Part 26: I Love You Too, Nathan Ian

Grandma stepped into Zayden's bedroom. She pushed the door gently from the outside. She smiled sweetly when he saw Zayden and Nathan sleeping soundly while hugging each other. She entered the room slowly.

Zayden and Nathan returned to the house yesterday because today they will all decorate the big house together since Christmas is almost here. Zayden brought Nathan to celebrate Christmas with her.

Grandma walked towards the curtains and she pulled the curtains to let the sunlight in. Then she stepped closer to the bed. She looked at Zayden and Nathan. She kissed Zayden's and Nathan's foreheads. She was happy when she saw the couple happy together because all this time she know the effort and struggle of both of them to survive until today.

Zayden woke up when he realized someone had kissed him earlier. He rubbed his eyelids and looked at his grandmother.

Zayden: Grandma?

Grandma: Wake up, son. Today we need to decorate our house for Christmas Day. I need your help to buy some decoration.

Zayden: Hmmm...

Grandma: You take a bath first. Let Nathan sleep longer. He must be tired. (While caressing Nathan's head)

Zayden: Alright, grandma.

Then her grandmother stepped out of the room. Zayden got up from the bed and he looked at Nathan. He kissed Nathan's forehead before walking towards the bathroom. It took him almost an hour to shower. After finished showering, he got ready by putting clothes on his body. Then, he stepped towards the bed. He climbed onto the bed and laid next to Nathan. He hugged Nathan's small body tightly.

Zayden: Ian...wake up, Ian (He whispered to Nathan's ear)

Nathan: Hmmmm...

Nathan turn his body towards Zayden and he hug his boyfriend too. They are cuddling.

Zayden: Wake up, Ian. We need to go out to buy some decoration for Christmas Day.

Nathan: Today is Christmas Day?

Zayden laugh for a while.

Zayden: Not today, Ian. It's tomorrow.

Nathan: Hmm...10 minutes?

Zayden: Ian...grandma will be waiting for us .

Nathan: Okay.

Nathan finally opened his eyes and he look at Zayden's face. Nathan smile to Zayden.

Zayden: Hmmm? Why did you smile so early in the morning? Did you have a happy dream last night?

Nathan: I love you, Hia. (He kissed Zayden's lips)

Zayden: I love you too, Ian. (He replied Nathan's kiss)

Zayden: Get up, Ian. Take a bath...I'll waiting you at downstairs.

Nathan: Alright, Hia.

At the kitchen...

After showering, Nathan immediately walked towards the kitchen. He saw Zayden and his father chatting at the dining table while grandma was serving breakfast on the table. Nathan approached the dining table and sat next to Zayden.

Nathan: Good morning, Pa.

Mr. Pwen: Morning, Nathan. How was your sleep?

Nathan: I slept well, Pa.

Mr. Pwen: By the way, where did both of you go after this?

Zayden: Grandma asked us to go buy some decoration, Pa.

Mr. Pwen: Do you need my help?

Zayden: It's okay, Pa. We can go by ourself. Pa can stay here with grandma.

Mr. Pwen: If you say like that, so okay.

Nathan looked at the grandmother who was standing in front of the oven. She seems to be waiting for something.

Nathan: Grandma, do you need my help?

Grandma: No need, Ian. There are only a few minutes left.

Mr. Pwen: Nathan.

Nathan: Alright, Pa.

Mr. Pwen: How was your music club so far? Is everything okay?

Nathan: Okay, Pa. We also bought a lot of new music instruments. I put the rest of the money into the club fund.

Mr. Pwen: If you need anything, just tell me , Nathan. I'll help you.

Nathan: Krub, Pa.

Mr. Pwen: Don't be shy, Nathan. I'm your Pa too.

Nathan: Thank you, Pa.

Zayden: Oho...looks like Pa really loves Ian more than your own son.

Grandma: Someone is jealous ! (While she sit beside Zayden's father)

Zayden: Why should I jealous.

Grandma: You are jealous, Zayden !

Zayden: NO !

Nathan held back his laughter when he saw Zayden's expression. Zayden's father just shook his head when he saw his son's behavior.

Mr. Pwen: Please eat your breakfast, Nathan. I cooked congee for you just now. It's your favorite, right?

Nathan: Really, Pa?

Mr. Pwen: Yes, I cooked them for you.

Nathan: Thank you, Pa.

Zayden: Where is mine, Pa?

Mr. Pwen: ZAYDEN !

Zayden: Hehe...I'll stop.

Zayden and Ian's POV:

After finishing buying all the decorations, the two of them went towards the park near the lake. They sat on a long bench while enjoying the ice cream they bought earlier.

Nathan enjoyed his ice cream so much that his mouth was smeared with ice cream. Zayden who saw Nathan's smudged mouth smiled a little.

Zayden: Ian eat your ice cream like a child... (while wipes Nathan's mouth using his own hand)

Nathan: It's so hot today, Hia. That's why I really enjoyed my ice cream.

Zayden: I know, Ian. You already eat two ice cream at one.

Nathan look at his boyfriend and give him a sharp look. Then, he continued enjoying his ice cream.

Nathan: Hia...

Zayden: Hmm?

Nathan: Tomorrow is Christmas Day. The time flies so fast, right?

Zayden: I know right? It has been 6 months since we in relationship.

Nathan: It's hard to say but I still thought this is just a dream, Hia.

Zayden: What do you mean?

Nathan: I didn't even thought that you will love me back, Hia.

Zayden turn his head to look at Nathan.

Zayden: It's real, Ian. (He kissed Nathan's lips)

Nathan: I know, Hia....I just want to say it.

Zayden: Don't say that word again. This is real na, Ian. My feelings towards you is real...not a dream.

Nathan: Alright, Hia.

Nathan continued to lick his ice cream.

Nathan: By the way Hia...can we go to my house before going back to your house? I need to take some of my clothes.

Zayden: Of course, you can. How can I say no to you? Hmm? I've told you that I surrender only to you.

Nathan: Hia...

Zayden smiled to Nathan.

Zayden: You are my everything, Ian. Just tell me and I'll do it for you.

Zayden was so surprised when Nathan kissed his left cheeks.

Nathan: You are my everything too, Hia.

Zayden: Ian ! Now your ice cream is all over my cheek !

Nathan just laugh while looking at his boyfriend. He's happy to tease his boyfriend like that.

At Nathan's house...

Zayden stopped his car in front of Nathan's house. The two of them immediately stepped into the courtyard of the large house belonging to the Nathan family. Nathan stood upright in the middle of the courtyard as his eyes looked at the surroundings. Since the death of both his parents, he has rarely returned to the house. He only comes back if he misses both his parents and Zayden who will accompany him.

Calm but empty.

That's the atmosphere in the big house. The house used to be very lively with the sound of laughter even though there were only three of them. However, now it's all gone. The house looks sad.

Nathan looked at the flower garden next to him. He misses seeing his mother watering the flower tree every morning. However, now the flower garden has no guardian. Then, Nathan looked at the chair outside the house. That was where his father always sat while reading the newspaper. Sometimes, he would accompany his father while chatting about each other's problems.

Zayden: Ian... (He put his hand on Nathan's waist)

Zayden: Let's go, Ian.

They both then entered the big house. Nathan looking around the house.

'I'm here, Ma...Pa...'

Then, Nathan reached for Zayden's hand and hold it. He walked towards his bedroom. The door to the room opened and they stepped inside.

Nathan: Hia, you can sit on the bed first. I want to pack my things.|

Zayden: Do you need my help, Ian?

Nathan: No, Hia. You must be tired because you drive the car since morning. You have to take rest.

Zayden: Are you sure, Ian?

Nathan: yes, Hia. Just take a rest.

Nathan took a bag and put some clothes in it. He didn't forget to keep all of his skincare. It took him about half an hour to pack all his things.

Nathan: Hia...I'm done.

No reply from Zayden.

Nathan: Hia...

He turn his head back to look at Zayden. He was surprised when he saw his boyfriend was fast asleep. He smile while walking towards Zayden. He seems tired.

Nathan: Hia... (He touch Zayden's shoulder)

Zayden: Hmmm? (While rubbing his eyes)

Nathan: Let's go, Hia. I've done packing my things.

Zayden: Okay, Ian.

Zayden got out of bed. Then, the two of them stepped out of the mansion. They both walked towards the car.

Nathan: Hia, let me drive the car. You seems tired.

Zayden: It's okay, Ian. I still can drive.

Nathan: It's okay, Hia. I'll drive so that you can continue sleep in the car.

Zayden: Ian...

Nathan: Hia, please...

Zayden: Okay, Ian. (He give the key)

They both then got into the car. Nathan started his drive. He was surprised to see that Zayden didn't continue to sleep.

Nathan: Why you didn't continued to sleep, Hia?

Zayden: I'll accompany you, Ian.

Nathan: Hiaa..

Zayden: I'm not sleepy anymore, Ian.

Nathan is back in focus with his driving. There are so many small paths that they have to go through before arriving at the highway. Suddenly he saw the figure of someone walking by the side of the alley. He tried to focus on the figure.

Nathan: Ma...?

Zayden: What do you mean, Ian? What are you looking for?

Nathan: I saw Ma, Hia.

Zayden: Don't be nonsense, Ian.

Nathan: I'm sure I saw her, Hia.

Unaware of what was happening, now Nathan only focused on the figure he thought was his mother. He drove his car to chase the figure. He drove very fast because he was worried he would lose the figure.

Zayden: Ian, what are you doing?

Nathan: It's Ma, Hia !

Nathan doesn't care about Zayden's words. He just drove his car at high speed to catch up with the figure. Without him realizing, suddenly his car was hit by a car from the right lane. The car carried by Nathan skidded and hit a tree. Nathan's head hit the steering wheel of the car while Zayden's head also hit the front part of the car.

Zayden tried to wake himself up. He looked at Nathan that sit beside him. Nathan's head was filled with thick blood.

Zayden: Ian...

Nathan was half conscious at that time. He looks at Zayden's face and he cries.

Nathan: I'm sorry, Hia.

Nathan tried to hold on but he could feel that his eyes would close in just a moment.

Nathan: I love much, Hia.

As soon as he finished his word, both of Nathan's eye were closed. Zayden who saw Nathan's condition at that time cried. He didn't know what to do because he was also in a situation where he couldn't afford it anymore. He's hurt too because of the accident.

'What happened to Nathan? Did he just faint or....? Lord, please don't take Nathan from me.'

Zayden: I love you too, Nathan Ian.

To be continued...