Chapter 27 Mana control 1

"Fifteen...six...teen...sev...arrgh" Lewis groaned as he slumped to the ground, after only sixteen the push-up he was sweating and panting like he just ran hundreds of meters.

He couldn't believe working out was hard, when he watched sessions it seemed easy to him, but now that he tried it, he was surprised by how difficult it was.

'I should focus on learning magic instead of doing this, and we're going to the wastelands tomorrow, I'm sure they would be thousands of dangerous beasts there, but I should be able to summon Xavier'

'But Xavier is still weak, if I hadn't unlocked a new spell, I would have been dead by now, I need to increase his stats...wait, didn't I kill goblins in the forest, I should check my stats' Lewis mumbled as the book appeared in front of him.


[LEVEL 6 -> LEVEL 7]

[HP: 140 +10]

[SP:30 + 5]

[All stats increased +2]

[Mana recovery rate: 1/230s]

[Name: Lewis Quinn]

[Level: 7]

[HP: 150/150]

[XP: 100/700]

[SP: 35]

[Class: Dark Mage]

[Rank: None]

[Spells: Fireball, Summon, Dark Harvest]

[Mana: 72/72]

[Spell Power: 22]

[Strength: 22]

[Agility: 22]

[Stamina: 22]

[Vitality: 22]

[Intelligence: 22]


Summon stats [+]




[Name: Xavier]

[Race: Undead skeleton]

[Level: 5(320/1000)]

[HP: 50]

[Strength: 30]

[Stamina: 30]

[Agility: 20]

[Dexterity: 20]

[Intelligence: 15]

[Vitality: 20]

[Skills: Projectile bone]

"Okay, at least that's something" Lewis muttered as he glanced through his stats.

"Who are you talking to?" Lillian asked from behind.

Lewis flinched and quickly turned around, "You scared me. I wasn't talking to anyone, just mumbling something"

"Dinner is ready, Alfred was busy so I cooked, feel free to skip, I'm not a good cook," Lillian said as she walked away.

"I'm starving," Lewis said as he followed her.

Inside the tent Alfred was finally done with his work, Lewis could see different colors of potions arranged inside a medium-sized box, he saw a red potion then he remembered he had one inside his inventory/storage ring.

"Did you make all this for tomorrow?" Lewis asked as he sat down.

"Last time we went to the wastelands, we couldn't even reach where the plague was before running back" Alfred spoke.

"Were they powerful beasts?" Lewis asked.

"Their strength alone isn't the problem, the problem is their numbers, the wastelands have been abandoned for centuries so different beasts took refuge there and made it their home, the number of beasts there is uncountable" Alfred explained as Lillian served them.

"And nothing is done about them, can't humans just plan and send their armies to eliminate all the beasts?" Lewis asked.

"I don't think you know the state the world is in, no kingdom can afford to send their armies to eliminate the beasts in the wastelands because it would reduce their military strength and make the kingdom prone to attack, the only thing keeping the peace is because no kingdom has the army or resources to go to war," Alfred said.

"War..." Lewis muttered.

"Eat up, we'll begin training after eating," Alfred said.

"Training at night?" Lillian asked.

"I just want to teach him basic Mana control, it'll be his fault if he stays all night," Alfred said.

The food in front of him was a normal soup with potatoes and meat, since Lillian told him she wasn't a good cook, he didn't know how it would taste but he had no choice, Lewis took a spoonful and tasted it.

"Lillian, you are a lady, you need to learn how to cook," Alfred said.

"It's not my fault I'm not a good cook, all I ever did was train," Lillian said.

"What is this!! it's so delicious" Lewis shouted as he took another spoon.


"Huh!! what did you say?" Lillian asked.

"I said it's so delicious, I thought you didn't know how to cook, I can eat this all day" Lewis spoke as he kept eating.

"Is this your first time eating something like this?" Alfred asked.

"Yes," Lewis replied without much thought.

"Potatoes and soup are the most common food for commoners, yet this is your first time eating this?"

"I've had potatoes plenty of times, it's my first time eating something this different, that was what I meant" Lewis quickly corrected himself.

"Are you jealous that he likes my food, you always say my food tastes bad" Lillian said with a large smile on her face.

"I'm not jealous he likes your food, I'm just saying that so you'll improve your cooking, nothing else," Alfred said as he ate.

'Phew, I got out of that one, at last, he's going to train me, that's what I need for now, training...the goddess said a year in this world is a month in my world, so I need to get this done in a year so I won't worry my family'




"Okay, should we get started," Alfred asked as he sat in front of Lewis.

"Yes," Lewis answered.

"I thought you were against the idea of training at night, why are you out here?" Alfred asked Lillian.

"Nothing, I just want to see what you are doing, besides I'm not sleepy" she answered.

"I know you are here to learn how to control Mana, but as I've said before, you can't just stick to what you can do instead of trying something that won't work," Alfred said to her.

"I don't need you to lecture me, It's none of your concern what I learn and don't learn" Lillian sneered.

"I've always wanted to ask, how did both of you end up together?" Lewis asked.