Part 4: Those Eyes

Mr. Pwen just arrived home. He had just finished his work at his office at ten o'clock. He did not take a break while working. He does not even have time for lunch or dinner. He noticed his mother watching television alone when in the living room. Zayden is not at home too.

Mr. Pwen put his suitcase on the sofa. Then, he take a sit beside his mother.

Mr. Pwen: You are still awake? It's late already, Ma.

Grandma: Did you have your dinner?

Mr. Pwen: Not yet, Ma. I'm busy all day.

Suddenly, Nathan come from the kitchen. He just finished washing the dish. He volunteer himself even when Zayden's grandma told him to do so.

Nathan: Grandma, I already finish. Anything else I can help?

Nathan was shocked when he saw Zayden's father already back home. He bow a little to him and he smile sweetly.

Nathan: Sawadeekrub, uncle.

Mr. Pwen: are....?

Nathan: Nathan. Nathan Ian.

Mr. Pwen: Ooh I see. Have a sit then.

Nathan take a sit in front of Zayden's grandma.

Grandma: He is the one who saved me from the two guys' robbery yesterday. He's here because I invited him to a dinner, so that's why. Plus, I don't have somebody to spend dinner with. Zayden always went out with his friends while you are busy with your work. You two don't spend much time at home.

Mr. Pwen: Ma, I'm sorry okey? I have so many project to handle lately so I can't spend much time at home. I promise when I have time, I will bring you out for a dinner.

Grandma: If you know you won't be able to keep a promise, don't make one.

Nathan remains silent and still. Perhaps they both forgot Nathan are still there with them.

Zayden's POV:

He looked at his mother's face on the cemetery wall. The downpour that saturated his body was ignored. The lightning still connected at that point. Yet he didn't move. He just stood there, unconcerned. He only focused on the face he deeply missed. He visited his mum often when he was feeling down.

Zayden: Ma...

Zayden: What are you doing? How are you? Are you happy? I miss you, Ma.

Zayden touch his mother's picture. Then, he smile sweetly. Only God know how much he miss his mother.

Zayden: Ma...

Zayden: Papa and I argue. Papa doesn't spend much time at home. He leaves early for work and returns home late at night. We don't often talk to each another. He never stops working.

Zayden: My basketball tournament is coming up soon. I need papa's approval, but he refused. He was angry and blamed me for your death. At that time, I was very shocked. Is it truly my fault, Ma?

Zayden take a deep breath.

Zayden: Is it really my fault, Ma? Is it me?! (He cried)

Nathan's POV:

They were both still busy talking to each other. Seems like it is something important maybe.

Nathan clear his throat until Zayden's grandma turn her head to Nathan.

Nathan: I think I need to go now, grandma. It's getting late already.

Grandma: You want to go back already?

Nathan nodded.

Grandma: But it is raining at the outside. How about you just stay here tonight?

Nathan:'s okay, grandma. I have morning class tomorrow.

Grandma: I still want to talk with you, Nathan.

Mr. Pwen: You drive by yourself? Do you want me to send you?

Nathan: It's okay, uncle. I drove by myself. So, I will leave now, grandma. Thank you for the delicious foods !

Grandma: You really want to go back home now?

Nathan laughing when Zayden's grandma asked him like that. She's too cute.

Nathan: I'm sorry, grandma. Maybe next time?

Grandma: Take care, Nathan. (Nathan nodded)

Nathan then stepped out of the house after giving Zayden's grandma a warm hug. He also didn't forget to give Zayden's father a sweet smile. After putting on his shoes, he walked towards the car garage while taking the car keys out of his bag. He look at the surrounding for a while. It is raining cats and dog.

Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of someone going through the heavy rain. The person seemed to head towards Zayden's house. The man walked slowly, as if he didn't mind the rain at the time. He tried his best to recognize the man but he can't. He couldn't see the man's face because of the darkness at night.

The man got closer. Even if it was only a glimpse, he could see the man's face. Nathan was very shock when he saw the person's face.

Nathan: Zayden? Is it him?

Nathan rushed towards Zayden without hesitating. He do not care about the rain. How surprised he was when he saw the Zayden's unconscious state.

Nathan: Zayden? What are you doing here? Why are you all wet?

When Zayden he heard someone's soft voice, he turned to face the man in front of him.

Zayden: Ian...

Nathan was shocked when he noticed the Zayden's face was pale. Her lips are also pale. His eyes look withered, but his eyes' beauty is still there. He tried to catch Zayden when Zayden lose his balance. Nathan put his hand on Zayden's waist so that Zayden won't be fall.

Nathan: What happened? Why are you like this?

Zayden: ....

Nathan: Let's go inside your house first.

Nathan then bring Zayden walked into the house. Zayden's father and grandma who had been discussing earlier in the living room were shocked when they saw Zayden's condition. They approached him right away.

Mr. Pwen: What happened Zayden? Why are you all wet?

When his father tried to touch his shoulder, he quickly pushed his hand away. Nathan also realized that but he try to think positive. Zayden's father look disappointed.

Grandma: What happened to him, Nathan?

Nathan: I don't know but I saw him at the outside just now that's why I bring him inside.

Grandma turn his head to look at his beloved grandson. She try to look at the eyes.

Grandma: Tell me what happened? Where did you go, son?

Zayden: I went to meet Ma.

As she heard her grandson's answer, she sighed. She was knew that every time her grandson was upset or angry, he would go to visit his mother. She knew Zayden was sad, and she knew why.

Grandma: Are you okay? Do you have something to tell me?

Zayden: ....

Grandma take a deep breath. Seems like Zayden didn't want to talk with anyone. Maybe he need to rest.

Grandma: Nathan, can you help me to bring Zayden to his room?

Nathan: Yes, grandma.

Grandma: His room was the one that facing the stairs.

Nathan: Alright, grandma.

Without waiting, Nathan carried Zayden upstairs to his bedroom. He entered the room by carefully pushing the door open. He carried Zayden into the room and he let Zayden sit on a sofa. He then sat next to Zayden.

Nathan: Er...I need to go now because it's getting late already. Please take care of yourself, Zayden. (Nathan give Zayden smile before he go)

Zayden: .....

Suddenly he felt someone's hand pull his wrist causing his steps to stop.

Zayden: Ian...

Nathan was realized that the man was calling him by that name. He'd never been called by that name before. Nathan turned around and faced Zayden.

Nathan: Hmm? Do you need anything, Zayden?

Their gazes locked. Zayden's eyes made him tremble for a while. But for some reason, his eyes seemed like he want to say something.

Zayden: Why did you saved me?

Nathan: Hmmm?

Zayden: 2 years ago...why did you saved me?

Nathan: ....

Nathan handed the bath towel that was hanging behind the room's door.

Nathan: I think you should change your clothes. You are all wet. I'm worried that you will have a fever. (Zayden take the towel)

Zayden: Ian...

Nathan: You really want to know the reason?

Zayden nodded his head while looking at Nathan's eyes.

Nathan take a deep breath. He think this decision is the best since he got the motivation from his mother.

Nathan: Did you know that I always looking at you?

Zayden: No

Nathan: Because I love your eyes. They are my favorite part of you.

Zayden: ....

Nathan: Just looking at you, it is enough to make me smile. There's a lot of things in your eyes. Whenever I look into your eyes, I feel like there'll be something behind your eyes that make me happy every time I looked into them. I feel warm.

Zayden: ....

Nathan: That is the main reason why I saved you 2 years ago. I want to save that eyes because I feel's such a good thing to have you with that eyes. I saved you so that your eyes will always be like that. I don't know how to explain it but there're a lot of things which are really great...inside your eyes.

Zayden: ....

Nathan: But...I knew...behind your beautiful eyes, there are many story inside them. If you are willing to share the story with me, I will volunteer myself to be your listener. You can have my shoulder to lean on every time you need me. So that your eyes will always beautiful and warm like 2 years ago.

Zayden: ....

Nathan: Don't hold back your feelings for too long. Do you understand?

Zayden: Ian...

Nathan: Hmm? Are you okay? Do you need a hug?

Zayden: Can I?

Nathan nodded and smile sweetly to Zayden. Without hesitation, Zayden hugs Nathan's body so tightly. He bumped his face into Nathan. He feel the warm that he never have before. When Nathan was talking just now, Zayden really can feel the sincerity inside Nathan's eyes. He tried not to cry because he need to stay cool in front of Nathan.

At first, he was shocked when Nathan told him the reason why did he saved him 2 years ago.

Nathan: Don't be sad, Zayden. You must promise to me that you will be happy in the future so that I can always looking at your eyes more and more.

Nathan let go of his embrace on Zayden. His eyes looked straight into Zayden's eyes.

Nathan: One more thing...I want you to know that your smile also beautiful like your eyes. So, can you give me your smile? (Nathan smile to Zayden)

When Zayden saw Nathan's adorable smile, he also smiled automatically. His tears fell down unknowingly at that time because he was struck by Nathan's genuineness. Is his mother send him Nathan to heal his heart?