Chapter 22 Plague

Lewis glanced through the stats and he could see some changes had occurred, apart from his Mana, all the rest of his stats were balanced, it seems what the goddess said was true.

He couldn't increase his stats more than his body could take, that was why his intelligence and spell power was reduced, since he was a mage there was no need of reducing his Mana, but he still has 40 stats points so he was going to use them on his Mana, Lewis couldn't help but smile.

The next thing he noticed was that his inventory had changed to a storage ring, then he looked at his right hand and discovered a ring was actually on his hand.

"This must be the storage ring," Lewis said as he touched the ring and the rift opened in front of him.

'Good, I can open my inventory...add all 40 stats points to my Mana' Lewis said in his head and smiled brightly.

The book pages opened swiftly till it stopped at a particular page, though the page was empty, words began forming on the pages.

[Mana increased +10]

[Mana 70/70]

"Only ten, increase mana with all 30 stats points" Lewis mumbled and another word formed on the page.

[Unable to increase Mana capacity]

[Mana core at risk of breaking apart]

"Huh! Mana core is at risk of breaking apart, that means I'm not strong enough, shit...why didn't I think this through, at least it increased by 10, maybe he'll notice it," Lewis said as he climbed down from the tree.

"I'm back" Lewis announced as he stood in front of the man, the man looked up and chuckled slightly before speaking.

"You call that an increase, you merely increased your Mana, not your Mana core, but I must say I'm slightly impressed," the man said.

"Impressed by who?" the elf girl asked as she walked in.

"Oh, you're back, so what are we having?"

"I caught a deer, and what did he do that made you impressed?"

"He increased the amount of Mana his Mana core could hold in a matter of seconds, he has potential but I don't know if he can manipulate dark magic"

Lewis stood keeping a poker face, the mage in front of him just said he has potential, which means he would be a powerful mage, all that was left is training.

"But I still won't train you," the man said.

"Why, you just said I have potential and I'm ready to learn, why won't you train me?" Lewis asked.

"If I train you, what would you use your powers for?" the man asked.

"Well if I'm strong enough I'm planning to go to the wastelands, I heard a plague is destroying the lands there" Lewis spoke and both of them fell silent, they were surprised.

"How did you know about the plague?" both of them asked simultaneously.

"I...heard it from someone" Lewis immediately answered.

"Only a few people know about the plague, and the information has been kept a secret, so I doubt someone would go around telling people about the plague, so I'll rephrase the question, who are you?" the man asked.

"What do you mean, I'm Lewis Quinn, I'm nobody"

"Then leave, I won't train you, find somewhere else to train" the man spoke in a hoarse voice.

"But we are heading to the wastelands tomorrow, why not bring him with us, he already knows about the plague" the elf girl spoke.

"Even if he does, maybe he's a spy, which kingdom are you from?" the man asked.

"I'm not a spy, do I look like a spy, and besides if I'm truly a spy, I won't be asking you to train me," Lewis said.

"He's right, and we need someone to go with us, someone strong enough to watch out backs, if you train him, he might be strong enough," the girl said.

"I don't trust him, he doesn't remember how he ended up here, and he knows about the plague, wait...what do you know about the plague?"

"Nothing, I just know there's a plague and I want to stop it," Lewis said.

"For what reason, you can't just decide to stop something unstoppable just because you want to, for what reason do you want to stop the plague?"

"Personal reasons," Lewis said with a serious face, he couldn't tell them the real reason cause they won't believe him.

"Okay then, if you do one more thing I'll train you, let's go outside," the man said as he stood up, Lewis walked outside along with the elf.

"I'm going to give you something easy, I'm going to summon a skeleton now, and I want you to defeat it, it's a low-level skeleton but mind you, I can only give it a command and I can't command it to go easy on you, so if you die that's on you"

"Okay, so if I defeat this skeleton, you are going to train me?" Lewis asked.

"Yes, but if I have to save you from the skeleton, then it's over, here I go, come forth..." the man spoke and in front of him, a skeleton formed almost immediately.

'That was quick, Xavier usually takes a lot of time before forming completely'

In front of Lewis, the encyclopedia appeared and a page opened.

[Undead Skeleton]

[Level 1]

[HP: 20/20]

The information of all creatures in this world was already recorded in the encyclopedia so he didn't have to fight before knowing the level of the beast he was facing.

"It's indeed a low-level skeleton, I would have loved a challenge" Lewis spoke.

"A challenge, then I'll give you a challenge, agility boost" the man mumbled and a blue aura enveloped the skeleton.


Lewis's stretched his hands forward and shot two fireballs toward the skeleton, but the skeleton dodged his spell with ease.

"Aren't you overdoing this what if you kill him in the process?" the elf said.

"Don't worry, the skeleton won't go for his vital organ and I'll release the summon before he dies, I'm sure he has no other spells apart from the fire all he just did, so let's see what he does" the man said.

"Come forth Xavier" Lewis muttered and immediately Xavier's bones formed in front of him.