Chapter 37 Bugs

He charged forward and Lewis followed behind, Alfred swung his sword as he intercepted two of the kobolds. The force of his blows sent the creatures reeling, but they were quick to recover, their agility allowing them to avoid the worst of the strikes.

Two of the kobolds charged towards Lewis and he brandished his sword quickly and blocked their attack, even though they were agile their strike was weak allowing Lewis to push both of them backward and lunge towards them.

Another kobold took advantage of this and charged toward Lewis's blind spot but before it could strike an arrow pierced its head and it fell to the ground.

Lillian smoothly nocked another arrow, her fingers moving with practiced precision. She targeted a kobold that had managed to break past Lewis and Alfred and was charging directly at her.

She released the arrow, and it found its mark, piercing the kobold's shoulder and sending it crashing to the ground only a few paces from her.

She placed her bow down and took out her dagger as the next kobold charged towards her, the kobold swung its dagger repeatedly but Lillian was Swift and dodged the attacks before striking.


"Die you bastard" Lewis snorted as he pierced one of the kobold's stomachs, he had managed to defeat both of them without using magic.

[Kobold defeated]

[70 XP gained]

[Kobold defeated]

[80 XP gained]

Lewis pulled the sword out and looked around, the rest of the kobolds were already dead so they continued forward, after walking for a while they came across an underground hole.

"Isn't that a dungeon?" Lewis asked.

"Yes, it's the Kobolds' dungeon" Alfred replied.

Lewis stared at the entrance of the dungeon, a peculiar arrangement of stones, a moss-covered hole forming a small archway.

Lewis couldn't help it as he walked towards the dungeon, before him lay a small, hidden clearing. Sunlight streamed down, illuminating the ground in patches of gold.

"Do you want to go in?" Lillian asked.

"Let's keep moving, this isn't the only dungeon here, and besides we have to go through one of the dungeons in the mountains to get to the other side" Alfred spoke.

"We have to go through a dungeon?"

"Yes, it's either that or we go around the mountains, but we've passed through the dungeon before so we have a map of the dungeon," Alfred said.

"After many trials and errors, and almost getting killed, I didn't think we would make it out," Lillian said.

"What beasts are in the dungeon?" Lewis asked.

"All kinds of beasts, the mountain was used for mining back when humans still occupied the land, so it's a natural habitat for beasts now," Alfred said as they walked forward.


The three of them stopped as buzzing sounds filled the area, from behind one of the broken pillars beside Alfred a large bee flew out, and from behind all the broken houses more bees emerged like they were waiting to ambush them.

In mere seconds the bees were over a hundred, coming from all directions towards them.

"I don't think a sword would work," Lewis said as he began to accumulate Mana in his hands.

"Bugs would always be bugs," Alfred said as he stretched his hands.

From his hands, he produced a large amount of flame, enough to clear the bugs in one sweep, and the dead blackened bodies of the bugs dropped to the ground.

Lewis who was accumulating Mana in his hands stopped and all his Mana flowed back into his Mana core.

"They are here, his quickly" Lillian spoke and the three of them his behind one of the houses, after some seconds they heard footsteps coming and now they could hear voices.

"The flame killed the bugs, this was done by a mage" a female magic instructor spoke.

"So there's someone here apart from us, another kingdom" one of the knight instructors spoke.

"They might still be in the area, we know you are here show yourself" the other knight shouted.

The students were already mumbling as they stood behind the instructors, while they were moving forward suddenly they saw a swarm of bees from afar but then a large amount of flame consumed the bees and they came to investigate.

"Sofia" the female instructor called.

"Yes ma'am"

"Find them if they are still in the area"

"Okay ma'am," Sofia said as she closed her eyes, she was the mage with sensory abilities.

"What are we waiting for, we should show ourselves, it's not like they are going to attack us" Lewis muttered.

"I think it's Elyria kingdom, we really are unlucky" Lillian muttered.

"Stay still and don't move," Alfred said.

"I found them, three of them, that are behind that building" Sofia shouted.

"Shit, they have a sensory mage with them, let's move" Alfred muttered but it was already too late, the two knight instructors were already blocking their path.