Chapter 7 Starting Village

'I wonder what she wanted to say' Lewis muttered as a list of different classes appeared in front of him.

[Knight - Paladin - Brawler]

[Dark Mage - Light Mage - Spellcaster]

[Archer - Assassin]

"Mind you, they are hidden classes within each class so choose wisely, oh and one more thing"

[Knight - A strong and sturdy class capable of fighting huge beasts, knights are capable of using all kinds of weapons and armor, speed and reaction are slower depending on equipment]

[Paladin - A strong and sturdy class same as knights, but paladins are capable of self-healing though their defense are lower than knights]

[Brawler - Capable of fighting barehanded, Brawler are extremely powerful but have little to no defense]

[Dark Mage - Capable of casting powerful spells to curse or damage opponents, unable to use light or healing magic, and has low defense]

[Light Mage - User of healing and defensive magic, light mages are extremely powerful against undead warriors, also have low defense]

[Spellcaster - A combination of both light and dark Mage but a master of none, spellcaster can use both light and dark magic, but its effects aren't as powerful, also have low defense]

[Archer - A self-explanatory class that uses a bow and arrow to attack targets from afar, weak in close combat]

[Assassin - Assassin live in the shadow, hide in the mist, and attack when the opportunity arises, with Swift and agile movements Assassin are deadly, has low health points]

"I'm an avid gamer so I know all the classes, you didn't need to explain them, and the classes here are less than BattleGods"

"It's my job to explain even though you know all the classes, so pick one and take your time, your class would affect your growth and..."

"Dark Mage," Lewis said.

She chuckled, "Are you sure, a mage is weak in close combat and a dark mage has no healing spells, mind you it you are hurt, you are going to feel the pain till you do something about it"

"They are many ways to use dark magic, and I have a question, I would be able to use all attack spells right?"

"Yes, even forbidden magic"

"Forbidden magic, isn't that bad, forbidden magic uses the life of the mage in exchange for powerful spells right?"

"Not necessarily the life of the mage, you can use the life of others too"

"Really, killing a few NPC wouldn't affect the game" Lewis smiled.

"Forbidden magic isn't easy to acquire, you might not learn one in your lifetime, and to confirm your choice again, what class do you choose?"

"Dark mage," Lewis said again.

"Okay then, you are all set for your reincarnation, I wish you good luck," she said with a smile.

'Reincarnation, she's making it seem like this isn't a game'

[Name: Lewis Quinn]

[Level: 1]

[HP: 50/50]

[XP: 0/50]

[SP: 0]

[Class: Dark Mage]

[Dive Coins: 0]

[Rank: None]

[Spells: None]

[Mana: 50/50]

[Spell Power: 10]

[Strength: 5]

[Agility: 10]

[Stamina: 10]

[Vitality: 10]

[Intelligence: 20]



[Log out]

Immediately a screen appeared in front of Lewis and he stared at the screen glossing through the information one after the other, as a mage the most important stats to upgrade are, Mana, spell power, and intelligence.

Lewis took a deep breath as the wall in front of him suddenly cracked, he waited for a while but nothing happened then he turned towards the goddess.

"Why are you looking at me, go through the portal" she spoke.

"Portal, but I only see a crack on the wall, or is that the portal?"

"I hope you survive," she said as she stretched her hands forward and Lewis was pushed through the portal, suddenly he felt himself being dragged back, and the next instant he was back at the room he just exited.

"Sorry, I had to bring you back" the goddess spoke.

"Is something wrong?" Lewis asked.

"No, I forgot to give you something," she said as a book appeared out of thin air and flew towards Lewis.

He put his hands forward and collected the book, in front of the book Necromancy was written.

"Keep the book hidden, under no circumstances show anyone or tell anyone about the book, and for your own good travel alone, beasts are more attracted to group of people, bye we may meet again"

Before Lewis could speak another force pushed him through the portal again.

Lewis closed his eyes as he passed through the portal but nothing happened this time, he slowly opened his eyes and discovered he was standing in front of a village and an information was being displayed.

[Starting village - Woodville]

"Wow..." Lewis stood there with his jaws dropped as he looked around.

Behind him was a large forest, first he moved around a little testing his character, and he had total control of his character before walking into the village.

The road wasn't paved, they were made from dirt and soil, and the buildings were all medieval designs making Lewis smile.

He walked around looking at the NPCs who were acting totally normal, some of them were running, children were playing, and some were flirting to Lewis's surprise.

The different attitudes of the NPCs would surely captivate anyone making them think there are normal humans.

Lewis walked around before finally stopping in front of a shop, and an information was displayed in front of the shop.

[Merchant Store]

"System Stats..." Lewis mumbled but nothing happened.

'Shit, I forgot to ask her how I can bring out my stats, if it's not system or stats then what is it' Lewis stood in front of the store till a hand touch him.

Immediately he turned around and raised his fists in a defensive pose, but in front of him was the girl he met earlier today.

"It's me Alisha" the girl spoke.

"Hi," Lewis said before facing down.

"Your legs are working just fine," Alisha said.

"Yes, this game is like a dream come through, if it is released, I'm sure it would top the gaming world in an instant" Lewis spoke.




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