Erika the all knowing

Staring at the light yellow tea, he inhaled deeply and nodded. 'I could have sworn there's an oolong tea back on earth.'

  Picking up the cup, he gulped it at once.

His barbaric action made the maid almost faint while the matriarch only smiled, and her smile turned into a chuckle when Cristian's cheeks inflated.

He vanished from his seat,  returning a few seconds later, probably after pouring out the contents.

"Your tongue does not agree with any tea I see," she said when he appeared back in his seat.


"Then would you accept a wine? I can assure you it would be one of the best you've ever tasted." The matriarch's confidence made Cristian a bit interested in this special wine.

"I'll take the wine then," he replied, his lips curling to a smile.

As the maid left the room, the matriarch took a sip and placed her cup back on the table made from oak.