Chapter 30 Bone Tiger

"Now..." Alfred shouted.

Lillian vanished from where she was and appeared at the back of the bone tiger, with both of her daggers she struck one of the tiger's legs with all the force she could muster but still she couldn't break it.

The tiger turned around but before it could strike Alfred already drew another seal on the ground and dark chains sprouted from the ground and held the tiger in place.

"What happened...wait, why am I inside the tent?" Lewis mumbled then he heard a loud growl, immediately he stood up and dashed outside and his eyes widened.

Lillian was on the ground injured and bleeding while Alfred was using all my strength and Mana to hold the tiger in place with the dark chains he conjured.

"What have I done, Alfred how do I stop it?" Lewis shouted so he could hear.

"Cancel the spell, the spell is still active that's why the tiger is still here, and how did the hell did you summon something this big" Alfred shouted.

"Shit...I have no idea how to cancel the spell, I have no idea what the spell is, wait...the necromancy book, storage ring" Lewis muttered and the ring on his finger glowed a bit and the necromancy book appeared in front of him.

Immediately Lewis scrolled through the pages hoping to find something about the spell, all the necromancy spells he learned would be recorded inside the book, so if he could summon a bone tiger, then he could undo the spell but he couldn't find another page with words on it.

The only pages that were filled were about his skeleton summon, dark harvest, and his bone dragon, the rest of the pages were blank and if he had learned the spell then the knowledge of how to cast the spell would be in his memories but it wasn't.

"Alfred, I can't cancel the spell... I'm very sorry" Lewis spoke.

"Don't worry, we have this under control" Alfred said with a smile.



The tiger roared and what followed were cracking sounds as the chains Alfred was using the hold the tiger in place began to crack, when using the spell he isn't able to use another spell unless he release the chains and the moment he lets go the tiger is going to tear him apart.

"Alfred, is this the enchanted bow?" Lillian asked, one of her hands holding a bow and one of her hands on her stomach.

"Yes, aim at the...arrghh...aim at the head," Alfred said as he struggled to keep the tiger in place.

Lewis couldn't do anything to help, all he could do was watch, he was the one that caused the mess in the first place and he couldn't stop it, now that he could see Lillian well, she was in a really bad shape, her stomach was bleeding but she didn't have time for that unless they defeat the tiger.

Lillian was breathing heavily as she struggled to place the arrow and shoot, she had lost enough blood to be unconscious but she was still standing with a bow in her hands, she could hear shouts and when she looked in front of her she could see two bone tigers running towards her.

She was too weak that she couldn't see clearly and the next moment the tiger was in front of her, immediately it swung its claws and before Lewis could take a step forward Lillian was already on the ground.

Lewis looked at Alfred and could feel his Mana core, his Mana in as almost empty so there was nothing more he could do.

" have I done, I just wanted to see if Xavier would be stronger, I didn't call for a damn tiger, I shouldn't have..." Lewis looked in front of him and the tiger was charging towards him.

"It's all your fault, you bastard" Lewis shouted and dashed towards the tiger making it stop in its tracks.

The tiger was surprised as Lewis charged towards it without a weapon or anything, but as soon as Lewis was in range the tiger pounced on him, this time it used its teeth in an attempt to crush Lewis.


A loud sound followed and Lewis was in between the tiger's teeth but something wasn't right, the tiger couldn't close its mouth to crush Lewis, something was stopping its mouth from closing.

Alfred's eyes widened as he saw Lewis, his bright purple eyes had turned pitch black, and two bone swords were in his hands, and the aura he was emitting was beyond dangerous, Lewis used one of the bone swords to prevent the tiger from closing its mouth and held the second sword.

"THIS IS FOR LILLIAN..." Lewis shouted as he brought down the sword straight to the tiger's head.


The bone tiger was shattered to pieces by Lewis and his bone swords also shattered but that wasn't his concern now as he dashed toward Lillian.

"Lillian... Alfred can you do something" Lewis shouted as he ran to her side.

"How bad is the injured, is she alive?" Alfred asked.

"Yes, she's alive, and the injuries are not that bad, what do I do, can I use dark harvest for her, wait, the bone tiger is an undead creature, what do I do?" Lewis shouted.

"Go to the box where our supply is for the trip and gave her 3 red potions, open her mouth and feed it to her immediately, after that get some bandages and stop the bleeding," Alfred said and Lewis dashed inside the tent.

He quickly grabbed three health potions from the box and the bandages, after wrapping her up with the bandages he placed her head on his lap and fed her all three health potions.

"Is it working?" Lewis asked.

"Give it time, it's going to work," Alfred said as he sat up, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I didn't even get a scratch, I'm very so..orry f..or..." Lewis muttered as he fell to the ground.

"Lewis... Lewis...can you hear me?" Alfred shouted.