Part 1: Bumped Into You

Zayden's POV:

*bell ringing*

Before going back home, all of the students pack their belongings. A guy is still seated and looking at the paper in front of him.

Matthew: Zayden, what are you looking at? Are you going to stay here? You will be late for the practice.

Zayden: Nothing. You go first because I need to settle something.

Matthew: Don't be late. Our coach will be mad if you cannot be there on time.

Zayden: Chill bro. We still have 10 minutes, right?

Matthew starts to pack all of his things and put them in his back pack.

Matthew: I'll go first. Don't be late, Zayden!

Zayden: I know!

Zayden looking back at the paper. It is a registration form for the basketball tournament. He already fill in the form but the form need his parent's sign. It is the last step before he send the registration form to his couch.

Zayden: If I tell papa about this, he will not allow me to join the tournament. What should I do?

Zayden takes a deep breath.

Zayden: Whatever.

He then packs up everything and heads to court. Someone calls him out of the blue. He pulls his phone out. His papa is calling him.

Zayden: Hello papa.

Mr. Pwen: Where are you? I did not see you. Your class is over, right?

Zayden: Papa is at my campus? What are you doing here?

Mr. Pwen: Papa was meeting my client at this area so I decide to take you home since your class is over.

Zayden: It's okay papa. I have class this evening. You can go back home first. Don't worry about me.

Mr. Pwen: Class? I thought your class is over since today is Friday.

Zayden: Err...actually today is replacement class papa. I'm sorry because I forgot to tell you about this.

Mr. Pwen: are not lying to me, right?

Zayden: No papa!

Mr. Pwen: Okey, then papa leave now. If you are done, you can call me.

Zayden: It's okay papa. Matthew will drive me home. So...I'll go first papa. Take care.

Zayden take a look at his phone. He still have 5 minutes before the practice start. He needs to change his clothes first. Without waiting, he run fast to go to the changing room. He run without care about his surrounding until he bump into someone.

Zayden: I'm sorry.

Zayden saying sorry without looking at the people he bumped into. He must be at court as soon as possible. If not, the coach will cancel the practice and it will effect the other player.

Nathan: It's okay, Zayden.

Zayden lift up his head to looking at the people he bumped into just now as he heard that soft voice. They make eye contact for a second.

'His eyes are so beautiful as always.' Nathan's monologue.

'He know me?' monologue Zayden.

Whatever! He must be in the court as soon as possible.

Meanwhile at the court...

Coach Park: Where is Zayden?

Matthew: He's on the way, coach. We still have a minute before the practice, right?

Coach Park: I will start the practice within 15 seconds. If he's not here then I'll cancel our practice. This is our rule!

Matthew: Yes, coach.

The other players start to ask Matthew where is Zayden. Some of them seems mad because the coach might cancel their practice.

Nami: Where is he?

Matthew: He was...


Zayden: I'm here, coach!

Zayden stand beside Matthew as soon as he arrive at the court. He take a breath because he can't breath well after the run.

Couch Park: We still have 5 seconds.

Matthew: Where are you going just now? Luckily you are on time.

Nami: He must meet his boyfriend, am I right? Oh forgot. He still single.

Zayden looking at Nami and Nami just show his cool face.

Zayden: I was on call with my father.

Matthew: What did he said? Don't tell me you are lying to him again?

Zayden nod. Matthew already knew that his friend always lying when it comes to basketball practice. Zayden's father never allow him to be a basketball player because he want his son to be the next CEO for his company. Zayden's father company is one of the biggest company in Thailand. Zayden? He never attracted to become the CEO of their company. He just focus on his upcoming basketball tournament.

Zayden: Nami, why are you bring Javy here? To cheer up for you?

Nami: Javy? (While looking around the court to find his boyfriend but he can't see Javy)

Suddenly Zayden is laughing so hard.

Zayden: When it comes to Javy, you are so quick bro.

Nami: Huh! You are so good at lying.

Zayden: Well

After the practice...

All of the players are sitting on the floor while listening to their couch. After they have 3 hours of practice, their coach have something important to inform.

Coach Park: Well, I already inform you guys about our upcoming tournament, right? We still have a month start form today. I need you to fill in the registration form that I gave you and I need your parent's sign since the tournament is not under our university. After the tournament, I will choose 2 players from our team to join the international team. This is your time to shine so do not waste your skills.

Nami: Do the international team have tournament, coach? Why do they need player?

Coach Park: Yes. Player that I'll choose will become part or the international team to compete with others country. That's why I told you to focus and If you do your best in our upcoming tournament then I will choose you.

Nami: Understood, coach.

Zayden still quiet at his place while thinking about the registration form. He really need his father's sign as soon as possible.

Coach Park: Zayden, have you fill in the registration form?

Zayden: Yes, coach.

Coach Park: Then you can send it to me.

Zayden: ...but my father haven't sign the form yet. He was so busy lately and It's hard to meet him at home.

Coach Park: How about your mother? You can ask her to sign it too.

Zayden: .....

Coach Park: Ohhh I'm sorry Zayden. I forgot.

Zayden: It's okay, coach.

Coach Park: Make sure you send it to me before Monday because I need to send it.

Zayden: Noted, coach.

Coach Park: So, you guys have any question?

Players: No, coach!

Coach Park: Then, dismiss for today. This weekend we don't have practice because you guys have your final exam, right? So, used that time to study and do your own revision. Remember, you need to good both at academic and sport! Dismiss, guys!

Players: Thank you, coach!

Zayden, Matthew and Nami pack their thing before leave the court. Suddenly Coach Park is calling Zayden.

Nami: Matthew, I think Nolio is looking for you. (While looking at Nolio. Seems like he's looking for someone)

Matthew: Where?

Nami: There

Matthew: You guys go first. I need to see him. (Matthew walks to Nolio)

Zayden: Seems like there is something that I don't know. Are they together?

Nami: It's complicated, bro. You can ask Matthew.

Zayden confuse for a while. He knew Nolio is their junior, batch before them. But, what is the relationship between Matthew and Nolio? Huh, whatever!

Zayden and Nami walking together to their coach.

Zayden: Yes, couch?

Coach Park: I hope you can join our upcoming tournament. I knew you have some problem to deal with your father but you are the best player in our team. Our team need a player like you as well as the international team. Or you need my help?

Zayden: ...

Coach Park: You want me to deal with him?

Zayden: No, it's okay coach. I can handle it myself. I'll find the way.

Coach Park: If you say so, then I want the form at Monday. If you are late, you know what I'm going to say?

Zayden: I know, coach. I'll try my best.

Coach Park: Okey, then I need to go.

Zayden and Nami: Bye, coach!

Nathan's POV:

Nathan and Nolio just finish did their revision. The exam is coming in 2 weeks so that's why they need to do revision at the library. Nathan take a deep breath before putting back the book to it's place. After that, he pack all his things.

Nolio: You are going back after this, right?

Nathan: Yes.

Nolio nod his head and just smile to Nathan. Nathan and Nolio are best friend since childhood that's why they are so close like a siblings. There are no secret between them. They always share their problems with each other and solve it together. They do like a lovely siblings.

Nolio: Oh by the way, why are you late just now? Usually you arrived 5 minuets before me.

Nathan: Ahh~ I was bumping into someone this afternoon. Maybe he was in hurry.

(Nathan and Nolio walking out from the library)

Nolio: Who?

Nathan: Zayden.

Nolio stop walking and looking at Nathan with a look of disbelief.

Nolio: Zayden? Zayden Evander ?!

Nathan nodded.

Nolio: Then?

Nathan: He just go after saying sorry. And...

Nolio: and...?

Nathan: His eyes still beautiful like before.

Nolio starts to laugh and giggles.

Nolio: Do you still like him?

Nathan: Your question is weird. If you are my real best friend, then you know the answer already, Nolio.

Nolio: Why don't you confess? He's handsome, Ian. All of the girls from our school are crazy over him. Not only girls, boys too. If you are late, then you have no chance.

Nathan: I don't know. I'm afraid being rejected. He doesn't even know who I am.

Nolio: Who don't know you, Nathan Ian? You are the singer of our campus! Even the staffs know you!

Nathan: I don't know, Nolio.

Nolio: You want me to help you? Matthew and Zayden are best friend.

Nathan turns his head to looking at Nolio.

Nathan: NO NEED.