner of the room, none of the people in the room paid any attention to them so they made themselves comfortable.

"Do you know these people?" Lisa asked.

"No, but I have an idea, maybe they are the other players who won the competition, then all of us were invited as beta testers" Lewis muttered.

"Do they all live in this city?"

"I'm not sure, maybe they are from far away, that might explain why they were here early, but why would they go through all the trouble of inviting them, I'm sure the company has a lot of beta testers"

"Woah, Lewis isn't that girl beautiful, look she's staring at you" Lisa mumbled.

"Who is... t-that" Lewis muttered as he saw the girl staring directly at him, he quickly averted his gaze but it was already too late as she walked up to him.

"Hi," the girl said.

"Oh hi," Lewis replied awkwardly, since the accident, he hasn't spoken to any girls apart from his little sister so he was kinda shy.

"You are the last person here so you must be Paradox" the girl spoke.

"Yes, how did you know?" Lewis asked.

"I already asked around and you were the only one who won the competition and isn't present so I figured you'll be Paradox, nice to meet you I'm Alisha," the girl said.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Lewis"

"Lewis, that's a nice name, so do you have any idea why we are here, all I know is that Deep Dive is a new game and we were chosen to be beta testers, do you have any idea why?" Alisha asked.

"I have no idea, but since they asked us to be beta testers, maybe the game is like BattleGods and since we are the top players they want us to play it" Lewis answered.

"That must be it, is she your little sister?" Alisha asked.

"Yes I am, I'm Lisa and you totally ignored me" she pouted.

"Hi, Lisa..." Before she could speak the door opened and two figures stepped in, a man and a woman.

The man was a public figure and the owner of BattleEnix company Arthur Adams and the lady beside him was his assistant.

"Hi everyone, I'm sure you know who I am" Arthur spoke as soon as he walked in capturing the attention of all eleven of them.

"Wait... isn't this number a little too much" Arthur muttered as he looked around.

"I came with my sister" Lewis spoke and Arthur looked at him.

"Oh a wheelchair, this is perfect" Arthur smiled.

"How is it perfect" Lewis shouted.

"I'm very sorry, I didn't mean it that way, I meant it would be perfect for you, once I finish my explanation you would know what I mean" Arthur spoke.

"You must be wondering why we went through all the trouble to get all of you here, the company has beta testers but for this particular game we need the best among the best, BattleEnix has created the first-ever full dive VR reality game" Arthur spoke and all of them were shocked.

"By that, you mean 100% immersion where players can control themselves?"

"Yes, we made 10 vr helmets and pods for testing, so let's go to the testing room," Arthur said with a smile.

"I have a question, would I be able to walk in your game?" Lewis asked.

Arthur smiled as he looked at him, "Let's find out"

Arthur and his assistant led them into the elevator and they moved to a lower floor, the room was dark when Lewis moved last it earlier so he figured it was empty like some of the room but that was their stop.

Arthur's assistant turned on the light and 10 human-sized pods were placed in a circular fashion, the room was empty except for the helmet and the pods.

"All you have to do is put on the helmet, enter into the pods and turn it on, then you would be transported to a new world, a world where the laws of physics are defiled on a daily basis, a world where flames can be created from thin air, a world where magic and sword reign supreme" Arthur spoke.

"We are the first beta testers right?" an oversized boy asked.

"Yes you are, and mind you it's totally safe, the pod is connected to an air system and once it stops or fails, the pods immediately open up so the player can breathe, the game works in your mind so you don't have to worry" Arthur spoke.

"Is this even possible?"

"Yes and we made it possible, BattleGods was released last year and since then we haven't released a new game but with this, the way we think about games would change, once this is released I'm sure it would take the world by surprise and you ten have front row seats, if the game is released you ten would be the first to receive the vr helmet and pods with your gaming account already registered"

"What are we waiting for let's do this, I can't wait to see what it's like" another player spoke.

"Then let's go on with the testing, and mind you I have a way to contact every one of you and I have TV screens that project what you see in real-time, so explore as much as you can in case there is a bug," Arthur said.

"No problem, we are gaming experts so you have nothing to worry about" another one spoke.

"You are gaming experts right, then try to survive for long," Arthur said as he walked out of the room to another room.